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Month 1 -- Ask Questions Here

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    This may be a silly question but if we are to trace the appliqué pieces from the center appliqué block, then what are the
    templates used for?


      [QUOTE=sewcrazy555@gmail.com;n890773]This may be a silly question but if we are to trace the appliqué pieces from the center appliqué block, then what are the
      templates used for? [/QUOTE]

      They are a guide. You can trace from them if that is easier. What they are not for is to create plastic or paper templates--a way many of us learned applique years ago.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


      • soniasimone commented
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        Don't tell Irene, but I am personally going to make a mylar template for the border triangles. :) I'm planning on pressing the seam allowance under, should make it nice and easy to stitch up.

      • groomer commented
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        Sorry, I am confused. Is there a problem with making a mylar template of shapes used several times, like the leaf shapes? I was planning on doing so and preparing the applique edges using the starch/iron method.

      • soniasimone commented
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        No, I was just making a tongue in cheek comment. It's not the way Irene does it, but that doesn't mean there's a problem with it. :)

      Thank you Barbra. Can you also tell me how many background fabrics come in the Kit? Excluding the Grey Stripe
      used for the outer border. I thought I read somewhere there were four but on the fabric Requirement page it looks like five or six ?


        Thanks Barbara for all of your dedication to this project and for being so helpful to everyone on this forum. I wanted to ask you which lightbox you would suggest to buy as well as what size would be the best for this as well as other appliqué projects. I want to try to find one on Amazon in Italy. Thank you!


        • soniasimone commented
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          How lovely that you're in Italy! I was lucky enough to live in Rome for a year. I know how handy it can be to have a brand to put in the Amazon search box. :)

          Artcraft makes one, so does Litenergy and Golspark. Look for one that's 20 euros or so. (Some of them are hundreds, and you really don't need that, imo.)

          Mine is A4 size, and gets power with a USB cable, I connect it to my laptop. I do need to reposition the piece to get everything, but with my center points marked, that's not too tricky.

        [QUOTE=sewcrazy555@gmail.com;n890776]Thank you Barbra. Can you also tell me how many background fabrics come in the Kit? Excluding the Grey Stripe
        used for the outer border. I thought I read somewhere there were four but on the fabric Requirement page it looks like five or six ?[/QUOTE]

        All of the Kit fabrics are shown on the Fabric Requirements page on the Main page of the 2022 BOM. There are 4 that are large enough to cut the 20” center background. There are two others not large enough. One additional background is reserved for the outer background.
        Barbara Black
        Huntsville AL
        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


          [QUOTE=Lynnanne;n890777]Thanks Barbara for all of your dedication to this project and for being so helpful to everyone on this forum. I wanted to ask you which lightbox you would suggest to buy as well as what size would be the best for this as well as other appliqué projects. I want to try to find one on Amazon in Italy. Thank you![/QUOTE]

          The one I got is LITENERGY Portable A4 Tracing LED Copy Board Light Box. It uses a USB, I connect to my sewing machine as I have a large cabinet space. Very lightweight and inexpensive, great light.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            Apologies if this has been asked/answered previously, but is there a "1 inch" square somewhere to test the size accuracy of what I am printing? I haven't seen it yet. tx.


              Thank you again Barbara. I'm very excited to start this BOM. I don't have very much experience on appliqué quilts so I am sure I will learn a great deal from you and your great tips!


                [QUOTE=lindanquilts12;n890784]Apologies if this has been asked/answered previously, but is there a "1 inch" square somewhere to test the size accuracy of what I am printing? I haven't seen it yet. tx.

                Not on the appliqué patterns. Print the 9 pages of pattern. Tape together and verify the block is 18” finished.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  Thank you Soniasimone and Barbara. I ordered the Litenergy and it will arrive on Sunday


                    [QUOTE=Kurtel;n890790]i cant find the advice either[/QUOTE]

                    I answered the question about how to upload photos. Use Search The Forum box on the left. Type Uploading Photos and my instructions come up.

                    most photos taken with my iPhone are too large and must be resized—those instructions are in the post you will find.
                    Barbara Black
                    Huntsville AL
                    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                      Does anyone know if someone is doing a Quilt Along video for this quilt on YouTube or some other site? This is my first time doing a BOM. I have purchased the kit, pre-washed the fabric, taped the template together and have purchased accessories including bias bars. After reading the forum I'm feeling overwhelmed. How do you keep everything organized? I was hoping to be able to use a scan n cut for some of it if possible. I quilted over 30 years ago but have just taken it up again after retiring. So I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks. Hopefully I'm not asking anything that has been asked already! Happy New Year!


                      • Barbara B. commented
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                        If you are confused, have you watched the Show 3001 that explains the entire project and the 7 Videos in Month 1? There is a lot of resources right here to help make this project. There is a LIVE broadcast tomorrow at Noon Central time where I will answer specific questions. It is recorded and easy to find in the 2022 Block of the Month section of LEARN.
                        I often recommend small groups work together to support and encourage each other. If you are near a quilt shop or a quilt guild, I am certain there are others working oh Garden Party Down Under.
                        Since this pattern is exclusive to The Quilt Show for all of 2022 it is unlikely any shop will offer it as they have to be sure everyone in the class is a Star Member of The Quilt Show. Patterns cannot be shared.

                      • soniasimone commented
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                        You've got this, Joan! Just do one block at a time and try not to think too far ahead. That's the nice thing about BOMs, each month you have a manageable chunk.

                        When you read a forum, you see everyone's issues and questions, and that can be overwhelming, But start with the pattern, the overview show, and the Facebook Lives.

                        One thing I like about this pattern is that it's forgiving. The shapes are organic and there's a lot of room to do things a little differently, and it will still look great.

                      [QUOTE=groomer;n890792]Sorry, I am confused. Is there a problem with making a mylar template of shapes used several times, like the leaf shapes? I was planning on doing so and preparing the applique edges using the starch/iron method.[/QUOTE]

                      Perfectly acceptable method, and smart with so many pieces that are similar.
                      Barbara Black
                      Huntsville AL
                      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                        I got so caught up in the questions I almost forget why I signed into the Forum (lol). My Questions - I tried to get on the live 1/7 program and the time counter was counting backwards. The show would not connect. What was I doing wrong?

                        May I also say, I've done all the suggested videos, master classes, website tutorials copied all first month documents. I've read all the questions, some of which I was not aware as issues for the pattern. I just hope as I start my fabric setting using light box, pattern and piecing fabric onto the fabric I see the things I've missed. Having a wonderful time. I do have a few friends who are also doing the BOM. It will be interesting to see what we each come up with in the design process.

                        Thank you for all that you are doing to help us.


                          Just watched the LIVE. Thank you Barbara for all you do. Didn't know how to ask my question during the LIVE so doing it here. As a quilter I consider myself to be a technician, strive for accuracy and love doing intricate work. Picking fabrics is not my forte. I purchased the BOM kit for that reason and find myself struggling to pick the fabrics for the different elements as many are very different from Irene's, which I was aware of before we began. Would you have any suggestions to reduce the stress of this process?


                          • Ellen L. commented
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                            I feel your pain. This is more free form that some of the previous BOM's. Think of this as flower arranging. How would you like this bouquet to look? Choose something you like for each flower that will give you a pleasing bouquet. Find a fabric you really like for the vase. That might be your focal point for the month. Find a good color for the stems and leaves. Then what flowers would look good with those stems? They don't have to look realistic, just pleasing to you. Once you've got your bouquet done, you could use those same fabrics for the diamond border for this month. I just sat down this morning and took a deep breath and made one daisy. It's a blue background with little strawberries. (not from the kit, I put together a bunch of fabrics from my LQS, although I can already see that I'll be pulling little bits and pieces from my stash, and from leftovers of previous BOMs.) You've only got to concentrate on this bouquet right now. Post a pic when you're done! I've got one daisy sewn on and I'll be travelling for the next two weeks. I hope to see your beautiful bouquet when I come home.

                          • Suzanne C. commented
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                            I struggle with that too. I can see a colour in my mind but can’t find it in my stash lol. I have been cutting out different colours for the shapes and then auditioning each one to see which feels good. After I don’t like any of them I just say heck with it and pick one

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