Have you lost track of how much time you've spent playing Jinny Beyer's Memory Match Game? Well, you'd have more of it if you finished the game faster. Play today and get your fastest time yet!
Do a puzzle of Sally Frey's quilt, French Market.
Do a puzzle of Teri Cherne's quilt, Rays of Hope.
Do a puzzle of Lee Chappell Monroe's quilt, Blue Ridge.
Do a puzzle of Lee Chappell Monroe's quilt, Twisted Turns.
With 2024 wrapping up, have you set a new record yet in the Jinny Beyer Memory Match Game? Can you make your best time before the end of the year?
Do a puzzle of Allie Aller's quilt, Blooms and Bars.
Do a puzzle of Michele Sanandajian's quilt, Keys to Paradise.
Do a puzzle of Lee Chappell Monroe's quilt, Georgia's Dresden.
A "Modern" Winter Quilt, Barbara Black LIVE: "Pick a Petal" - Month 12, Dee LIVE: "Star Bright" - Class 06, Enjoy Ricky Tims' Advent Music Calendar, Back In Stock - The Glow Ruler by Carolina Moore, A Skill Building Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Lee Chappell Monroe's quilt, Charleston Carriage.
Third Place - Pictorial-Small at Houston 2024, Editing Your Color Palette With Lee Chappell Monroe, Alex Anderson LIVE: Slinging Paint on Quilts with Sherri Lipman McCauley, In The Store - Chambray Basics Fat Quarter Bundle by Tilda Fabrics, Jinny Beyer's Memory Match Game, A "Lone" Puzzle
If all you want in this world is to be the best memory match player you can be, then playing Jinny Beyer's Memory Match Game every Wednesday isn't a bad place to start. Go ahead and put your skills to the test!