
The Process of Making a Suit

Do you want to know why James Bond looks so good? It's because he wears a bespoke (custom-made) suit. In this absolutely mesmerizing video, you can watch the beginnings of a handmade suit being made. From measurements to pattern making to the actual cutting of the fabric, this man is a true craftsman and he wears a suit through the whole process. And trust us, you don't want to mess with this guy's scissors.

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What is the UFO Situation?

As an April Fool's prank last week we asked people if they would like to win the opportunity to have Alex or Ricky finish their UFO. In the process, we asked a few questions about their projects. Take a look at some of their answers.

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Sunday Funday Quilting Joke

Every now and then you just need a good joke to brighten up your day. And since today is Sunday Funday, we thought you'd enjoy this doozy of a quilting joke. Read on for the laughs ahead!

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How Quilting Has a Positive Impact On Your Life

Marijke Vroomen Durning has written an article indicating that quilting is good for your health, helps you stay connected, and provides purpose. But, of course, you knew that already, right? (Quilts by Marijke Vroomen Durning | Credit: Compliments of Marijke Vroomen Durning)

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Prison Inmates Learned to Quilt and Now Make Amazing Personalized Gifts for Foster Care Children

"While quilting bees generally conjure images of grandmas piecing together scraps of fabric to create family heirlooms for future generations, crafting the colorful, cozy bed covers has become an outlet for incarcerated men not only to express their creativity but to give something positive back to the communities from which they came."
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Houston Quilters Select Special

Alex wasn't able to attend Houston Market or Festival this year, but she heard from a little birdie that there is a Quilters Select special happening and wanted to share.
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Six Ways to Ruin a Quilt with Quilting

Lori Kennedy wants you to get over your fear of ruining your quilt with machine quilting. She highlights six ways to ruin a quilt and follows up with ways to avoid that ruination. I think we all want to avoid...

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An Algorithm That Takes The Grunt Work Out of Quilting

"A new algorithm automates the notoriously complicated—and often frustrating—process of figuring out the order of steps in advanced quilting patterns." How does it do it? Read on to find out! (Photo Credit: Mackenzie Leake)

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Quilter Vivian Tumelson on Doing as Much as You Can For as Long as You Can

"Vivian Tumelson is an 87-year-old quilt maker who lives in Blanchard, Oklahoma. She’s been making quilts her whole life, but since retiring in 1989, making quilts has become something of a full-time job."

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Why Do Quilters Have So Much Fabric?

"Quilters have a lot of fabric. That is a natural consequence of the hobby, but why? There are many cheeky comments online about “hoarding disorders”, but that is not the real reason. The real reasons we have so much fabric are varied."

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