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15 results - showing 1 - 10
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Free Motion Quilting

Double Needle

Double Needle

Nina McVeigh and Connie Fanders show how to stitch appliqué and quilt with a double needle.

Ricky Tims LIVE - What are the Differences Between Domestic Machine Quilting and Longarm Quilting?

Machine Quilting

Ricky shares tips, tricks, and techniques for domestic and longarm quilting.

Perfect Stitches on a Q20 Longarm

Perfect Stitches on a Q20 Longarm

Alex Anderson found the Stationary Quilting Machine - Q20 very easy to get wonderful stitches. Sarah Thomas shows Alex how the dual BSRs work to make your stitches look fantastic without hours and hours of practice.

Easy Quilting Designs and Fillers

Quilting Designs and Fillers

In this short video, Cindy Needham gives you the skills to perform beautiful quilting. She shows you her Three Basic Quilting Designs that will instantly make you look like a pro and much more.

15 results - showing 1 - 10
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