Neutral Blooms Lessons
In this class you will learn how to use neutral fabrics in your quilts.
- Lesson 1 - Basics
- Lesson 2 - Half-Square Triangles
- Lesson 3 - Setting the Triangles
- Lesson 4 - Making the Stems
- Lesson 5 - Finished Machine Appliqué Plus Crocheted Chairs | Knitted Chairs
- Lesson 6 - Appliqué the Apliquick Way
- Lesson 7 - Assembling the Flowers
- Lesson 8 - The Border Stems
- Lesson 9 - Quilting a Neutral Quilt
- Lesson 10 - Quilt Basting
This class is created using Facebook/YouTube LIVE sessions. These are recordings of those sessions
Facebook LIVE / YouTube LIVE / Alex Anderson LIVE / Alex LIVE / Neutral Fabrics / Neutral Quilts / Low Volume Fabrics / Neutral Blooms
Alex Anderson

Patty Harp
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janine howell
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Gloria Heitman
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