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14 results - showing 11 - 14
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Ruler Work with an Adjustable Ruler Foot

Ruler Work with an Adjustable Ruler Foot

Nina McVeigh and Hayley Grzych share how straight line quilting and other ruler work quilting can be easily done using BERNINA's #72 Adjustable Ruler Foot.

Straight Line Quilting with a Walking Foot

Straight Line Quilting with a Walking Foot

Nina McVeigh and Hayley Grzych give you tips for using your walking foot and recommendations for books that feature straight line quilting.

Thread Painting

Thread Painting

Nina McVeigh and Jennifer Gigas show how to do thread painting using a Needlework Kit and the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR).

Using Rulers for Quilting

Using Rulers for Quilting

Sarah Thomas and Alex Anderson talk about using quilting rulers. They demonstrate on a BERNINA Q20 Longarm, but the discussion includes domestic machines using the same rulers. They discuss the feet and movements.

14 results - showing 11 - 14
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