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Designing on your computer

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    I use Corel Draw to design Rhapsodys. It also has a grid set up for drafting traditional blocks, and can be set up with a 1/4 inch outside contour to create templates with seam allowance. I make continuious line quilting line medalions with the shapes setting. I use the Paint part of this program to design and print my own fabric. It is an expensive software but it can be used soooooo many ways. Betty Ann in Senny Florida

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      Okay, I'm looking at the different Corel Draw packages and I have no idea what I'm looking at. All I want is the basic one to help design.

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        How did you do your Rhapsody in EQ6? How did you start it?

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Originally posted by eileenkny
          How did you do your Rhapsody in EQ6? How did you start it?
          I drew 1/4th of the skeleton as a block (easy draw block), opened "work on quilt" and inserted 4 blocks into the quilt to check out what it would look like....I ended up with 6 greate skeletons in no time. The appliquepattern was drawn on the freezerpaper though. If you are doing a rhapsody make sure you dont fill your skeleton with a lot of appliques if you want your quilting to shine. I know the next rhapsody will have more space for free motion :wink:

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            Thanks, Hanne. I'll have to get my DH to get EQ6 up and running. In the meantime, I'm going to practice my skeletons
            eileenkny 8)

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              I just received EQ6 for Christmas after having EQ5 but never really learning to use it much. It's Awesome!!

              I think we need a section to discuss this. It can do so many things and I'm sure we all have questions and tips to share.

              Nancy in Western NY, burried in the snow! BRRRRRRRRRRRR...

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                Great idea Nancy Anne.... we do need a section dedicated to EQ6. It is such a powerful program and hasn't really been intuitive. But I have managed to design a few simple ones in it.

                I'd love to pick Hanne grete's brain some more on using it for the Rhapsody designs.



                  Pick my brain any day you want :lol: :P

                  Designing a rhapsody skeleton using EQ6 is way more easy than you can image....The most wonderful thing is you can try it out without drawing a line, cutting any freezerpaper or fabric :!:
                  And...you can change the size in a second :wink:

                  When Ricky is drawing his rhapsody skeletons he is working at 1/8 of the patters..then transfere it to make the whole pattern.

                  Designing on EQ6 you will make 1/4 of the skeleton. Treat the lower right corner as 1/4th of your quilt's center, upper lefthand corner as the corner of your quilt. Upper righthand corner will be the midpoint of the finished top edge, and the lower lefthand corner will be the midpoint on the side edge of your finished quilt.

                  Use Ricky's principals...design it as a BLOCK in EQ6, store your block in sketchbook, put the block into a quilt (4 times)..rotate so you have the complete skeleton...now you will see if your skeleton works or you need to change some of the lines. If it works, just play with different choises of fabric

                  When printing the block, you set it to 1/2 the size you want your finished quilt to be. Print the block once...you dont need more :wink:
                  Then transfere it to freezerpaper, again using Ricky's principals....

                  Just play with it girls, you will have so much fun! Even though you do not end up with the perfect rhapsody skeleton the first time, you will end up with some awsome designs to make unique quilts :lol:


                    I agree that it would be nice to have a section devoted to computer design with a subset for EQ. Meanwhile, sign up throught EQ website on their forum. There is a lot of great discussion and problem solving there. Lots of history to search through for resolving questions.



                      Ok Hanne Grete, I took ur suggestions and did a couple of amateur attempts at a Rhapsody skeleton in EQ 6. I posted them here in my blog if you want to take a look.




                        Originally posted by Stinki
                        Ok Hanne Grete, I took ur suggestions and did a couple of amateur attempts at a Rhapsody skeleton in EQ 6. Carla
                        GREATE WORK GIRL!!!!

                        That wasnt difficult was it?? And I think it is so much fun to be able to play with the colors (fabrics), I guess you think so too :!:

                        Dont forget what a difference the applique will do to the quilt :lol: :wink:

                        AND, if you want your free motion to shine, you need to plan some open spaces :!: :idea:


                          I went to my first EQ6 class yesterday and it was great. We're going to meet every 2 weeks and run it like a club. If you miss a week, it doesn't matter, come when you can.

                          The instructor is very knowledgeable and I can see we're going to learn alot from her. I'm feeling quite inspired to try more.

                          We REALLY need a category for computer design. I'd love to share lots of tips and tricks with all you other EQ users!


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