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Laura Nownes

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    Well, I thought I posted a message to Rosemary here but don't see it. Can you give us a place to read up on Weardale Chain? Thank you.


      Rita - possibly about halfway? if I don't put fancy quilting over the 6" blocks. I still have the green borders to quilt, 32 rosettes of some sort to put on the wide white border and a bit of something over the sashing of the miniatures. I am visiting my parents this week and will be taking it with me to get all the ends threaded in.

      Terri - I am using my walking foot on my Janome for most of it, but when I found myself nearly completely hand turning the wheel for the first large rosette, I thought 'Blow this, it would be easier on my Gran's old Singer hand crank!' So I switched over; a couple of drops of oil, new needle, quilting foot, and reduced the pressure on the presser foot and was away - worked lovely

      Ritzy - Weardale is an area in Yorkshire, which along with several other of the Dales became known for whole cloth and strippy quilts. They are stylistically known as Durham, or more accurately, as North Country Quilts. The current leading teacher is Lilian Hedley http://lilian-hedley-quilter.com/, who was taught by Amy Emms, who learnt back in the 30's and gives us an unbroken link back to the earlier quilters who made a living by quilt making.

      PS, it is a traditional style Weardale chain in the picture on her page, and I might well use the rosette pattern she shows there for my quilt.


        Thank you Rosemary. I just went and spent two hours reading about Amy Emms and Durham and North Country quilting.


          Well back from holiday, needed to get the fabric for the binding dyed (am going for red) and guess what!

          Yep my rubber gloves have perished - again! (I really shouldn't leave them on the windowsill :roll: ) tried to be careful, but I now have a faint red tinge to my fingers again :roll: :lol:


            I finally finished quilting my little Laura Nownes sampler with the bird blocks I added. Still have to bind it, and then I'll take a picture.

            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
            Betty Jo


              The quilt is looking fantastic and thank you so much for all your information its wonderful

              Taree NSW - Australia
              My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                I just finished a few projects that were on my need-to-do-it-now list. Then, yesterday my eye wondered across the Laura Nownes quilt top. Hmm. Might be a nice break...
                I have to admit that it feels odd to have finished my 'important' list and can't decide where to begin on the other UFO's. Valley of decision, I guess.

                Rosemary, I can't wait to see your quilt with the binding on it. And the one with birds. You people are so talented!

                Taree NSW - Australia
                My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                  Terrie, either just take the first one off the top of the pile (safest) or dig down and pull the oldest one out from the bottom of the pile, and see if you remember what you had planned to do with it - and maybe change your plan...

                  Or how about Wot Rott? there is still a chance of getting it finished & in the book (at the rate I am going with mine :roll: :lol: )

                  Taree NSW - Australia
                  My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                    Quick up date - I have got all the quilting around the outside edge finished & all but a couple of ends stitched in. I still have the 3" wide green border to quilt. A complete going over with some steam to try to remove various basting holes etc. plus binding label & hanging tube thingy (but I do have a secret weapon for putting that on 8) ) And all to be done by Monday night...

                    Taree NSW - Australia
                    My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                      :mrgreen: Busy girl ! :lol: :lol:


                        Well done Rosemary on the final leg you'll get it done

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Good on you, Rosemary. Congratulations on seeing this baby delivered!


                            You can do it, Rosemary! Can't wait to see the finished product.


                              Quick breather....

                              All the quilting is finished - except my maker's mark & the year(s), I have taken to adding these into the quilting even if I don't bother with a label because most of my quilts so far have been reversable.

                              Ended up going over the white sashings/borders with a wet cotton bud dampening all the lines of basting stitching holes and then rubbing over them with a bone handle to get the holes to disappear - my steamer just wasn't (wo)man enough for the job.... ideally it would have gone in the wash, but I don't have enough time (or bottle) to try washing it again, even without the binding on, which I know is going to run.

                              The binding is made and ready to go on. Next task trim up the edges and stitch it on, trying to decide whether to pin it on first or not.


                                Rosemary, I love hearing about your process, patience and perfection. I learn so much reading about your details. I never would have thought about removing the old holes. I'm learning a lot from you, girl. Why not set up with TQS and get some lessons/classrooms going?

                                I look forward to seeing the finished treasure.


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