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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Give Me Liberty" by Pati Fried

Do a puzzle of Pati Fried's quilt, Give Me Liberty.


Give Me Liberty is a celebration of Pati's passion for Liberty Fabrics. As she was working on this quilt, Pati was gifted the 30-year-old stashes of two dear friends, Diana McClun and Darra Williamson. Brought to tears by the gesture, Pati of course then needed to name the quilt Give Me Liberty for its use of Liberty Fabrics from the stashes. To achieve the striated feeling of the background, Pati used the selvages of the fabrics she was using for the main quilt and adorned the top with a bursting flower design made with hand appliquéd petals that she says features every color under the sun. While very beautiful in its own right, Give Me Liberty serves a functional purpose as well, for it will be featured as the main attraction at the venue where her daughter will soon be getting married.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


Love Pati's work? Want to see how she creates her Stitched Fabric Books? See how she does it by watching her in Ice Dyeing with Lynn Koolish, Lattice Blocks with Sujata Shah, Block Prints with Mel Beach, Fabric Books with Pati Fried.


See more of Pati's quilts in Learn to Slow Stitch and Express Yourself in Quilting with Pati Fried | Designing for Digital Quilting with Ricky Tims.


GiveMeLibertybyPatiFried - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

GiveMeLibertybyPatiFried - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

GiveMeLibertybyPatiFried - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

GiveMeLibertybyPatiFried - 36 Pieces Rotating

GiveMeLibertybyPatiFried - 100 Pieces Rotating

GiveMeLibertybyPatiFried - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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Cannot access the puzzle today. Is there a problem???

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