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    I've had EQ5 for two years and haven't really done anything with it. I have one or two quilts on it that I've designed and want to make someday. But I find I really don't use it that much and I tend to design in my head. Sometimes I'll put it down on graph paper. I'm really bad about changing things around even after I've designed it! :roll:


      I have the quilt pro v-5, my daughter bought it when she first started quilting. You can scan your fabrics choice into the patterns. Or make your own patterns. I like looking at all the different patterns but I never use it. She didn't use it either.

      I still draw out my patterns onto paper and color it in then scan and copy them into my paint work shop, and again copy and paste picture several times to see if I like the pattern. I will also repeat this after I sew a block. This gives you idea of what your quilt will look like.

      I'm the "Goofy One" after drawing out so many different patterns on my own and coloring them in I've found I've come across Many patterns with copy rights. Yet I drawed them out with out looking through the many patterns with copy rights! LOL.... their are so many,I think I have drawed out a few with out copy rights but their are so many how would you really know! I have not made any quilts of my own patterns yet but I made one by accident,a one of a kind .

      I thought you were not allowed to sell your quilts if you used a copy right pattern? I was checking out ebay and I know alot of the quilts had copy rights and alot didn't? Their was alot of beautiful quilt tops finished called cheaters quilt tops,alot of beautiful quilt tops. I thought they were selling them way to cheap. Now I know they don't all own their own copy rights. (I'm no quilt police) but If I could sell one I would like to know,not that I ever will sell any,but would still like to know the rules. Same goes for blocks/embroidery pieces?
      I just don't know, I was always told you couldn't sell them unless you own the copy rights to the pattern. I guess rules are some what leinant long as you are not doing it in hundreds.....one here and there! :?


        The patterns on EQ5 are ones that can be used without worrying about copyright. I think most printed patterns have an area that will tell you if the pattern can only be used for "personal use" or whether you can only sell up to a certain amount of quilts using a particular pattern.
        Judy in Torrance


          I forgot to add that I like to design my quilts in grayscale--the colors are too distracting for me.



            Thanks that helps me alot on copy rights. Gray scale is a really good idea.
            When I draw out a one block pattern I try to color it in with colors that I will be using not exact colors but this gives me a reference to check where each of the pieces goes.
            I'm making a Lamone star "I'm Goofy" I'm the one that must like taking the long route because I'm not sewing diamonds together I'm doing it all by blocks and marking each block with two sets of sew lines. I made the carpenters star quilt top the same route. Why do I keep going the long route with everything I make,geesh!
            Again thank you!


              I cannot get onto EQ's forum. I have been trying for a while and it just doesn't work for some reason. So I'm hoping that some of you will have enough experience with EQ6 to help me out.

              My question is about the rotary cutting guide, is it always correct? It gives me strange measurements like 4 5/8 inches when I think it should be 5 inches. I only find this problem when designing with triangles.

              For example when cutting a triangle from a rectangular piece of fabric (from the bottom right corner to the top left), wouldn't the rectangle need to be a full 1/2 inch larger than the intended triangle?

              I am a little confused and would love any help concerning this matter.


                Originally posted by as4rhouse
                I cannot get onto EQ's forum. I have been trying for a while and it just doesn't work for some reason. So I'm hoping that some of you will have enough experience with EQ6 to help me out.

                My question is about the rotary cutting guide, is it always correct? It gives me strange measurements like 4 5/8 inches when I think it should be 5 inches. I only find this problem when designing with triangles.

                For example when cutting a triangle from a rectangular piece of fabric (from the bottom right corner to the top left), wouldn't the rectangle need to be a full 1/2 inch larger than the intended triangle?

                I am a little confused and would love any help concerning this matter.
                The rotary cutting guide is correct :shock: :lol: :lol: You do not need a full 1/2". If I was real good in english or could draw on here I would show you why :lol: :lol: I have studied a LOT of math so I know EQ6 is right :wink: ops: 8) Take some scraps and try, you will find you get the result you want


                  Brink, I just want to tell you that I think you are AMAZING!!


                    Originally posted by DamarisEstrada
                    Brink, I just want to tell you that I think you are AMAZING!!


                      i think there is an option on EQ6 to work to the nearest 1/16 or to the nearest 1/8 inch

                      Not sure if that helps at all.

                      I designed a quilt with EQ6 and used the rotary cutting instructions - then hand pieced it and it all fitted together well. It was 86 birds in the air blocks which if anyone knows it is all triangles.


                        I use EQ6 a lot. I used it to print the pattern 40" Mariner's Compass for my son's quilt. Printed in section and used a lot of tape. I need practice on tracing a shape and making an applique pattern in EQ6. I did it for a cat and dog quilt I made a couple of years ago but have forgot everything I learned.


                          Would it make sense to try to design a Rhapsody quilt on EQ6? DH has it on his computer but we really don't know much about using it.
                          Can we keep this going and maybe those that know how to utilize it can teach the rest of us? Hmm...........................????

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            I can tell you from years of experience, the rotary cutting directions in EQ are usually spot-on. I've used them to check my own math when writing patterns.

                            My one complaint is that the program sometimes chooses to offer half-square triangles when I'd rather have quarter-square, or vice versa. In that case I print out templates and measure those.

                            I use Corel for my applique designs. Creating the Rhapsody designs would be a snap in Corel. I don't use EQ for applique designs, although it's much easier now than it was years ago when I started designing applique patterns.

                            Beth Ferrier

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Hi Beth,
                              I've heard of Corel from some people I know that do CAD. Do they make a simple version anyone can use?
                              ps-I'm really looking forward to your episode on Monday.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                Originally posted by eileenkny
                                Would it make sense to try to design a Rhapsody quilt on EQ6? DH has it on his computer but we really don't know much about using it.
                                Can we keep this going and maybe those that know how to utilize it can teach the rest of us? Hmm...........................????
                                Eileen...if you take a look at my rhapsody I made the skeleton in EQ6, it was real easy!!!!! I did 1/4th of the pattern...not 1/8 like you would do if you folding the paper the Ricky-way. :wink: :lol:

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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