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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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    Click image for larger version

Name:	ColorMyWorld-ACW10.jpg
Views:	0
Size:	0
ID:	885160 Yay it's done! I am a new quilter so didn't think I can make this far haha. It's a little wrinkly at the bottom edge of small houses but I'm going to leave it - close enough is good enough
    Thanks Barbara for all the good tips, and thanks everyone here at the forum for sharing your wonderful ideas. I've learned a lot and it's been fun!
    Last edited by Alice; 05-30-2021, 07:23 PM. Reason: One last try to upload a photo


    • Melanie commented
      Editing a comment
      I would love to see your houses. It always amazes me when multiple people use the same pattern for a quilt, how different and wonderful each quilt is.
      Last edited by Melanie; 05-30-2021, 12:22 AM.

    Originally posted by Melfuq View Post
    Done! This is the first block of the month I have ever participated in. I am so excited!
    Welcome Melanie! I love the use of batiks. And warning -- these annual TQS BOMs are addictive, you can't make just one. Enjoy!! -terri
    terri s.
    Quilting is my daily fiber therapy!


    • Barbara B. commented
      Editing a comment
      Terri, wait until you see next year’s, you’ll be in!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Up to Month 5.jpg
Views:	0
Size:	61.9 KB
ID:	885150

    Hello from the UK! I have really enjoyed this process. A great project & thanks to Wendy and Barbara for all their hard work.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      What happy trees!

    Final attempt and hope it works this time! And I thought piecing a circle is hard


    • Ann W. commented
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      Alice you responded to my question and I couldn't figure out how to respond to you.
      I was doing everything you suggested. Anyway I figured out what was wrong. iPhones save photos as heic files, so I need to save it as a jpeg. Thanks so much.

    Trying very hard to upload upload my center but I get this screen.
    I'm a beginner - real beginner. I made my 1st quilt in November. I knew nothing about quilting and last sewed something about 40 years ago and that was halloween costumes. You can imagine my giddiness when I complete my ring just starting the beginning of May. Attaching the inner road and compass to the small houses was my biggest challenge.
    Last edited by Ann W.; 05-31-2021, 12:56 PM.


    • Alice commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi, I’ve been through the same process and below is what I learned. Hope it helps!
      1. Make sure you are signed in under the Forum (not TQS website). The top purple bar showing “Welcome xxx” is for the TQS website, you need to make sure you see the “Welcome xxx” box on the left panel directly under the “Search the Forum” box. That’s the one for the forum.
      2. When you post your message, use the camera icon at the top left to attach your photo. The paper clip icon on the right is for attachments other than PNG, JPG, or JPEG format, e.g. PDF, so it won’t take our photos (jpg, jpeg, etc.) or screenshot (png) files. There is no meaningful error messages and that’s the most frustrating part.

    'm a beginner - real beginner. I made my 1st quilt in November. I knew nothing about quilting and last sewed something about 40 years ago and that was halloween costumes. You can imagine my giddiness when I complete my ring just started on Color My World the beginning of May. Attaching the inner road and compass to the small houses was my biggest challenge.


    • Alice commented
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      Hi Real beginner your center looks like a pro’s work though! I love the color combination, the background, and flamingo, person etc. on the doors! Very creative and beautiful.
      - the other real beginner

    Originally posted by acwang View Post
    Hi, I’ve been through the same process and below is what I learned. Hope it helps!
    1. Make sure you are signed in under the Forum (not TQS website). The top purple bar showing “Welcome xxx” is for the TQS website, you need to make sure you see the “Welcome xxx” box on the left panel directly under the “Search the Forum” box. That’s the one for the forum.
    2. When you post your message, use the camera icon at the top left to attach your photo. The paper clip icon on the right is for attachments other than PNG, JPG, or JPEG format, e.g. PDF, so it won’t take our photos (jpg, jpeg, etc.) or screenshot (png) files. There is no meaningful error messages and that’s the most frustrating part.
    Very GOOD INFO. thanks for posting this. I know it seems odd to be logged in, with a WELCOME, NAME on the far right but not see WELCOME, NAME on the left in the Forum. When I don’t see my face and WELCOME Barbara on the Forum, I have to logout then log back in. My face shows back up and I am ready to go on the Forum.

    Using a phone is the most challenging way to upload photos or posts. Any information, like this, that we can share with each other is most helpful.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


    • Ann W. commented
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      Thanks for the suggestion to log out and log back in. Crazy but that appears what I have to do to comment on the Forum. Also when people have trouble uploading photos - if they have taken them on an iPhone they are most likely not jpegs but heic format. You have to save them as jpeg to upload.

    Haven't been able to figure out how to get my name listed but I'm loving all the things I'm learning with this pattern.


      Alice - thanks. That's Dr. Fauci in one of the doors.


        Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
        Haven't been able to figure out how to get my name listed but I'm loving all the things I'm learning with this pattern.
        check your User Settings on the Forum—find that under your name on the right side. Also. Check your Profile under My Dashboard on the top purple bar. There are lots of Setting options most don’t know are there.

        Barbara Black
        Huntsville AL
        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson



            Good that the month of May has 31 days! "Road crew" worked overtime to give new meaning to traffic circles and round abouts! Circles fit without tweaks. And I "sew" appreciate the tips to stay stitch edges and lock seams. No "unsewing" needed.

            Viewed the June blocks Tall Building video, too. Thank you Barbara Black!
            terri s.
            Quilting is my daily fiber therapy!


            • Barbara B. commented
              Editing a comment
              Looking great, Terri. What a builder!

            I got my center finished in the nick of time, could not have figured all this out without the enormous help of Barbara & this community. It’s so fun to see these beautiful quilts. I’m happy to quit the road crew & go back to building my world.


              I just finished the roads today. Like how it turned out....pretty flat


                Hallo, viele Grüße aus Deutschland. Ich habe am 6. Mai begonnen und freue mich so, dass ich jetzt mitnähmen kann.


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