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    Scoopie, I like your attitude. I think this is an amazing opportunity for gaining much more than HST's. Lois Bruno


      Originally posted by Scoopie

      I am just now getting caught up on the SOTTS Forum, as I have been a little busier than I normally am. I am about 20 pages behind right now, but there was a LOT of talk about duplicates, triplicates, or not getting any from....... Anyway, I have just made some new and wonderful friends! SOTTT sisters. WHY? Because of overages, unders, shortages, and duplicates! Jan Billings (fiberwoman) was able to help me in a big way, as I was 28 short. She even gave me a list to chose from! I had never corresponded with her before, and now have a new sister! I found two international ladies who only received HSTs from the USA, and since I was blessed with many outside of the USA, we have been corresponding to arrange a trade. Two new sisters here! And, thank you Roseanne for the LA HST, and Shirley for the last 3 HSTs that I needed. Two MORE sisters! If this was a perfect world and we all had gotten exactly what we anticipated and wanted, there would not have been the need to contact others. There has been such an outpouring of jenerousity that we would have never seen, and so many new friendships that would have never been, if this had been a perfect exchange!!!!!!!

      Thank you again, Debbie and Clara, and all of you who made HSTs that winged their way to my house! I have been blessed!

      In beautiful Northwest Montana
      This is what I think making a great tasting pitcher of lemonade is all about! Way to go, Dawn!


        Hello Louis98,
        I have 2 of your HST

        Nan in Scotland


          Nan, I'll have to check to see if I have any of yours. I hope the two you have of mine are different. I am in Nevada - a long way from PA - visiting my daughter. I'll check when I get home. Lois


            Hi, all my SotTT Sisters (and brothers),
            Since I last posted here, my DH and I have had a near disaster that is funny when I look back, but definitely was NOT at the time. Here is the story:

            Imagine, if you will, a small table set behind my sewing machine table (a between-blocks pressing station). On the table are 280 pressed HSTs, sorted by region, state, city, and Sister/Brother :lol: I go off to bed and my dreams of HST quilts. The next morning I go up to my studio (read - landing above the living room) to start clipping bunny ears and recording who and where all of these beauties came from. I reached the top of the stairs and felt a stiff breeze :? , turned to look at my space and found the balcony door standing open to the gusting 20-30 mph wind!!! :twisted: DH (an early riser; me, NOT) had opened the door to get a cross-ventilation so we need not use the AC that day :shock: Does anyone care to guess where my darling HSTs were :?: Let me give you a hint - only about 50-75 were still on the table :x I did eventually find them all - but it took several searches and some serious gnashing of teeth :roll: Found one HST in my trash can, 2 downstairs among DH's photos and multiples under tables, on chairs, in other project bags, etc. You get the picture :lol: Boy am I glad I was so obsessed with counting and writing down how many came from each state, country and individual ops: I now have them all pressed, trimmed, "de-papered" and up on my design wall in a random order. I may even just sew them all together the way they are, it is wonderful how well they all work together without any fiddling at all :lol: :wink:

            Jackie in Texas; procrastinating about cleaning, sorting my studio before next Sat. when a group of other fiber artists come to my house to "play" :roll:


              Is your poor DH still able to walk? LOL.


                Jackie, I can sympathize with you having to hunt for your HST's! I've avoided opening windows or turning on the fan in my sewing room so my HST's don't blow off my design wall. Have had that happen with a project before, only larger blocks. Even though I'm making the medallion quilt and doing definitely scrappy, I don't relish picking them up off the floor!
                Fi in No. California


                  :wink: Jackie, you were very wise to make that list! Am glad you found a-l-l of your HST's. WOW, they were really scattered all over the place! Hope your DH is convalescing nicely! :mrgreen:


                    To all responders,
                    DH is doing well and doesn't even realize how bad it could have been. Oh, well, oblivious is sometimes the better way to be.



                      my stt have arrived in south australia and i cant wait to get started i am going to put them together with the exchange we did here in south australia with the girls that i teach . I plain to make the tree of life quilt and write the names on the front of the quilt . Thank you all for your hard work and fun Yours toni


                        Happy Mother's Day to all the mums. - hope you all have a lovely day.
                        Now....Is anyone else still waiting for their HSTs ....or is it just me? That's right, they're still not here :cry: :cry: :cry:
                        Surely they'll come soon :!: :?: :!:
                        Robyn from South Australia


                          Oh Robyn, I had trouble waiting the little time I waited. I know this is hard. I've saved 150 0f mine to keep intact until everyone gets theirs in case there are more shortages. I just pulled off the papers of the
                          other ones. I have a raffle quilt to get done before I can seriously work on this quilt.


                            jackie: feel with you - as i started sorting - and knowing myself (no need for a hubby to blame here - i can manage to do these silly things all by myself) i bagged each state individually as i got them out of the large ziplock and sorted - and sorted - and sorted - but they are all safe and sound and ready to put on a design wall - as soon as i've finished three projects that have precedence - quilt for japan finished late last night - just gotta get washed - named and photographed - then there are two babies who plan to make their appearance in june - and it's almost mid may

                            robyn: they'll get there - have confidence in the international post - sometimes it's just very very very slow - have put all my duplicates in a separate bag - only to be used to help out sisters - until i know that everyone is set - another week making it's appearance soon - and the mailman with it
                            Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                              Happy Mothers Day everyone!

                              I was clipping dog ears last night and remember one of your beautiful babies, Robyn! Hope you get one of mine and many more. They'll come soon!

                              Jean from Northwest Ohio (Liberty Center) ... still sorting


                                A very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all our SoTTT sisters! And by Mother's I'm including birth mothers, adoptive mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, godmothers, aunties, sisters, nieces, and all the women we've met in our lives who have been dear friends and listened to us when we needed them. Take care and bless everyone...and enjoy your special day!

                                Gresham, OR, USA


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