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  • Not a question, but wanted to share the Kona solids I picked out today for the summer version. Excited to start work on...
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  • I did not use a stabilizer, nor a hoop. Just be cognizant of the tension of your stitches.
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  • Thanks, Barbara and Helen! The stitch on the cone flower is call a corded brussels stitch. Similar to a open buttonhole...
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  • One side down. The majority of my embellishing is within the flowers. Will most likely add more later on. Click on photos...
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  • Wanted to offer any help you may have when working on the embroidery.

    I don't have the kit, so not sure what...
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  • I just finished April’s log cabin blocks, so plan to do embellishing and appliqué hand in hand. Wanted to share some...
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    Last edited by Carole B.; 06-30-2024, 05:42 PM.

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  • Love your blocks, Helen! You are so creative with your changes. On the wool project in my photo, the background is linen....
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Carole B.
Senior Member
Last Activity: 07-26-2024, 07:07 PM
Joined: 07-26-2024