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  • What I learned
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COLOR MY WORLD--MONTH 1--Small Houses 1 and 2

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    If it helps overcome you color intimidation issue, don't think of the colors as "colors", just think "value". Make 2 piles from your fabrics, one lighter pile, one darker pile. It doesn't matter what colors you put with another, just as long as you can squint and see the difference in value; light window & door on a dark house, or vise versa. The roof will be next to the background, and I would think any color that is medium color value or darker would stand out against a light sky. Do I sound bossy? I'm sorry. Hope it helps you relax with colors. Fear Not!


      Thank you for your advice! I will buy more fabric.
      Have a great weekend.


        Finished spring this afternoon. I'm going to have to watch contrast with this set.


          Finished spring this afternoon. I'm going to have to watch contrast with this set.


            16 houses finished. Now back to my other quilt until Feb 1. Carry on y’all!


              Originally posted by "PatinNC" post=153664
              Finished spring this afternoon. I'm going to have to watch contrast with this set.

              I’ve had contrast issues happen too. Some solutions I’ve used were to add shadows to the edges with paint sticks, Inktense pencils or just outlined them with black or a dark thread. Looking forward to seeing your quilt finished using the seasons to guide your color choice.


                Hello friends, I finish my 16 houses too. Very fun project. Thank you so much Barbara for all the help you are providing. You are a such wonderful teacher.
                I continue to apply your first lesson, the one you teach us when we did the Halo Star Medallion : this quilt deserve my best work ! I'm trying to apply this rule each time I pick up a needle.
                January first could have been a sad day with this confinement ,not able to see family and friends. But, thanks to every one at TQS we had so much material to see and read and a nice project to start. It was a happy day ! Yé !
                Thank you all for sharing your little houses. They are all very nice .
                Now for the rest on the month , I'm going to my other quilt project : quilting the Halo star Medallion . 4 years to complete a quilt...slow but steady


                  Finished my first 8 houses of house 1 and we are half way through the month. Right on target and they sure get easier as you go. I haven’t quilted in over 20 years and this is just the project I need. Here is a pic of my houses.


                    after a week of convincing myself “I can do this”. I got to it today, and finished my first 8 small house#1 I will be more generous when cutting pieces for my next set.

                    Not sure why it’s upside down I sew better then post


                      Nice background fabric!


                        Fabulous! I thought it would look great in wool and so glad that you are doing it so we can see it. I look forward to seeing your progress!


                          PatinNC: I love the little animals peeking out of your windows!


                            Want to THANK whoever it was that suggested using the edgestitch foot (on my Bernina Foot #10) for this particular method of foundation pieceing. It is definitely a game changer for me! Many thanks!


                              I second that!!! I have a Husqvarna, but my edge foot makes the stitching fun and worry-free! YEAH!


                                I so agree with Les about pre-washing. I never recommend against it, but I am an art quilter and never pre-wash my fabric. The only cautionary advice would be when you label the finished quilt, please note -DO NOT WASH- in your label. I have a label I attach as a separate one from the information label; (quilt name, maker name, date, etc.) that is -CARE INSTRUCTIONS- and offer a suggestion of how to clean an wall quilt. The reason being, your quilt may eventually ends up in someone else's possession, unless you outlive the quilt. :P


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                                • What I learned
                                  Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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