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Color my world — your finish here

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    Finished today. I really enjoyed this BOM. For the skyscrapers I did the Seattle Space Needle and the Point Atkinson Lighthouse. Houses and building are Kaffe Collective fabrics and background is sunflower grunge. Off to the quilter later this week.
    Maureen Wood


    • Landa R. commented
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      Maworchid AWESOME quilt... Would you be willing to share your Space Needle and Light House?
      My email is [email protected]. Thanks

    • Cindy P. commented
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      Love your choice in background fabric! Marvelous job!

    Yea, I did it! Ha. Am still in shock it came out flat and square. I really doubted myself on this one.ha. Now to quilt it…..


      Quilt top now finished! Colours are much brighter than in the ‘photo, it is a dark winter’s day here! Thank you for this lovely opportunity & wonderful instructions.
      Cathy UK.
      Forgot to mention that I included The Leaning Tower of Pisa as one of my skyscrapers.
      Last edited by Laure N.; 12-07-2021, 09:52 AM.


      • Rosie M. commented
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        A beautiful quilt - and I love your leaning tower ! Rosie

      • commented
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        Brilliant and unique take on the compass star and subtle way the colors are presented to tie the quilt together! Wish the photo would enlarge more to show me a closer view. So many elements to admire on your quilt. The Leaning Tower you created is instantly recognizable and the Eiffel tower is a standout in your fabric choices!



      • Brenda Niebuhr. commented
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        I love your dark background. Everything really pops!

      Other than adding a face to Big Ben, I have finished my Color My World quilt top. It feels great to have accomplished that before I get distracted by Garden Party Down Under! Thank you TQS, Barbara Black and Wendy Williams for brightening my year and building my confidence as a quilter.


      • Barbara B. commented
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        Kate, your top is beautiful I particularly like the colors of your Mariners Compass. Great job.

      • commented
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        Lovely! Gorgeous quilting too! Agree that your Mariners Compass colors and execution are very impressive.
        Last edited by ; 09-04-2022, 05:09 PM. Reason: Just had to come back and say more about this impressive quilt.

      I’ve finished the quilting and extremely happy with the finished quilt, used 24 colors and matched bobbin with top thread. My backing is more a teal cotton shot than it appears in the photo. I substituted one of the building with a building on The Ohio State campus and embroidered the names of the 4 “corners” in a thread to match my background
      Attached Files


        Finally ready to quilt it. I have been trying hard to get this finished before the end of the year. I was worried that it wouldn’t fit together without major corrections, but it went together much easier than I thought. Thank you Barbara for all your tips throughout this BOM. I’m happy with the results.


        • commented
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          Very nice! Such an impressive accomplishment.

        Top just needs the final border for floating the design!


          Barbara, I am missing the videos for month 11 and 12. did something change? I Have all the other videos but page 2 the videos are missing? Please advise where I can find the videos for those 2 months. thanks Pat


          • Kathleen K. commented
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            I had the same issue! Apparently there are videos but they’re not posted in The Quilt Show the same as all other months. I truly enjoyed doing the BOM until the end my out edge is way to big so I’m assuming I’ve done something wrong, I’ve spent a lot of time and money so I’m going to do my best to finish alone.

          This is my first BOM and it was a blast (well, maybe some months more than others...fitting the roads/buildings together was more nerve-wrecking than fun). Just need to give Big Ben a clockface and then I'll be ready to start quilting. The quilting should only take a couple of months...hopefully. As Cindy Needham says..."stitch every stinking seam"...and there are a LOT of seams! BTW...this was done on my first sewing machine, a 1976 Bernina Nova...worked like a charm.


          • commented
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            Nice Nice! Laughing about your comment on how long it may take to quilt and wondering if you were correct?

          I finished my quilt top. Now just need to quilt it. Very happy with how this project came out. I made a Seattle Space Needle and a NW Coastal Totem Pole for 2 of my tall corner blocks. Thanks for a great BOM and all the work to make this successful for the quilters.


          • Debbie U. commented
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            I found it at my local quilt shop. Made by Westfield Laser and is the Mini Totem. It is laser cut with adhesive on the back. It worked out pretty well for the space.

          • commented
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            Nice job and of course also love the totem pole! You have sparked all sorts of possibilities for those who have yet to make this quilt. ideas now regarding structures to further extend the World theme of this quilt. What an accomplishment!

          • Coral commented
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            The totem is inspired, thanks. I am done except for wanting to personalize the final corner—- I am now thinking a Tiki would be good for Florida and surfing —Hmmmm

          Originally posted by PBell View Post
          Barbara, I am missing the videos for month 11 and 12. did something change? I Have all the other videos but page 2 the videos are missing? Please advise where I can find the videos for those 2 months. thanks Pat
          The videos for Months 11 and 12 are the LIVE broadcasts done in November and December. Find them on the first page of the Color My World patterns under Facebook Live.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            Originally posted by KathKelly1963 View Post
            I had the same issue! Apparently there are videos but they’re not posted in The Quilt Show the same as all other months. I truly enjoyed doing the BOM until the end my out edge is way to big so I’m assuming I’ve done something wrong, I’ve spent a lot of time and money so I’m going to do my best to finish alone.
            The videos are under the Facebook Lives, found on the first page of the 2021 BOM patterns.

            Did you read the blogs I wrote to provide lots of instruction on Months 11 and 12? That is where I can explain things best and with the most detail.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson




              • Becky M. commented
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                I substituted Chicago’s Sears Tower (now Willis) since I’m in Illinois. Planning to add some thread sketching to darken it a bit—Also added some thread sketching to the 4 small houses to match our last 4 homes we lived in. Added some ballerinas in the inner house doors & windows. Love this BOM & can’t wait for 2022! Thanks Barbara for great teaching
                That helped me actually complete this in the year it was intended!!!

              • commented
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                Great idea creating your own former homes in the small houses!

              i finished my top! What an accomplishment! it is flat and square!
              Carolyn Owens


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