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Month 1 -- Ask Questions Here

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    Thank you Barbara for all your hard work with this and past BOM projects.

    Like Linda H, I have watched all the videos, followed your blog and read questions and comments from other participants. It seems like this will be a great project for all of us to learn a variety of techniques.

    Already, I have decided to approach the making of stems following Karen Kay Buckley's method instead of using bias tape makers. Hand applique is my passion and needle turn is the technique I use. This time, however, I thought I would try preparing the applique pieces as if for turned machine applique and hand applique instead. It seems like it will be a bit more tedious, but definitely more easily portable. Barbara, have you or anyone else tried that method?

    Thank you for your time. Bonnie G
    Bonnie Goodrich
    No matter where I roam,
    Montana is my home.


      I’ve been trying to post a picture but keep getting a message that the file is too large. I searched the forum but couldn’t find any info on how to resize photos for this site. Any suggestions?


      • kelly u. commented
        Editing a comment
        i cant find the advice either

      [QUOTE=woodsies;n890651]I’ve been trying to post a picture but keep getting a message that the file is too large. I searched the forum but couldn’t find any info on how to resize photos for this site. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

      In the Search The Forum box on the left, type Uploading Photos. The very first one takes you to a step-by-step post I did in July 2021 explaining how to upload and resize photos, if necessary. If your computer works differently use Google to figure out how to resize your photos on your device.

      Most photos taken with my iphone are too large and have to be resized smaller.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        [QUOTE=woodsies;n890651]I’ve been trying to post a picture but keep getting a message that the file is too large. I searched the forum but couldn’t find any info on how to resize photos for this site. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

        Judy, I took a screen shot of the post Barbara referred to for uploading photos. HelenW


          [QUOTE=bonbon;n890649]Thank you Barbara for all your hard work with this and past BOM projects.

          Like Linda H, I have watched all the videos, followed your blog and read questions and comments from other participants. It seems like this will be a great project for all of us to learn a variety of techniques.

          Already, I have decided to approach the making of stems following Karen Kay Buckley's method instead of using bias tape makers. Hand applique is my passion and needle turn is the technique I use. This time, however, I thought I would try preparing the applique pieces as if for turned machine applique and hand applique instead. It seems like it will be a bit more tedious, but definitely more easily portable. Barbara, have you or anyone else tried that method?

          Thank you for your time. Bonnie G[/QUOTE]

          Bonnie G, I have not tried that but I have read that you should try to keep the glue for turning the edge a little away from the edge of the template because the glue is not as easy to needle thru by hand. I know they always recommend that when doing English
          Paper piecing that uses turning the edge with glue, and stitching by hand. HelenW


            [QUOTE=bonbon;n890649]Thank you Barbara for all your hard work with this and past BOM projects.

            Like Linda H, I have watched all the videos, followed your blog and read questions and comments from other participants. It seems like this will be a great project for all of us to learn a variety of techniques.

            Already, I have decided to approach the making of stems following Karen Kay Buckley's method instead of using bias tape makers. Hand applique is my passion and needle turn is the technique I use. This time, however, I thought I would try preparing the applique pieces as if for turned machine applique and hand applique instead. It seems like it will be a bit more tedious, but definitely more easily portable. Barbara, have you or anyone else tried that method?

            Thank you for your time. Bonnie G[/QUOTE]

            Bonnie, Irene told me she is trying a similar method with a similar product she can get in Australia, Polyfuse, but she does not run it through a printer, she traces each shape by hand directly on the product, Cut the shape out, adhere to the wrong side of the fabric (remember that reverse issue) then prep the piece with a glue stick. She says one big advantage of this is you see the finished size of each piece as you are laying out the design and can make adjustments if you want them smaller or larger before you make all of them.

            Try it to see what you think and let us know!
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            • Bonnie G. commented
              Editing a comment
              Thank you. I never thought of trying one piece using that method to check for size, etc. Great point. I'm going to go for it and will share my thoughts and results.

            I am a dedicated raw-edge fusible appliquer and decided to do this quilt to stretch myself by doing it by hand.
            For those of us who are making this quilt, Karen Kay Buckley has Perfect Stems which come packaged with a variety of widths. I used the 1/8” bar and got very good results for the narrow stems in month 1.


            • Tina P. commented
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              I am struggling with the tiny circles. You mentioned raw edge fusible applique. I am thinking about trying that technique for the little circles. Your thoughts, please. Thank you.

            I just finished rewatching the 2 Applique Masterclass videos. Great resources! The one where Alex does her machine applique with the overlock stitch-what show was that from? I'd like to watch the entire thing.

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              [QUOTE=sadie;n890684]I am not sure how to ask a question, but I have to try here. I printed out the saw tooth border 1st because it had the 1 inch square. It printed out just a slight bit short of 1 inch, so figured it was fine. I printed all my patterns and the master for applique. I have it almost taped together and measured it and it is 20 inches. That isn't right. And all my patterns match the patterns on the master sheet. So, if I make it to fit that, I will have to enlarge everything around it, making the quilt larger and difficult to do. My printer was set for 100%.[/QUOTE]

              The center appliqué block must be 18” or you will have re-design and recalculate the entire quilt—lots of work only you can do.

              See if the pages are aligned right at the lines that should be connected. If the full size pattern doesn’t measure 18” square, play with your printer settings until you can get it to 18”.
              Barbara Black
              Huntsville AL
              "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                [QUOTE=LorraineAH;n890696]Barbara can you tell me where the general instructions for month 1 are? With the Sue Garman pattern there were detailed instructions for each month from Sue. Am I missing them, i cam seem to find them.[/QUOTE]

                LEARN, BOM, 2022, Month 1, Patterns/Documents, there are 6 documents for Month 1

                Documents 2 and 3 are Irene’s instructions for Month 1–one for the appliqué block, one for the border
                Irene’s General Instructions cover the entire quilt, it won’t appear again

                Watch the Facebook LIVE Getting Ready, easily found on the main page of Garden Party Down Under GPDU. I show where to find all the Month 1 documents.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  Thank you for the gorgeous pictures! They are so helpful.


                    [[email protected];n890704]I am struggling with the tiny circles. You mentioned raw edge fusible applique. I am thinking about trying that technique for the little circles. Your thoughts, please. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

                    That works just fine. Use close stitches to cover the raw edges well.
                    Barbara Black
                    Huntsville AL
                    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                      I used US 8.5 x 11 paper, set the printer to Custom, 100%, and printed and taped and it came out to exactly 18". There is some variation in how the pattern sits on the sheet of paper, it can shift as it feeds into the printer. But if you cut exactly on the lines and line up the leaves, etc., do not worry about lining up the edges of the sheet of paper, it will work fine. So nice having 9 sheets to fit instead of the 50+ when sewing a garment!


                        [QUOTE=CLPrince;n890560]Just watched show 3001. I am preparing to print the patterns but need some clarification. I have the Print and Fuse lite but a laser printer. I do have a light box and not adverse to tracing. Could you write the instructions regarding how to print your pattern and light box trace your pieces to match? I played the section three times and my mind is not getting it. I love the bright colors and plan to use bright gelato ombre strips for the flowers on a black background. I will have a right side with the ombre. Very important that I figure this out at the start. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise - I have enjoyed listening to last year’s BOM and finally ready to sew along.[/QUOTE]

                        Connie P, I love black backgrounds. I did Color My World and Sizzle BOM's on black backgrounds. I will include pictures here so
                        you can see how vibrant the colors are on black. You might not be able to use your light tracing box. I used Jet Black Kona Cotton
                        on both of my BOM's and it did not let the light thru. I ended up tracing using an iron off white pencil. I used the one made by Panda but it is hard to find. Looks like Handi has made an identical one I found on a lot of websites. I used cut out freezer paper shapes directly printed from templates in pattern. Cut out, iron them on the front of the black fabric and traced with the iron off pencil to give you the placement spot for your applique. Then place your prepared fabric pieces that you use with print and fuse and put them on the traced shapes with glue dots on back of them. If you don't just like eye balling the shape placement with a couple registration lines, you can draw a grid on
                        both the paper pattern and on the background fabric. Say a grid in 3 inch squares. Then like a map, you just look at the box and on
                        the pattern, see the flower goes let say in 2nd row 3rd box over and lay it there so it looks the same as the reference paper pattern in the box area.
                        If you can't wrap your head around what I am saying, just make a post asking I do a sample for you and I will. If you come up with questions when using the black, post them and I will be happy to try to help you. HelenW
                        Last edited by Helen W.; 01-04-2022, 07:35 AM.


                          [QUOTE=ellenceleste;n890718]There's now a banner at the top of the main page with a link to photos of the quilt. Thanks![/QUOTE]

                          I had to hunt to find it but yes, there is a full size photo and several detail shots.

                          On the Main Page of The Quilt Show, go to the tab SEE QUILTS. The photos are under Featured Quilts.
                          Barbara Black
                          Huntsville AL
                          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


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