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COLOR MY WORLD--MONTH 1--Small Houses 1 and 2

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    I just joined and went in and downloaded the Color my world general information. I keep trying to get the Small Houses 1 and 2 to download and it keeps going to the general information download. Can anyone help me in getting to the right place so I can download the pattern? thank you.


      Originally posted by "urgodschild2" post=153612
      I just joined and went in and downloaded the Color my world general information. I keep trying to get the Small Houses 1 and 2 to download and it keeps going to the general information download. Can anyone help me in getting to the right place so I can download the pattern? thank you.
      Welcome! Go to Learn ==> BOM 2021. Scroll down to Color My World Month 1 and click on Download Instructions. Within that you will find everything you need including pattern for Month 1, fabric requirements and cutting instructions.
      Carole Berry


        Originally posted by "nhbaskets" post=153611
        I’m just giddy. This is my first ever quilt and I’m going rogue doing it with wool felt on linen. My felt arrived yesterday and I spent last night mapping out my houses. This afternoon I ironed the freezer paper templates for houses 1 and 2 and cut them out tonight. This just makes me smile. Saturday I’m on the hunt for my linen background and Valdani thread so I can start stitching. Won’t be able to stitch the houses onto the background until after we get the compass in month 2 or after. Still deciding on going with inner road, garden or a combination. So happy I stumbled across this wonderful community. Thank you to Barbara, HelenW, Judy and others for your support and encouragement.

        Your houses look lovely!


          You could try going to learn Downloads the Colour my World


            I pre washed mine it’s the first time I’ve ever done it and wishing I didn’t as the colours are not as vibrant now.


              Thanks for your help. I figured out whaat was wrong. I had signed up for the free and used a different sign in name. Then I paid for membership and used a different sign in. LOL. Getting old is really a lot of fun. I finally got it. Sorry if I confused anyone else. Off to make this. should be fun.


                Your houses look great!!! Your quilt will be unique and beautiful!

                If you can't find linen that you like...Wendy also uses cotton as backgrounds for wool applique.
                Have fun!



                  I appreciate seeing all the completed blocks cor inspiration. I have patterns ready and a pile of hand dyed fabrics—probably too many fabrics! I am a bit overwhelmed when it comes to putting the colors together. I know I am overthinking this! If I screw up a block, I certainly have enough fabric for a “do over”!


                    Originally posted by "susandvorak" post=153631
                    I appreciate seeing all the completed blocks cor inspiration. I have patterns ready and a pile of hand dyed fabrics—probably too many fabrics! I am a bit overwhelmed when it comes to putting the colors together. I know I am overthinking this! If I screw up a block, I certainly have enough fabric for a “do over”!
                    I know what you mean by too many fabrics. I get overwhelmed trying to make each one perfect. After the first couple, I just tried for contrast and let the rest go. I’m satisfied with how they turned out. It’s fun seeing how everyone approaches the same project. Those who chose wool are intriguing.


                      Originally posted by "susandvorak" post=153631
                      I appreciate seeing all the completed blocks cor inspiration. I have patterns ready and a pile of hand dyed fabrics—probably too many fabrics! I am a bit overwhelmed when it comes to putting the colors together. I know I am overthinking this! If I screw up a block, I certainly have enough fabric for a “do over”!
                      Study the finished quilt. I think you will see that the individual houses don’t stand out, each is part of the “neighborhood”. Just go for contrast between pieces so each is visible. You will be placing them after all 32 are done. I didn’t think about specific colors to use until working on the last 2-3 Small Houses—there is a tendency to use the same favorite fabrics more frequently than your less favorite.

                      North Alabama, USA
                      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                        Originally posted by "BonitaBlanchard" post=153574
                        Hello from New Brunswick, Canada.
                        I'm going to try this beautiful project.
                        My question: Will one layer cake 10'' X 10'' be enough for the houses & buildings please?
                        A Layer Cake has about 2.75 yards. The Kit has about 8 yards for piecing.

                        North Alabama, USA
                        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                          I feel overwhelmed, too, as I feel I am color placement challenged! Just am glad I have seen so many wonderful examples!!!


                            Originally posted by "Nancyqm" post=153636
                            I feel overwhelmed, too, as I feel I am color placement challenged! Just am glad I have seen so many wonderful examples!!!
                            Hi Barbara,

                            Is there an easy way to print up your blog post from January 1? I’d like to print and keep in my binder, but it tries to print with comments, ads, etc. thanks!


                              You can usually tell your printer a range of page numbers to print. So just print the first pages where the article is.


                                My first two houses. I'm doing seasonal colors; these are winter.


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                                • What I learned
                                  Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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