Free Motion Quilting - Patsy Thompson

Free Motion Quilting - Patsy Thompson
Here are tools and tips from Patsy Thompson to get you started in the world of free motion quilting. This classroom includes beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes.
Free Motion Quilting - Beginner - Lesson 01
Patsy Thompson has created a series of classes to get you started with Free Motion Quilting. She covers the tools and then the techniques for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced quilters. In this first lesson she reviews tools and tips to get you started.
Free Motion Quilting - Beginner - Lesson 02 - Beginner Loops
Patsy starts free motion quilting with loop-d-loop, stippling and hearts.
Free Motion Quilting - Beginner - Lesson 03 - Managing Quilt Movement
Patsy shares more tips and tricks focused on how to manage the quilt while quilting.
Free Motion Quilting - Beginner - Spray Basting Revisited
Patsy shows you her approach to spray basting your quilt.
Free Motion Quilting - Intermediate - Lesson 01 - Appliqué Edge Finishes
Patsy demonstrates an "EKG" edge finish for appliqué that serves multiple purposes.
Free Motion Quilting - Intermediate - Lesson 02 - Free Motion Embroidery
Patsy adds free motion embroidery and starts with adding stabilizer to the back of the quilt top.
Free Motion Quilting - Intermediate / Advanced - Lesson 03 - Trapunto
Patsy demonstrates an advanced Trapunto technique by adding an additional layer of batting for texture. She then discusses invisible thread and needle choice.
Free Motion Quilting - Intermediate / Advanced - Lesson 04 - Fillers and Trapunto Definition
Patsy demonstrates stitches to fill in the background and how to add interest with embellishments. A braid / trim is added to the design and quilting around it adds more definition.
Free Motion Quilting - Intermediate / Advanced - Lesson 05 - Swirls
Patsy demonstrates how to effectively use swirls to fill in between appliqué pieces and borders.
Free Motion Quilting - Intermediate / Advanced - Lesson 06 - Feathers and Plumes
Patsy demonstrates how to create feathers and plumes to fill the space around the appliqué.