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COLOR MY WORLD--MONTH 1--Small Houses 1 and 2

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    Jillypea, Your houses are just too, too cute. Love the using a single color for roofs and sky, to tone the explosion of color down a bit.
    Looks like you taped the house and the background with roof together and treated it as one unit, or did you just seam the two together.I love the look. And putting your own windows
    and doors will give it a unique look. I was think embellishing with threads, but like the idea of fusing different shapes too. Since I am going with 60 %
    my windows are really, really small. Might just keep them small rectangles. To me, the combo of freezer paper piecing the two main units, and adding
    applique to the buildings is a winner idea. Thanks for sharing your photo. Great inspiration for everyone. HelenW


      This seems like an efficient way of doing this and also will be good when it comes to quilting because there will be a lot less seams.


        Originally posted by "HelenW" post=152700
        Jillypea, Your houses are just too, too cute. Love the using a single color for roofs and sky, to tone the explosion of color down a bit.
        Looks like you taped the house and the background with roof together and treated it as one unit, or did you just seam the two together.I love the look. And putting your own windows
        and doors will give it a unique look. I was think embellishing with threads, but like the idea of fusing different shapes too. Since I am going with 60 %
        my windows are really, really small. Might just keep them small rectangles. To me, the combo of freezer paper piecing the two main units, and adding
        applique to the buildings is a winner idea. Thanks for sharing your photo. Great inspiration for everyone. HelenW
        That’s exactly what I did, I joined the 2 pieces, then treated it as one unit, but don’t use scotch tape, I melted it when I ironed on top will try glue next time.


          HelenW is a treasure. Not afraid to think outside the box and change things.

          I will explain the original pattern. She will continue to amaze those who want to march to the beat of a different drum.

          There is room for all in quilting.

          Thanks, Helen!

          North Alabama, USA
          "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


            Watched all the videos and following the forum. I just finished my first house. My tip is to use my small clover craft iron for pressing. I will also take fabrics from stash. Cut up fabrics for all the houses, now to the sewing part.

            The next few blocks went together so much better and faster! So can I say a little addictive?
            Linda H
            Happy Quilting 


              I'm just doing the small houses in the center and decided to decrease the size to about 75% and keep the same 32 around instead of the 24 I thought of doing. That will give me 14" in the center for the mariner's compass and road. I'm hoping to find a tree fabric I can use in place of some of the houses and since I'm not doing the overhead trees I shortened the height of the background. I'm not sure when I will get to sew the blocks but I do know the 10" squares I'm using will make about 2 houses each since I only need oversized pieces for the outside edges.

              While resizing the blocks I noticed the width of the 2 houses are slightly different. So my guess is in order to keep the circle accurate, house 1 and house 2 will have to be sewn together. I wanted mine to be identical widths so I drafted them on graph paper and on the computer to get the exact angle. I adjusted all of the measurements for easy cutting and plan to just sew the pieces together into rectangles to start with. I will make a template for the roof so I can get that angle correct. Then make a full size template on Mr-Label clear full sheet labels for the final square-up, leaving the top and bottom oversized. After sewing all of the wedges together, I will use a circle marker to change the top and bottom into circles. I tried the freezer paper method years ago but didn't have success with the fabric sticking, possibly because I used dryer sheets when drying the fabric.


                This is a brilliant idea Jillypea!


                  Can’t wait to see it Annis


                    Hey guys. Apologies in advance if this the wrong place to put this question ...

                    How do we find out how big the mariner's compass circle is in the center? Am I jumping the gun? Should I wait for February? I have an idea ...


                      Originally posted by "roxannecooper" post=152761
                      Hey guys. Apologies in advance if this the wrong place to put this question ...

                      How do we find out how big the mariner's compass circle is in the center? Am I jumping the gun? Should I wait for February? I have an idea ...
                      February is when the Mariners compass will be released.

                      North Alabama, USA
                      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                        YES, I agree, the Clover craft iron is the way to go, plus am using a small wool mat to iron on, less fuss.


                          Hello Jettfunk, when you go to print on your computer should show you a page on which you can select the number of printouts, the quality, which pages,...
                          And in the setting you have different options as well. As my printer shows me that page in German language I will try to find the corresponding translations.
                          I can select - adjust or actual size (that is what we need) - downscale - a modus where I can select a percentage.
                          Here you only have to check if your default settings are on ACTUAL and nothing else. Maybe you already have selected this and there is nothing else to do.


                            Wow A!


                              Who ARE you and can I be you when I grow up? I am in AWE of your capabilities.


                                Originally posted by "roxannecooper" post=152761
                                Hey guys. Apologies in advance if this the wrong place to put this question ...

                                How do we find out how big the mariner's compass circle is in the center? Am I jumping the gun? Should I wait for February? I have an idea ...
                                Roxannecooper, Like you, I was wishing I had the mariner compass so I could play around with options. In my world, I would have started in the middle and played
                                add on for the blocks of each month.Building the quilt from the center out. Waiting patiently for Feb. HelenW


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                                • What I learned
                                  Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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