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14 results - showing 11 - 14
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Studio Tours

Studio Tours

Tour quilt studios of all shapes and sizes.

A Visit to the Studio of Lois Podolny

Lois Podolny's Studio

Lilo recently visited Santa Fe and got the opportunity to see what's going on in Lois Podolny's studio. Take a look at what she saw, including some work in progress and some great organization ideas.

A Visit to Nancy Arseneault's Studio

Nancy Arseneault's Studio

Lilo visited Nancy Arseneault's studio in Santa Fe, NM. Built into the side of a hill, Nancy gives you a tour and shares some great ideas for your dream studio.

Sue Benner: Her Art, Her Studio, and Not Staying in Your Lane

Sue Benner's Studio

Alex talks with Sue Benner about Door County, Wisconsin, silk organza, freezer paper people, dye painting, mono printing, fabric storage, a quilt of Packers Football Stadium, landscapes, abstracts and more. All of this is topped off by a studio tour and a review of her art and work. 

Alex LIVE - Wee Spaces

Wee Spaces

Not everyone has the space, resources, or desire for a large quilting studio. So how do you make do in a "wee space"? Alex has some examples and some tips.

14 results - showing 11 - 14
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