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Prison Inmates Learned to Quilt and Now Make Amazing Personalized Gifts for Foster Care Children

"While quilting bees generally conjure images of grandmas piecing together scraps of fabric to create family heirlooms for future generations, crafting the colorful, cozy bed covers has become an outlet for incarcerated men not only to express their creativity but to give something positive back to the communities from which they came."
"Over the past 10 years, more than 2,000 personalized quilts assembled by the inmates of Missouri’s South Central Correctional Facility have been donated to children in the state’s foster care system or auctioned off to fund local charitable organizations."
prison inmates learned to quilt
Monica Hendewerk
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This is incredibly heartwarming.

Debra Huewe
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Encouraging story!

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Thank you for this share. I've passed it on!

Cheryl Johnson
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Wonderful story and some creative quilts.

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