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MONTH 1 — Ask Questions Here

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    This measures 8 1/2 X 4 1/4
    Is that correct?
    Susan Skeel
    Des Moines Iowa


    • Barbara B. commented
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      No. 8.5” x 4.5”

    Barbara, I have read through the pattern, but I have not found the center square measurement. I see in a post it is 16 1/2 square.

    Is this right? THanks for your time.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      First page of Month 1 pattern, it says block is 16” finished, 16.5” with seam allowances.

    A tip not a question. If you haven't watched show 1602, I highly recommend watching Precision Piecing by Sally Collins. From making templates to that precise 1/4" seam, Sally covers so many of the skills needed to get things correct for this BOM.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      One of the best shows on 15 years. Sally is a phenomenal teacher now retired. Watch and learn. Thanks for the reminder.

    Just finished Block 1. Two questions:
    1. if made per instructions/pattern….will the quilt be machine washable (I’ve never washed my quilts with embroidery)
    2. Do blocks get progressively more difficult?


    • Helen W. commented
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      My thoughts would be if you use something like DMC cotton floss or any of the pearl cotton that
      say they are color fast you can wash them. Many people make tea towels with DMC floss for
      the kitchen and throw them in the laundry with no problem. If you use some of the decorative
      threads made with rayon or metallic I think you would have problems. My opinion on if the
      blocks will get more difficult, I would say the one you get next month will be much easier then
      the center block. the one with the petals might be more difficult if you plan to machine piece.
      If you are hand piecing I am not the one to ask. The other thing you can also do, is swap out
      a different block with one that you are comfortable making.HelenW

    • Barbara B. commented
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      Yes, the quilt will be washable if the embroidery thread you use is colorfast.
      No, the blocks don’t get more difficult, each has things to learn then you get to perfect that skill.

    Good morning Barbara. I have waited for the templates but have not received a notice of their arrival. Have they arrived? If so are they out of stock again and if so will more be ordered?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      They have not arrived yet.

    I sewed all my outside fans in groups of 8 and made a double c template for the half circle. I cut 32 of these and began to sew them inside using pins and glue. No matter how I try, the double c half circle is just too small. I considered taking in some of the seams of the fans but that might cause other problems. If I recut the half circles a little larger will I run into trouble down the road? Is that my best option?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      The pairs of fans should measure 4.5” x 8.5” including seam allowances so they fit with the border of 8” blocks. I will be talking about various options for making those on the next LIVE February 2.

    Originally posted by AMiller View Post
    I sewed all my outside fans in groups of 8 and made a double c template for the half circle. I cut 32 of these and began to sew them inside using pins and glue. No matter how I try, the double c half circle is just too small. I considered taking in some of the seams of the fans but that might cause other problems. If I recut the half circles a little larger will I run into trouble down the road? Is that my best option?
    Annette, Any time you are going off in your own direction and not using the exact pattern, it is wise to make a sample and see
    if it is going to work. I plan to paper piece my fans blades and use the double C templates as a semi-circle. This is what it
    should look like. Make sure you are putting the sew line on the other sew line. HelenW



      Oh how I wish I had thought to paper piece the fans!! I think I went off track with the accordion effect, bias and the compounding effect of not-so-perfect seams on those fans. My double c template is correct. I think I will have to take in some of the fan seams.


      • Barbara B. commented
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        I am going to discuss the fans in detail at the next LIVE February 2. Including how to paper piece them.

      • Annette M. commented
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        I am back on track. I have recut the double c sections larger than the template along the curved edge. When piecing, I pressed the seam allowance on the fans and then used glue stick to position the fans on the double c piece. I carefully held back the fan portion when sewing and went slowly along the curve.

      I am very excited to get some resources for paper piecing the fans. Would love a pattern if possible! I am definitely struggling to get them a consistent size. I made my own templates, but am waiting with bated breath for the acrylic ones to come in.


      • Barbara B. commented
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        We will provide my paper piecing pattern after I demo it on the LIVE February 2

      Barbara B......Assistance/advice please! For the outer border of all those fans, I am joining the blades into groups of eight and have created a double "handle" (i.e. a semi-circle), very carefully mirror-imaging the original pattern and combining the two sides, also very carefully aligning the resulting centre line on the new pattern. I know the issue of finished size has been raised by "sewskeel", which you kindly answered - 8 1/2" x 4 1/2". For the life of me, I am quite unable to achieve the depth measurement of 4 1/2". The width is fine. I have undone and resewn several of the blade groups, all to no avail. Their depth remains at 4 1/4" and an added concern is that, by letting out the seams by that tiny, tiny amount, the centre semi-circles will not fit correctly.....I've yet to test this and have only cut out about twelve of these. Having studied that outer border on Jen's quilt, I'm wondering just how vital the depth measurement of the fans is, when it comes to piecing their final section. An alternative for me may be to needle-turn the fan components on to long strips of fabric; that way, I figure my depth measurement will not be a problem. I hope this explanation makes sense and with thanks in advance.


      • Helen W. commented
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        Marilyn, Susan (sewskeel) was making the whole block. She must have been one that got the
        templates so she has the ability to work ahead. The 4 1/2 inches tall includes the outside piece
        that is sewn to the fans. It is NOT the fan unit by itself.

        If you are just talking about the semi circle from 2 C templates. They finish at 1.5 inches tall (no seam)
        The fan is 2.25 inches tall (no seam) That makes 3.75 inches finished. Add the 1/4 inch seam allowance
        at the bottom of the C template and the top fan edge seam allowance and you should have 4 1/4 inches Jen made an outside
        template that will allow for 1/4 more so you will see background around all of the fan when the
        binding has been added. That is a guess. Probably for aesthetic look at the edge of the quilt. HelenW
        Last edited by Helen W.; 01-25-2024, 07:41 AM.

      • Barbara B. commented
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        I will discuss this in detail on the February 2 LIVE. Individual fan blocks are 4” FINISHED, so 4.5” with seam allowance. Two of them, regardless of how they are made, is 8” x4” FINISHED so 8.5” x 4.5” with seam allowance.
        I have advised adding additional fabric to all outside edges if you find yourself short, as can happen with curves or any seams that are not perfect. I will stress this again February 2.

      Barbara B and Helen W: Thank you so much for your responses to my dilemma re sizing of the fans. Now that I've actually hand pieced in some of the semi-circles (having carefully marked the quarter, half-way and three-quarter points on the curve and lining those up with seams on the blades themselves), the measurements so far are a smidgen over 8" wide by 4 1/4" deep - photo attached, sorry it has transferred upside down - and that is including seam allowance. So, my fans remain smaller. My templates are the correct size, as you can see and yes, I have machine pieced the blades, but I sew on a Bernina 770QEE+ and its 1/4" markings have never let me down for accuracy on earlier projects (think "Homeward Bound", as an example, which had quite a lot of piecing). I simply cannot face re-making all of those blades, so I'll have to circumvent my problem "down the track". It's not going to beat me!! Thanks again and I look forward to Barbara's broadcast in early February.


      • Barbara B. commented
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        I see the problem now. The double fan blocks will be 8.5” x 4.5” including seam allowance AFTER the rest of the background is sewn on. There is 1/4” background on each side of the fan. Look at the quilt to see what the border blocks look like.

        Your fans should measure 8” long now, including seam allowance.

        This is the big problem when people work ahead. Which is why a good bit of the February 2 LIVE will address this.

      Barbara B - Thank you so much for your further response. My sincere apologies if my working ahead has caused any confusion and bother. I'm only doing so because it was wisely suggested that we progressively tackle all those myriad of fans for the final border, in order not to be overwhelmed by them as we approach the finishing line. Thank you again for your patience and explanations, for which I am always so appreciative. It is such a relief to know that I can continue on with the "fan factor", readying them all for their further additions at the end.


        Just pressing the outer fans and not sure which direction the seams should go. General rule of pressing to the dark side created bulk so opened up the fan seams. Any right or wrong way to do it?


        • Sheridan D. commented
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          Think I have answered my own question by looking through Barbara’s month one blog and looked at pictures of her finished block. Should of done that prior to asking question

        • Barbara B. commented
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          I pressed mine toward the background in both cases, that is, the fan blades are flat.

        Sheridan, Tell me if I a wrong, but one will make the center semi-circle look slightly raised and the other won't. Less
        bulk in the top one because it is not folded back on itself. Something to consider if you plan to hand quilt. If machine
        stitching it won't matter, and when folded back no chance of shadowing of the seam allowance since the semi-circle is so light colored. Both have their pros and cons.


          What is the status of the templates. I'm waiting on these so that I can get started. Thank you,


          • Barbara B. commented
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            They are enroute from Australia and are expected in soon.

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