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  • What I learned
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COLOR MY WORLD--MONTH 1--Small Houses 1 and 2

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    Checked my Star payments: In Dec, I pd the 6 month fee x2, for $19.00 each time; each with a notation on the page, but the Annual Star membership was only pd through Sept '21. So I bought another Annual Star membership, with receipt.
    Am I 2 star member or how does the pd twice for the 6 month membership affect all of this?.
    I logged out, then back in & was able to find the patterns; thanks!


      I found them under Classroom handouts; houses1 & 2, revised cutting instructions for larger pieces and the Coloring page. They still are not under BOM 2021 though.


        I found them under Classroom hsndouts


          Beginnings are difficult!
          Under cuttings, the pattern suggests cutting the recurring sizes of each of our colors and placing them in a basket.
          Your suggestion was to cut 3.5 inch strip of each color.
          I like your idea but do we then cut lots of little pieces or just what we need for that house in that color.
          I saw you had a tray with a bunch of strips on it.
          Beginnings and staying organized are difficult!


            I use the paper plate method. Setting up 8 paper plates, one for each house with the fabric labeled with the corresponding letters. It takes some prep time, but then can grab the right piece at the right time.


              Originally posted by "hdroke" post=152678
              I use the paper plate method. Setting up 8 paper plates, one for each house with the fabric labeled with the corresponding letters. It takes some prep time, but then can grab the right piece at the right time.
              So on each paper plate you have the pieces that you cut for each house. Then you assemble. Right? I like the paper plate idea. Dessert plates or bowl’s. We can fill them with goodies after the house is made.


                Originally posted by "cmannconso" post=152677
                Beginnings are difficult!
                Under cuttings, the pattern suggests cutting the recurring sizes of each of our colors and placing them in a basket.
                Your suggestion was to cut 3.5 inch strip of each color.
                I like your idea but do we then cut lots of little pieces or just what we need for that house in that color.
                I saw you had a tray with a bunch of strips on it.
                Beginnings and staying organized are difficult!
                Working with the 3.5” strips, just cut the specific pieces needed for one house. I would make that first house before cutting out the next house. That little success gives you the encouragement to press on.

                On my little design board I lay out all the cut pieces for one house. A paper plate is a good idea too. Just find a way that keeps the cut pieces ready to use and easy to identify..

                North Alabama, USA
                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                  Problem fixed! Was able to download everything this morning!... A bit behind, but, thats ok as I'm so excited to start!


                    Originally posted by "Pam_Gantz" post=152663
                    I am having the same problem with trying to access block 1 & 2. I’ve followed your suggestions but no luck. I will try tomorrow to see if it’s been fixed. I assume the speed cutting templates for the background should be there as well.
                    Pam, if you are still having problems accessing the patterns, please post this on the topic UPDATE on Website Issues. John Anderson is monitoring this and fixing problems as he learns of them.

                    North Alabama, USA
                    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                      Jebecker and Nancyqm and ANYONE having trouble accessing the Month 1 patterns:

                      Please post on the topic UPDATE on Website Issues. John Anderson is monitoring that topic and fixing issues as he learns of them. You can easily find that topic in the Color My World category of the Forum.

                      North Alabama, USA
                      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                        Originally posted by "bbquiltmaker" post=152685
                        Originally posted by "Pam_Gantz" post=152663
                        I am having the same problem with trying to access block 1 & 2. I’ve followed your suggestions but no luck. I will try tomorrow to see if it’s been fixed. I assume the speed cutting templates for the background should be there as well.
                        Pam, if you are still having problems accessing the patterns, please post this on the topic UPDATE on Website Issues. John Anderson is monitoring this and fixing problems as he learns of them.
                        I found it this morning under Classroom downloads. I thought that when I did sizzle it was right with the BOM for the current month. Will this be changing? I’m waiting for my fabrics to arrive so can’t start yet. I’m looking forward to making this one.


                          I use the inexpensive dinner plares, 100 to a pack and print alphabet letters to place on the fabric peices to use.


                            From the first time I saw this pattern, my thought was what a great wall hanging. Like many others I was thinking make it smaller. 60% seemed about right to me.
                            I have been doing samples. I thought sample 1 just do paper piecing at 60%. I bought flannel, so it is thick to do with those little windows and sections between the windows.
                            Then I thought, I am not opposed to raw edge applique, so Made sample 2. Then I read about quilters thinking of doing wool applique, so sample 3 applique on wedge that
                            could be pieced. Need to slow down, so I think will spend the weekend working on last years BOM. This new years resolution was to get than done!!! Having fun, and love
                            the EXPLOSION of activity on The Quilt Show. Hope Wendy is looking in every now and then to see how wildly popular her pattern is. HelenW



                              Wow, HelenW! You are a rock star! Thank you for posting the various examples. Need to do more noodling.
                              Carole Berry


                                Hi Helen W.
                                I also have a habit of hanging patterns, but I do want this to be a stash busting quilt
                                I love colour but need to control things too, so I’ve made my 8 small No1 houses but I’ve made them in one piece of fabric so that I can bond my own windows and doors. Maybe put blinds in the windows? All my roofs will be dark grey fabrics, perhaps with the odd chimney pot,

                                but these I have pieced using the freezer paper method.
                                I used my open toe foot to stitch next to the freezer paper but will try my stitch in the ditch foot for the houses No 2.


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                                • What I learned
                                  Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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