Do you have a casual interest in matching quilt blocks together? Or are you past the point of no return and are a die-hard Jinny Beyer's Memory Match fan? Play the game and find out if you're the former or the latter!
Do a puzzle of Lynn Carson Harris' quilt, Twinkling Stars.
Second Place - Pictorial-Large at Houston 2024, Make Improv Mosaic Scrap Log Cabins with Lorraine Woodruff-Long, Alex Anderson LIVE: Judith Ahlborn - Tactile Architecture at Houston 2024, Textile Talks: Learn & Make with SDA - Part 2, In The Store - Quilters Select Thread Bundles, A Mountainous Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Suzy Williams' quilt, Mod Mountains.
Third Place - Machine Quilting at Houston 2024, Lorraine Woodruff-Long Debuts with Tons of Talent, Ricky Tims Visits with Libby Lehman at Home, The 2024 BERNINA Wish Book, In The Store - Chalk Barn Fat Quarter Bundle by Shannon Roberts, A Puzzle That Keeps on Spinning
Do a puzzle of Sujata Shah's quilt, Windmills.
Second Place - Hand Crafted/Hand Made at Houston 2024, On The Set with Lorraine Woodruff-Long, The Next Giant Leap - Lunar Quilt Block Challenge, Dee LIVE: Star Bright - Class 04, In The Store - Fast Fun and Functional Project Panels, A Primary Color Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Lynn Koolish's quilt, Yellow.
Second Place - Appliqué at Houston 2024, A Conversation on the Bay Area Quilting Community, Alex LIVE: Kaia Kessler Tells You How She Quilted "Ebony Thought" by Uzoma Samuel Anyanwu, Introducing the Autumn Bursting Collection from Felicity Fabrics, Jinny Beyer's Memory Match Game, A Landscaping Inspired Puzzle
Are you going through the motions and just getting the same time every week when you play Jinny Beyer's Memory Match? Well, now it's time to step up your game and prove to everyone else you're the best around!
Do a puzzle of Jenny K. Lyon's quilt, Midnight Garden.
Second Place - Abstract at Houston 2024, Our Show with Our Bay Area Artists Is "Great", Ricky Tims LIVE: A Visit with Libby Lehman, Textile Talks: Documenting Your Group & Community (A How-to Guide for Anyone!), In The Store - Kimberbell Celebration Collection Fat Quarter Bundle, A "Copper" Puzzle
Do a puzzle of MJ Kinman's quilt, Copper Queen.
Ricky Tims' Judge's Choice Award at Houston 2024, Join Ricky's Smart Photography Seminar 2024, A Stained Glass Gown Worth Almost $27,000, How to Free-motion Quilt a Christmas Tree, New From Quilters Select - Introducing the 10.5" x 10.5" Ruler, A Passionate Puzzle from Pati Fried
Do a puzzle of Pati Fried's quilt, Give Me Liberty.
Lisa Ellis' Judge's Choice Award at Houston 2024, Barbara Black's Tips for "Pick a Petal" Month 11, Create An All-Purpose Apron, Dee LIVE: Star Bright - Class 03, In The Store - Wild Harvest by Northcott Fabrics, A Dice Decided Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Mel Beach's quilt, 100 Days of Dice Doodles.
Viewers' Choice Award at Houston 2024, Making Fabric Stitch Books with Pati Fried, Create an Autumn Wall Hanging Quilt, In The Store - Coyote Hill Fat Quarter Bundle by Katie O'Shea, Jinny Beyer's Memory Match Game, A Puzzle In The "Valley"
Do you dream of being the best Memory Matcher out there? Well, there's only one way to do it, and that's to play Jinny Beyer's Memory Match until you match everything right the first time!
Do a puzzle of Sarah Ann Smith's quilt, Lilies of the Valley.