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14 results - showing 1 - 10
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Studio Tours

Studio Tours

Tour quilt studios of all shapes and sizes.

Alex Anderson Quilt Studio Drawers

Alex Anderson Studio

Due to technical difficulties, Alex's Stash Building Lesson 01 was delayed, so Alex took people on a tour of her studio and discussed ideas for her upcoming remodel.

Christa Watson Studio Tour

Christa Watson's Studio

Christa Watson, quilter, teacher, fabric designer, and more, gives you a tour of her home studio. She has some great ideas for organization and wait until you see the "store" she has at home. You'll wish your guest bedroom looked the same.

Alex LIVE - Diana McClun Studio Tour

Diana McClun's Studio

Alex gives you a tour of Diana McClun's studio.

Alex LIVE - Freddy Moran Studio Tour

Freddy Moran's Studio

Alex gives you a tour of Freddy Moran's studio.

Alex LIVE - Jean Wells Studio Tour

Jean Wells' Studio

Alex gives you a tour of Jean Wells' studio.

In the Studio of Judith Baker Montano

Judith Baker Montano's Studio

Ever wonder how Judith Baker Montano creates some of her stunning pieces? Take a look at just a few of the beautiful items she has in her studio.

Tour Kathy McNeil's Quilt Studio

Kathy McNeil's Studio

Award-winning quilter Kathy McNeil has been kind enough to give a tour of her wonderful quilt studio in Puget Sound. Along with her furniture and fixtures, we'd sure love to have her view.

Down the Rabbit Hole with Katie Fowler

Katie Fowler's Studio

Katie Fowler has been kind enough to send us photos of her work studio. Take a peek down the "rabbit hole."

Laura Wasilowski Shows Her Studio and Small Quilt Projects

Laura Wasilowski's Studio

During the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020, quilters are in their studios. Laura Wasilowski shares with Alex Anderson what she is doing and takes us all on a tour of her studio and dyeing workspace. 

Alex LIVE - Libby Lehman and Ricky Tims Studio Tours

Libby Lehman's and Ricky Tims' Studios

Alex gives you a tour of both Libby Lehman's and Ricky Tims' studios.

14 results - showing 1 - 10
1 2