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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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  • Adding house numbers
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  • How to download pattern?
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Lottie your hexies look like jewels on your bed.......it's beautiful.


      Heather love your quilts, you gave come a long way in such a short time

      Geneva, lovely little bags you have maid. I am so sorry we missed to connect before you moved, if you ever come daw this way let know and maybe we can get together



        I'm terribly behind reading posts but I did see your ribboned quilts, Heather. Congratulations! What a lovely way to start your quilt show journey!
        Welcome to the new members from me too. Hope you'll share your work here
        Thinking of everybody who are in Nature's grasp and at risk from fires and floods (and ants!) around the world
        All I've managed to get done recently as 2 table/place mats but they are reversible so do they count as 4? :silly:

        Hope to do better later in the month


          Hello, Morning, afternoon, evening everyone! New to posting on site, but Ive been a member for 2 years. Bursting at the seams with excitement , full of ideas (some unorthodox) and so many questions I don't know where to start! :cheer:


            Maybe you could start by posting some pictures of your recent (or older, if you want) projects? We all love to admire what everyone makes!! Just a selfish suggestion.....


              that I can do! I have 3 different ones I am working on, 2 are on hold to get the 3rd done first.


                Hi Purple Quilter!

                We understand your affliction! This is a safe and fun place to share. haha... :huh:

                Marianne, yes, you get credit for 4 placemats. Very clever. This way you only have to wash them half the time!

                Here is a picture of the little wallhangings I made for my granddaughter's soccer patches. Lord knows how the patches will ever show up on these fabrics, but they each picked them out and there you go! Gotta love the beads that were "required".

                Have a good day!



                  Geneva, beads and soccer patches! Who da thunk? I did go and research the crazy ants and their attraction to the electronics. Very fascinating! But, I decided that between the toxic mold, and the crazy ants, Texas is probably not where I'd like to live! The bluebonnets are beautiful, though!

                  Welcome Purple Quilter! Yes, we would love to have you share your work!

                  Marianne, fun placemats! Great modern quilting! My style! I love doing straight lines! It's the FMQ twirls, swirls and feathers that slow me down! I'm still not that confident with those!



                    Those are very cool, Geneva! I'm sure the girls won't care if their patches show up or not. They'll be thrilled just to put them on and enjoy them!


                      whew busy morning this morning! Ok here is the first one for my 1st grandson Zane, it's all Frogs, 17 total and each frog is different, I checked a quilting book out of the library then copied the pattern it at home. Each frog is hand embroidered. The first photo with red and white is the pattern we picked, i just switched the toys for frogs


                        That is very cool, purple quilter! I love the frogs that you found!! Your grandson is going to love it!!


                          Love the Flavia books and think I've read all of them. Happy to hear someone else likes them too.
                          Just saw the Virtual Retreat site and glad I did--interesting stuff.


                            most of them are actually coloring pages I found , and others are various cartoons and clip art


                              And now for #2, this was suppose to be the back of one that I made Boy Friends step daughter asked to make for her, it didn't work out that way so to speak LOL This project is also hand embroidered. I found a very cute pig drawing with doodles and swirls.


                                Fun quilt.

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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