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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #1

You've waited many weeks to find out, but now here it is! Capt'n John has discovered the Number One Most Expensive Fabric in the world. Have you figured out what it is yet? Click through to find out!

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #2 Shahtoosh

Just because something is expensive, or deemed to have value, doesn't always mean it should be something to be had. That's something Capt'n John learned in his research for the most expensive fabrics and brings us to fabric number two, Shahtoosh, which comes from the "wool of the Tibetan antelope, also known as the chiru." It has been illegal to harvest Shahtoosh since 1975. Why you may ask? Read on through to discover why this fabric is so valuable but is no longer allowed to be used or gathered.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #3 Guanaco

If you've seen a llama before, you might recognize the animal that brings us the number three most expensive fabric. That animal is a Guanaco, which is, as you may have guessed already, related to the llama. Read what Capt'n John has discovered about this cuddly creature and how its wool becomes such pricey fabric.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #4 Mulberry Silk

Coming in at number four, Mulberry Silk is Capt'n John's next selection in the list of the most expensive fabrics. Where, you may ask, does this silk come from? Well, it happens to be from the little guy above. Do you happen to know what kind of animal it is? Click through and find out.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #5 Qiviut

In his search for the most expensive fabric, Capt'n John discovered that the number six fabric came from Bison. During his research, he found that the number five fabric is Qiviut, which comes from the animal above that looks similar to a bison. Do you know what this animal is? Read on to learn more about both it and Qiviut fabric.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #6 Bison

Our most expensive fabric journey this week brings Capt'n John face-to-face with our number six fabric, Bison. What makes Bison such an expensive fabric to use? Click through and find out.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #7 Cashmere

Capt'n John brings us the seventh most expensive fabric, Cashmere. We're probably all familiar with cashmere sweaters, but do you know where it comes from?

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #8 Angora

Where does our search for the ten most expensive fabrics take us this week? Capt'n John has discovered that Fabric #8 is Angora. Read on to find out how this rabbit is connected to this expensive fabric.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #9 Alpaca

Capt'n John continues in his search for the ten most expensive fabrics and returns with Fabric #9. This week's fabric comes from the Alpaca. Read on through and find out why Alpaca breaks into the list.

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The Ten Most Expensive Fabrics - #10 Sea Island Cotton

What Are the Most Expensive Fabrics in the World?

Capt'n John as always wanted to know. So, after doing some research, he has come up with a list of the most expensive fabrics currently in production. For the next ten weeks, we will be showing these fabrics one by one. First up in the Number Ten spot, Sea Island Cotton.

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Fabric Texas Woman Left Behind will Warm Bowie Families

Where will your fabric end up when you're gone? That's the question a lot of quilters ask themselves when they get up in age. But if your fabric follows the path Verna Mae Brashear's did when she passed, you'll be okay with the end result. Brashear "left behind hundreds of quilt design blocks, mountains of fabric and numerous sewing supplies," and it was all donated to The Hills Quilting Ladies in Fort Worth who turned it into dozens of quilts to keep families warm. Read on to learn about this generous act of kindness and all the good that quilters do.

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A Retired Astronaut Launches a Fabric Line

"Seeing Earth from space is a privilege afforded only to a select few highly trained individuals—the rest of us have to settle for photos and videos. Now, those views can also be incorporated into quilts and other crafting projects thanks to a new fabric line from retired NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg." - Smithsonian Magazine

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Creating A Fabric For A Dior Fashion Show

"One of the Paris embroidery specialists that worked on the Dior Autumn-Winter 2021-2022 Haute Couture collection by Maria Grazia Chiuri, Maison Vermont offers a look at the creation of a fabric inspired by an archival sample that’s being recreated with lace appliqués, meandering vermicelli embroidery and tiny crystal sparkles to subtly lift the final effect." - Dior

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TQS Scavenger Hunt - Win a Box of Fabric From Alex Anderson

Alex cleaned out her stash and we have THREE 15" x 10" x 15" boxes of fabric to give away! Join our Scavenger Hunt and be entered to win one of those big boxes of fabric from Alex! But don't wait too long to get in on the action, because today (8/18/21) is the last day to enter. Update: The Scavenger Hunt is now over and we have our three winners. Find out who they are!

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How Do You Get Rid of That Stain?

Let's thank the Girl Scouts for showing us this great site which tells us how to remove just about any kind of stain.
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The Making of Traditional Balinese Handwoven Ikat Fabric

During her show, Gale Carson showcased a variety of unique fabrics from around the world. One of those is Bali Ikat, a black fabric that was so stunning Ricky had to buy some for himself. See how this amazing fabric is made and produced in this informative video.

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Why Do Quilters Have So Much Fabric?

"Quilters have a lot of fabric. That is a natural consequence of the hobby, but why? There are many cheeky comments online about “hoarding disorders”, but that is not the real reason. The real reasons we have so much fabric are varied."

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The Ancient Fabric That No One Knows How to Make

(Image credit: Drik/ Bengal Muslin)

"Nearly 200 years ago, Dhaka muslin was the most valuable fabric on the planet. Then it was lost altogether. How did this happen? And can we bring it back?'


(Image credit: Drik/ Bengal Muslin - Article BBC.com)

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