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Sapphire Celebration - Houston Quilt Show's 45th Anniversary: "Japanese Memories" by Kathleen M. Littfin

We continue our selection of quilts exhibited in 2019 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as part of their 45th Anniversary, the Sapphire Anniversary. 

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TQS Puzzle: "Infinite Stitches" 2016 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show Poster by Kathy Deggendorfer

The puzzle today is actually the poster from the 2016 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show titled Infinite Stitches, which Kathy Deggendorfer designed.
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TQS Puzzle: "Russian Mosque" by Karlee Porter

Russian Mosque is one of Karlee's very favorite quilts. She made it when she was just developing her Graffiti Quilting technique.
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TQS Puzzle: "Explosion" by Karlee Porter

Karlee's quilt, Explosion, was created using a single piece from her fabric line.
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Sapphire Celebration - Houston Quilt Show's 45th Anniversary: "Touching Stars" by Unknown Maker

We continue our selection of quilts exhibited in 2019 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as part of their 45th Anniversary, the Sapphire Anniversary.

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Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation - "Pele IV" a Quilt by Jenny Hearn

We continue our feature on quilts from the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit, Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation, as featured at the Texas Quilt Museum. 

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Sapphire Celebration - Houston Quilt Show's 45th Anniversary: "Pyramids In The Sky" by Richard W. Howard, Quilted by Dona Warnement

We continue our selection of quilts exhibited in 2019 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as part of their 45th Anniversary, the Sapphire Anniversary. 

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Sapphire Celebration - Houston Quilt Show's 45th Anniversary: "Double Hourglass" by Unknown Maker

We continue our selection of quilts exhibited in 2019 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as part of their 45th Anniversary, the Sapphire Anniversary.

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Anna and G on the Road: Our New World...

We are moving into week 4 of Shelter in Place and so much has personally been learned during this current reality. In scary movies the quiet means something bad is coming...but, in this case quiet has taught me some beautiful things.
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Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation - "Blue Book on Blue Chairs" a Quilt by Laura Wasilowski

 We continue our feature on quilts from the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit, Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation, as featured at the Texas Quilt Museum.

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Sapphire Celebration - Houston Quilt Show's 45th Anniversary: "Bluer Than Blue" by Cindy Seitz-Krug

We continue our selection of quilts exhibited in 2019 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as part of their 45th Anniversary, the Sapphire Anniversary. 

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Sapphire Celebration - Houston Quilt Show's 45th Anniversary: "100 Treasures" by Karen I. Miller and Janice Jenney

We continue our selection of quilts exhibited in 2019 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as part of their 45th Anniversary, the Sapphire Anniversary. 

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Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation - "Pattern Fusion No.14-Motherboard No.5" a Quilt by Arturo Alonzo Sandoval

Beginning today, TQS will be featuring quilts from the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit, Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation, as featured at the Texas Quilt Museum. 

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Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation - "Iconostasis" a Quilt by Patricia Malarcher

We continue our feature on quilts from the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit, Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation, as featured at the Texas Quilt Museum.

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Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation - "New Dawn" a Quilt by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry

We continue our feature on quilts from the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit, Layered & Stitched: Fifty Years of Innovation, as featured at the Texas Quilt Museum. 

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On the Set with Violet Craft and Kathy Deggendorfer

Go behind the scenes with Violet Craft and Kathy Deggendorfer on an all new episode of The Quilt Show. 

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Anna and G on the Road: Feeding the Soul

Now is the time to "Feed the Soul" not to expect or decide to make a bunch of rules for yourself. I like goals, but only if I am allowed to be flexible.

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