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25 results - showing 21 - 25
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Tip 20 - Look Ahead and Your Hands Will Follow with Cindy Seitz-Krug

Tip 20 - Look Ahead and Your Hands Will Follow with Cindy Seitz-Krug

While machine quilting, Cindy recommends that you look ahead and your hands will follow.

What is The Art of Sashiko?

What is The Art of Sashiko?

Recently, while looking for a portable sewing project idea, we discovered the Japanese needlework called Sashiko (sashi = stitch, ko = small).  A true art form, Sashiko evolved from the recycling and mending techniques developed by the rural population of northern Japan, but very quickly spread in popularity throughout the rest of the country. 

25 results - showing 21 - 25
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