Machine and Hand Appliqué

Machine and Hand Appliqué
Alex Anderson invites you to learn both machine and hand appliqué patchwork techniques.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 01
Class bell has rung once again - Time to sharpen up both your machine and hand needles for appliqué - ALL ways! Alex introduces the lessons in this class.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 02
Alex discusses the background fabric and how to find the center of the block. She also shares a few safety tips for your mini iron.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 03 - Straight Stems
Alex demonstrates how to prepare the fabric for cutting stems on the straight of the fabric.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 04 - Position the Stems
Using the pattern as a guide, Alex shows how to position the stem in place, pin and stitch 1/4" from the raw edge.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 05 - Bias Bar Stems
Alex demonstrates using the bias bar technique for creating stems.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 06 - Using a Bias Tape Maker
Alex shares two more options for making stems.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 07 - Fusible Stems
Alex demonstrates using fusible stems.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 08 - Leaves
Alex demonstrates how to add a leaf using needle turn appliqué, with an option to baste the edges.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 09 - Freezer Paper Templates
Alex shows how to use freezer paper to make templates.
Machine and Hand Appliqué - Lesson 10 - Spray Starch
Alex demonstrates her favorite spray starch technique for finished edge appliqué.