Contemporary Quilt Sampler with Laura Nownes - Pin Basting
We grabbed a piece from Rob Appell's portrait class to give some of the basics of pin basting.
Contemporary Quilt Sampler with Laura Nownes - Spray Basting Tips
Spray basting is another quilt basting technique commonly used to hold the quilt top, batting and backing together while you are quilting. Here are some tips to help spray baste your quilt top.
Free Motion Quilting - Beginner - Spray Basting Revisited
Patsy shows you her approach to spray basting your quilt.
Hand Quilting - Lesson 14 - Quilt Basting with T-Pins
Alex explains quilt basting using T-Pins.
Quilters Select Free Fuse Powder
Use Quilters Select Free Fuse powder to quickly and easily baste quilts for quilting. It is so much faster than pinning and so much neater than spray-basting!