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    Love the bags, Lotti. I like making them too!


      Lottie - the bags look a treat! Great job!

      I've had an exciting weekend - I just got my wedding star quilt back from the longarmer and I'm THRILLED with how it turned out! Much better than I could have managed....going to have to get cracking on a curved binding now to finish it off! :-D

      My iPad won't let me post pics tonight but I'll try again later



        this is the mondo bag

        not sure if this will work...trying to figure out my new computer :unsure:
        Hopefully you can see the bag


          Hello everyone!

          Whew! Time is just speeding by.

          Jen I'm excited to see your wedding ring quilt. I love your colors.
          Lotti, you are quite the bag lady and I mean that in a nice way! All those handy bags and so cute. I'm with Nancy, that cow fabric is a hoot!
          Dorothy your mondo bag is very nice. Love the colors.

          Ok, here is a picture of Victorina Rose with my son.

          And here is a picture of her Halloween onesie. I will get a picture of her in it next week when I get to see her. This is a free download from All People Quilt.

          And for fun, here is a picture of some "friends" that followed me home the other evening after my walk and getting the mail.

          My thread painting class was very good. I enjoyed it and I feel confident enough to try it on "real stuff".

          Have a good week everyone,



            Your new granddaughter is beautiful, Geneva, and I LOVE her new onesie! Your friends are pretty cute, too.


              Love your friends.!

              Your granddaughter is scrummy. Daddy looks so proud

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Mondo Bags are the best. So much fun to make.

                Babies, goats and Ghaul-friends. Life's great!


                  Congratulations Geneva! She'll be all set for her first Halloween in her onesie.
                  We are anxiously awaiting grandchild three due in 10 days!

                  I commented before I actually saw the picture of the baby. SO CUTE!
                  also where do you have to go for your mail that has critters like that?!
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Thanks for sharing that story Rosemary. Now I know what the initials C. A. R. E stand for too.
                    I love your little tree quilt!
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Awww...she's so cute Geneva!!! Love the onsie! Love the critters following you too...were they expecting you to give them a treat :silly:

                      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                        Lotti.......wonderful bags! They are just mooooovelous! Love the modern satin stitching, too.
                        Geneva......ahhhhhhhhh! So very sweet! Congratulations! And, the onesie is pretty cute too! Thank you for the download site!
                        Jen......feels good to finish a quilt, huh!? Looking forward to pictures.
                        Dorothy......the link worked, and the mondo bag is cool. Love the batiks!

                        I have 5 days before leaving for the Houston quilt show, so am gathering up class supplies, washing clothes to take, figuring out an easy menu for DH, and doing some general cleaning. My sewing room looks like a bomb went off in there. I still have "props" from our recent quilt show to put back where they belong, and my cutting table is loaded with all of my "to pack" stuff. Almost time to bring out the suitcases!



                          Thank you everyone for the lovely comments about my new granddaughter. She is precious. Her folks are pretty smitten with her also!

                          For those that asked, our home is off the county road in a small neighborhood where the Yakima River bends. So our mailboxes are about a quarter mile away where the paved road ends. The goats are a neighbors and to put it simply, they are really stupid! They kept following me and I kept saying "go home!". My husband saw me coming up our driveway and got his camera to take our picture. The goats actually came up onto the front porch and stood around like they were waiting to come indoors! My husband finally chased the away. It was quite funny.

                          I love goat cheese, but it's much easier to buy it!

                          I finished Victorina's baby sampler. I will take it to get framed today.

                          Now it's time to get back to the square in a square fiasco. And I need to get busy on a quilt for my grandson due in early January! Life is good!



                            Love the sampler, too! So many cute things for the cute little girl!


                              So many things to comment on! I was in bed with a migraine for most of Sunday/Monday, busy all day Tuesday/Wednesday, and come back and find 38 new messages here! Yikes!

                              Geneva, your new granddaughter is lovely!! And what a darling Halloween onesie for her! Too cute! Love the sampler, as well; very nicely done!

                              Lotti, those bags are wonderful! I am impressed with the camera bag and all the pockets....I am itching to get a new camera, but the need to carry extra lenses always puts me off. That bag does look comfy and easy to carry; did you design it yourself, or is it a pattern? I'm thinking if I ever do upgrade, I'll need to make a bag like that, lightweight and comfy to carry all the stuff.

                              Dorothy, your mondo bag is lovely too! What a fun shape and colors to it!

                              I've been working on a Halloween table runner; started quilting yesterday. I'll try and get pics today. It is 5 star blocks, on point; so far I've stitched around the outline of the stars and have done one background of one star block -- I'm doing spiderweb quilting in the backgrounds, then will quilt some Halloweeny shape in the center square of each star, and then straight lines in the background/border/setting triangle fabric of the whole thing. Using neon green for part and gray for part. Although the star outline quilting doesn't show much, so might need to do a few double rows there to make that pop. I'll save that for last....

                              Counting down to Houston as well My dear friend arrives Weds, then the fun begins!


                                Heather - Sorry to hear about your migraine no fun for sure. Looking forward to a picture of your table runner sounds pretty spooky to me!


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