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Color my world — your finish here

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    Morning from sunny England.
    I replaced a couple of the skyscrapers with the Statue of Liberty and a lighthouse. Really enjoyed this BOM and learnt a lot of new techniques. Thank you Barbara for your support along the way.
    Caroline Edwards
    UK Quilter


    • Elenaquilts commented
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      I really appreciate the row of quilted house shapes in the border.

    Originally posted by Caz View Post
    Morning from sunny England.
    I replaced a couple of the skyscrapers with the Statue of Liberty and a lighthouse. Really enjoyed this BOM and learnt a lot of new techniques. Thank you Barbara for your support along the way.
    Caz, Your Color My World quilt turned out beautiful. Glad you posted the picture. Are you doing Garden Party Down Under?


      I managed to finish the border background (the grey mottled batik) by dyeing and then sponge painting similar fabric. Whew!


        Color my world fit problem. The last section of tall buildings is about 2” bigger than the inner section. How do I fix this.


        Personalised top centre house to look like ours.
        Embroidery added in several places because I could ( sometimes to cover an oops! )
        in Loving memory of my brother Jerome who coloured my world. What a journey, I learnt so much.
        Its perfectly imperfect. My first quilt using a pattern. Couldn't have done it without you Barbara.


          Finished my Color My World. Will be entering it in my guilds Quilt Show in October. Click image for larger version

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          Ruth Wilson


          • Barbara B. commented
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            Your photo is most likely too large, resize smaller and try again

          (Very) late to the party, but thrilled to share a photo taken by my custom quilter who just finished working her magic on my quilt. You may recall that I went rogue on this amazing design using wool felt on wholecloth linen. I learned so much from stitching my first small house, the one I grew up in, to the vine border. The buildings in the outer circle I designed to represent places that have meaning to me and my family. The four houses in the city at NSEW are the four homes my husband and I have lived in over the past 40 years. The corner buildings are places my husband and I have worked in, where we were married and where our son went to school. Clock towers have times when we were born. I truly enjoyed every stitch during this journey. Can’t wait to get this back so I can add the binding and hang this in my living room-my first ever quilt!
          Thank you to Alex and TQS for making this beautiful Wendy Williams design available. I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to actually speak to Wendy along the way! Barbara Black’s encouragement throughout the process has meant so much to me as I made this my own. And lastly, thank you HelenW for being my #1 cheerleader as I dove into the deep end. ❤️
          Last edited by Carole B.; 10-23-2022, 07:54 AM.
          Carole Berry


          • Lisa K. commented
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            Your quilt is fabulous!

          • Beth B. commented
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            Wow! Stunning beauty! I hope you have plans to enter this beauty in a national quilt show, it deserves to be seen and admired by the masses. I would love to see it in person, so if you ever show it in New Hampshire, or New England, please let us know! I'll be there if at all possible!

            Beth B.

            PS, I'm in the same boat... finally got my top completed, and I'm waiting to get it back from my LAQ. Can't wait to see it again and thrilled that I may actually get it completely finished in 2022!

          • Elenaquilts commented
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            It was beautiful before the quilting, but now it’s a masterpiece! Your long arm quilter did a marvelous job to highlight your handwork!

          Originally posted by nhbaskets View Post
          (Very) late to the party, but thrilled to share a photo taken by my custom quilter who just finished working her magic on my quilt. You may recall that I went rogue on this amazing design using wool felt on wholecloth linen. I learned so much from stitching my first small house, the one I grew up in, to the vine border. The buildings in the outer circle I designed to represent places that have meaning to me and my family. The four houses in the city at NSEW are the four homes my husband and I have lived in over the past 40 years. The corner buildings are places my husband and I have worked in, where we were married and where our son went to school. Clock towers have times when we were born. I truly enjoyed every stitch during this journey. Can’t wait to get this back so I can add the binding and hang this in my living room-my first ever quilt!
          Thank you to Alex and TQS for making this beautiful Wendy Williams design available. I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to actually speak to Wendy along the way! Barbara Black’s encouragement throughout the process has meant so much to me as I made this my own. And lastly, thank you HelenW for being my #1 cheerleader as I dove into the deep end. ❤️
          Carole, you know how fantastic I think this is. I shared this photo with Alex Anderson who had to study it. She could not believe it was your first quilt.

          Thank you for sharing it here and telling your story about it. You are off and running!
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            Originally posted by Barbara Black View Post

            Carole, you know how fantastic I think this is. I shared this photo with Alex Anderson who had to study it. She could not believe it was your first quilt.

            Thank you for sharing it here and telling your story about it. You are off and running!
            Thank you Barbara for all your encouragement over the past year+. My quilt arrived back home today in New Hampshire and is more stunning than I could ever imagine. I’m now auditioning fabrics for the binding and hope to have it hung in my living room in time for the holidays. ❤️
            Carole Berry


              My First foundation Quilt. “Color where I live in Belgium”


                I mostly machine quilted mine and put the binding on in September, but finally finished the hand quilting details I wanted to add yesterday.
                Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada


                  Fully one year late, but it's finally quilted and, on the way, back to me from my fabulous Long Arm Quilter, Louise Klare of K7 Quilting. She hid some surprises for me, so it's going to be a lot of fun to find the quilted "Easter Eggs" when I get the quilt home to bind and label.

                  This was an especially wonderful quilt to make, even though it took me 2 years instead of one! I got all the way to the outer row in the first 6 months, then became a little overwhelmed trying to pick colors for each house as I sewed. I took almost a whole year off, to work on other projects and clear my mind. Finally last June, I just wanted to put on my big girl panties and get her done! So I went to my stash and decided to pin the main color for each building and start sewing. It was the push I needed, even though I probably changed my mind about those initial fabric choices at least 30% of the time, I was able to steadily keep sewing and finish the project. think I probably have a over 300 different Kaffe Fassett Collective fabrics in this quilt. Feeling Very Accomplished!
                  Beth Bell Lavoie


                  • Elaine K. commented
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                    Lovely finish! Can’t use the “like” button this morning, says I’m not authorized, even though I am signed in

                  Originally posted by BethBellLavoie View Post
                  Wow! Stunning beauty! I hope you have plans to enter this beauty in a national quilt show, it deserves to be seen and admired by the masses. I would love to see it in person, so if you ever show it in New Hampshire, or New England, please let us know! I'll be there if at all possible!

                  Beth B.

                  PS, I'm in the same boat... finally got my top completed, and I'm waiting to get it back from my LAQ. Can't wait to see it again and thrilled that I may actually get it completely finished in 2022!
                  Thank you, Beth! I am planning to show it, just need to determine where and when. Definitely in my local quilt guild’s show in Rochester next October. In the meantime, it’s hanging in my living room.
                  Carole Berry


                    Finally got it all quilted and finished - and in time to start the 2023 BOM


                      Not the best photo but my goal was to have it done by the end of 2022, which it now is. Pieced, quilted and binding on. My only comment to myself are my roads are wonky. But living in California, so are our roads so it fits. This was a big challenge and I’m happy I completed it. Finished the quilt top in 2021 and the quilting in 2022. Trying to figure out how to quilt it so I ended up doing a lot of ruler work.
                      thank you TQS, Barbara Black, Alex for the inspiration and everyone who posted to keep us all going.


                      • Barbara B. commented
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                        Debbie, my motto is usually "Finished is better than perfect".

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