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    Originally posted by Josew
    Originally posted by gerbigk
    Happy Anniversary. Nice pictures. I made my dress. My daughters laugh at me. :roll: :roll:
    I made my DH wait to get married so I the teacher not done with school until mid June could make my wedding gown too. :wink:
    It's funny that you both said that because I made my dress, too! We had a very small wedding and had the reception at my parent's house for our closest friends and family. My cousins owned a bakery in Port Arthur, Texas and they made our cake as a wedding give and drove it all the way to Houston. Money was somewhat scarce in those days with DH still in college and trying to save to buy a house sooner rather than later. I'm glad that we were able to give both our daughters nicer weddings...I guess I used their weddings to enjoy some of the extra frills we didn't have then.

    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


      Originally posted by NaneeWolf
      Originally posted by Josew
      Originally posted by gerbigk
      Happy Anniversary. Nice pictures. I made my dress. My daughters laugh at me. :roll: :roll:
      I made my DH wait to get married so I the teacher not done with school until mid June could make my wedding gown too. :wink:
      It's funny that you both said that because I made my dress, too! We had a very small wedding and had the reception at my parent's house for our closest friends and family. My cousins owned a bakery in Port Arthur, Texas and they made our cake as a wedding give and drove it all the way to Houston. Money was somewhat scarce in those days with DH still in college and trying to save to buy a house sooner rather than later. I'm glad that we were able to give both our daughters nicer weddings...I guess I used their weddings to enjoy some of the extra frills we didn't have then.
      It was the same for us and I made $ 6,000 the first year I taught. We had the same a small wedding with cake & punch reception in church and I certainly enjoyed being able to give our 3 children a different start in marriage. I just hope they realize it isn't the start that counts it is how you work to make marriage work, so many today just dsay enough and separate instead of trying to make it work. There are not may who reach the 40 + years of marriage these days!


        I finally got mine! And some of you ladies are already making blocks! Sorted them last night by state and country. Boy howdy did I get a lot of duplicates, out of 616 I only got 9 of my own back I don't even know what to make yet. I live in Albuqueruqe, New Mexico and recieved several from here, what are the odds! Los Alamos, NM is north of me and I have some from there! I need to go through them this weekend, not sure if I can afford to mail them the duplicates for a resort, but I will try. :P


          Originally posted by snelson61
          I finally got mine! And some of you ladies are already making blocks! Sorted them last night by state and country. Boy howdy did I get a lot of duplicates, out of 616 I only got 9 of my own back I don't even know what to make yet. I live in Albuqueruqe, New Mexico and recieved several from here, what are the odds! Los Alamos, NM is north of me and I have some from there! I need to go through them this weekend, not sure if I can afford to mail them the duplicates for a resort, but I will try. :P
          Sherie, you might want to check out the info on this forum topic for an exchange: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...yward-exchange

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            I have posted the details for the Duplicate Exchange on page 1 of the SoTTTs Clearing House - Duplicate and Wayward Exchange topic.

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              at the post office just after it opened this morning - box almost did not fit into the bicycle basket - but got it - my laptop - all my other stuff and myself safely and very HAPPY to the office in good time YEAH !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

              and what was i doing instead of checking my e-mails and doing the regular morning stuff (including doing the BIG boss' mail as his assistant is on vacation) - yup - checking out those lovely lovely lovely little friends - OH THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOO FABULOUS - one of the first i looked at is from clara and then there was one from barb - they immediately moved into the golden ticket bag - so far saw one from scotland - a few from alaska - lots from california - a few from vermont (almost home :P ) and quite a few from texas - but sadly :cry: :cry: :cry: had to put them aside as - whatever i might think - i am not getting paid for playing with HSTs - although boss when he walked in and saw the "fabric mess" on top of my regular piles of work mess did not say anything at all ops: ops: ops: (he knows me quite well - have been here for 18 years).

              now better get going and look after his mail :wink:

              can't wait for lunchtime - will be a LOOOOOONG lunch :P :P :P :P


              lots of smiles from a sunny and bright baar - switzerland
              your overjoyed soulsister
              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                Oh!! Lotti so pleased you have received your HST's just maybe mine will arrive today, keep your fingers crossed for me,
                BTW love your new profile photo.
                Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                  good morning dorothy

                  am keeping fingers and toes crossed - have to use my fingers for work - so that a bit difficult

                  any moment / day now - i can definitely confirm that they ARE SOOOOOO WORTH THE WAIT.

                  don't fret if you don't see the baggie of the golden tickets - it's a small thin sandwich-bag - which just about disappears inside all the HSTs - best is to just empty the whole bunch onto the largest table in the house (dining room table with all extra panels set in) and relegate everyone to eat at the kitchen table (if you have one) or off their laps/from the coffee table, for the next little while. you'll need lots of space to spread out and ENJOY - i'm very seriously considering taking command of a few tables at our cafeteria here at work - or maybe even a conference room - darn we have two weeks of training courses - so i can't just take the training room - that would be sooooo perfect - lots of nice white tables and a whole wall of windows :wink: :wink: :wink:

                  thank you - was at the hairdresser last friday - and thought i might as well have a new pic while i look semi-decent - will be another 2 months till that happens again :?
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    I have just received my package! I was looking forward to getting all the triangles from everyone but I didn't realize just how exciting it really was going to be. I have been sitting here for two hours just playing with them with lots of excited comments to the kids. They really think I'm nuts now! Thank you to everyone involved for all your hard work, it is much appreciated. It really has been so nice to read the all the posts and now to have a part of you all in a very special quilt. I will have to get a map out to check where all these places are in U.S., some of the names are the same as what we have but others are quite unusual.
                    This is one happy International sister!
                    Very excited with my Golden Tickets and one from Debbie as well!


                      Originally posted by serin10
                      I have posted the details for the Duplicate Exchange on page 1 of the SoTTTs Clearing House - Duplicate and Wayward Exchange topic.
                      Hi Kari, I just read your post regarding the SoTTs Clearing House. Sounds like you have a great system. I wish you luck. I exchanged about 300 HST's and got very few duplicates although there were a few. I would imagine that was the case with most people. Hopefully, your job won't be to large or overwhelming. I am thinking there must be only a relatively few out of all of us who made the exchange who need the clearing house. I really admire your organizational skills. Lois Bruno


                        Hey Debbie & Clara, ( and Ritzy)
                        I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts upon what you would recommend would be done differently for future exchanges, what worked & what didn't etc, etc, etc. I have been mulling this over in my mind for a while now, but didn't want to post my suggestions until we had some feedback from the from the initial Sorting Queen's experiences.



                          Originally posted by loise98
                          Originally posted by serin10
                          I have posted the details for the Duplicate Exchange on page 1 of the SoTTTs Clearing House - Duplicate and Wayward Exchange topic.
                          Hi Kari, I just read your post regarding the SoTTs Clearing House. Sounds like you have a great system. I wish you luck. I exchanged about 300 HST's and got very few duplicates although there were a few. I would imagine that was the case with most people. Hopefully, your job won't be to large or overwhelming. I am thinking there must be only a relatively few out of all of us who made the exchange who need the clearing house. I really admire your organizational skills. Lois Bruno

                          Thank-you for your kind words. I hope others like the idea of the exchange ...


                            HST have landed in UK.

                            Nan in Scotland


                              Nan in Scotland...So happy you got your HST's have arrived...I received 3 of yours in my lot here in Ontario Canada yesterday...those little devils sure are world travelers..
                              Enjoy playing and Keep on quilting...Cassandra


                                Dean Lotti and Nan:

                                So happy your HTS's have arrived. Your excitement is joyous. Enjoy the experience as it is one we all share together! Lotti, I have one of your HST's so this is exciting.



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