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Flat Rita

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    Flat Rita

    Hi all -

    Building on Sherry's idea of bringing a picture of Rita to join us at Quilt Colorado since Rita couldn't join us herself, I thought it would be fun to start a "Flat Rita" journal, based on the "Flat Stanley" paper doll that is used in elementary school classes. For those of you who haven't heard of Flat Stanley, you can learn more about him at http://www.flatstanley.com/. So, I've made a Flat Rita paper doll and will bring her along next week to the Long Beach International Quilt Show. I will take pictures of her there and post her adventures in this forum. I plan to hold on to Flat Rita this fall, taking her along on all of my quilt adventures, then I hope that someone else in the forum who is attending the Houston Quilt Festival will want to take her from me and chronical her future adventures. I think it will be fun to see how far around the world she can travel!

    Here's a picture of Flat Rita before I cut her down and laminated her. I'm not very artistic, but I think she turned out cute! (It helps that Rita herself is cute to begin with!)

    I'll let you know how her Long Beach trip turns out. I hope this will be a fun project for us all!!


    Great idea. Would you like her to look aroung FoQ in Birmingham in August?
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Perhaps Flat Rita would like to learn applique with David Taylor. If so, she could travel with me at the beginning of September! (That's right Sharon - I'm going - David expanded his enrollment!).

        Diane :wink:


          Diane -- you are a brat, and a David Taylor stalker, LOL. Nancy -- love the flat Rita and she will have fun in Calif.



            Flat Rita is actually going to meet David Taylor for an applique class next week in Long Beach! I figured he'd be willing to take a picture with her since he's been on TQS. That will be her first celebrity meeting!

            Lorchen - She'd love to go to FoQ with you. Do you think we should have multiple Rita's? I'm torn on that. Too many and she loses her significance; too few and she might not have much activity. In August, I plan to take her to a TQS taping and the Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival. In Sept to Quilt-A-Fair. In Oct to my local guild quilt retreat and then to their quilt show. Finally, Houston in Nov and hopefully on to someone else who will have some good travel and activities for her. What do you think?



              Rita, This might be a wonderful thing for you. I remember [u]Flat Stanley[u] because I read it to my own children. If I look high and low I might be able to find a copy for you if you haven't read it. The advantage is that Stanley could actually go anywhere he wanted. He could just put himself in a envelop and mail himself to wherever he wanted to go. Now that might be one way to get to Houston. Postage is probaly quilte less than airfare.


                Quiet in the Isle of Green...Maybe Rita's travelin' for real !?


                  Maybe she fainted :roll: :?: :?:

                  living in Central Denmark
                  Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                    Originally posted by idaho
                    Quiet in the Isle of Green...Maybe Rita's travelin' for real !?
                    I think she said she was quilting with her friends doing a group project this week. We received Flat Stanley from our niece who was in elementary school. After receiving a VIP tour of New York City, we gave him a tour of Washington, DC. Oh, the things Flat Rita will see!...


                      What a surprise she'll have ! :mrgreen:


                        OMG I love this! I am going to get to go to all the great festivals in America.

                        I have just come back from an intensive few days finishing off the Sew 'n Sews projects. We had great fun, lots of laughs and even some work got done. 8) I haven't got time to post photos or anything as I am off to Paris tomorrow morning at 7am. Just checked my emails and found this one. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO LONG BEACH! Thanks Nancy for organizing my trip.


                          So, do we need to get a life or what?

                          LOL @ myself because I think this is too funny, and I'm gonna follow Rita everywhere! 8)


                            A little merriment (daily) is GOOD!


                              Rita...Fasten your virtual seatbelt...at least no jet lag ! Enjoy Paris. :shock:


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