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How Quilting Has a Positive Impact On Your Life

Marijke Vroomen Durning has written an article indicating that quilting is good for your health, helps you stay connected, and provides purpose. But, of course, you knew that already, right? (Quilts by Marijke Vroomen Durning | Credit: Compliments of Marijke Vroomen Durning)


Marijke Vroomen Durning writes:


"If you’re among the 7 to 10 million quilters in the United States, you likely already know how quilting can have a positive impact on your life. Studies have shown crafting can have a healing effect on the mind, but did you know the art of quilting may help restore or maintain your health?"


Click Here, or the image below, to learn more and read the entire article.


(Quilts by Marijke Vroomen Durning | Credit: Compliments of Marijke Vroomen Durning)





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Linda Heimerl
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My husband passed away two months ago and quilting greatly helped me stay sane through his cancer treatment and subsequent death. I love the challenge of a complicated project, and through quilting and BOM groups I have met the most wonderful...

My husband passed away two months ago and quilting greatly helped me stay sane through his cancer treatment and subsequent death. I love the challenge of a complicated project, and through quilting and BOM groups I have met the most wonderful people while doing something I love and working to keep my mind sharp.

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Linda Raker
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I suffered approximately 10 strokes as a result of an automobile accident in January 2005. I started quilting after I retired 2 years later. That was the best rehab! I had cognitive deficits from the strokes with regard to numbers, reversing...

I suffered approximately 10 strokes as a result of an automobile accident in January 2005. I started quilting after I retired 2 years later. That was the best rehab! I had cognitive deficits from the strokes with regard to numbers, reversing things, and directions. Quilting helped to heal these issues - I still make mistakes but I at least I see them now and have learned my strengths and weaknesses!

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