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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • New to The Quilt Show
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  • How to download pattern?
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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    Louise, my prayers and hopes go with you and your family for courage and strength and of course a speedy and quick recovery for your Hubby! Clara


      Hello All,

      My package of HST's finally arrived yesterday!!! After hearing last week that people in Australia and Finland had received theirs, I knew mine would be here soon (BC, Canada). It was very exciting to see the many varied fabrics and the distances they have travelled. My international triangles came from Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia & New Zealand. Although I have not yet chosen a special project, it's very intersting to see what others have started.

      This is my first time participating in an exchange. Thanks so much to all!



        Hi to you all

        My apologies for not getting on sooner and letting you know that I have received my HST's - all 560.
        I got the first lot on Friday May 6 and then went to Darwin for a week with a group of students.
        Upon my return the second lot had arrived.
        What a treasure trove they are - I have changed my mind so many times as to what to do with them but have finally decided on a design out of Edyta's book - Mosaic ? can't remember the rest and the book is at home.
        Living in an isolated place these opportunities to connect with quilters around the world are so important - something to treasure.
        I took place in the millineum swaps but have yet to finish that quilt - nearly but not quite.
        I would like to thank all of you and will post a picture of this quilt when finished.
        I won't take as long this time as I have become better at completing things.
        My thoughts are with Louise and her family.

        Thanks once again
        Bev in Jabiru (screen name Leolady)


          Bev, MaryEdith, It is great to hear about the possibility of my little HST's traveling to these distance parts of the earth that surely I will never get to see. I am making Edyta's Tree of Life which I will use as a wall hanging in my home. Having just gotten back into quilting after years away from it using other people's patterns is a great way to learn about color, design, construction and so many other things. I've made 3 tree of life blocks and I am so impressed by the consistency of the work in the HST's I've received. I know the papers help but it is very easy to sway from the lines just a little while you sew and oh sew easy for the ruler to slip while cutting. Everyone has done such a great job. Thanks to all of my SOTT's sisters for your careful work and most of all for your participation. Lois Bruno from Central Pennsylvania - USA


            I was going to do the Tree of Life as I began one while waiting for these to arrive - I have decided to do something different instead.
            I have kept all the paper triangles and will write up all the names and places I have received the HST's from. Not everyone signed theirs which is disappointing but most did.
            I too am impressed with the standard as it is easy to sew off the line.
            I am enjoying sewing them together and seeing fabrics that I have used in other projects and remembering the quilt that was made.
            I have a few duplicates but I don't believe that I have any duplicated fabrics from different people.
            Looking forward to seeing what comes from all these HST's.
            Bev in Jabiru


              A little off topic- but did anyone sign up for the bernina sewing room make over on facebook? I was just looking to cast my vote ...


                Originally posted by serin10
                A little off topic- but did anyone sign up for the bernina sewing room make over on facebook? I was just looking to cast my vote ...
                I was thinking about doing it but decided against it when I found out the voting system. Everyone can vote every day so to win you need a lot of friends to "pad" your vote. It's a problem for non facebook users! Bernina thinks it is fair since they will throw out any participant that uses automatic voting systems. I think it isn't since there is more than one vote per person.


                  Originally posted by sewbee2
                  I was thinking about doing it but decided against it when I found out the voting system. Everyone can vote every day so to win you need a lot of friends to "pad" your vote. It's a problem for non facebook users! Bernina thinks it is fair since they will throw out any participant that uses automatic voting systems. I think it isn't since there is more than one vote per person.
                  I know, it's basically a popularity contest. That's why I didn't enter - not enough friends who would take the time to vote.


                    I bailed,too !!


                      I'm with you ladies! I went to the sight just to check out what everyone sent in. The quallity of quite a few of the pictures was so poor that I couldn't vote for them. Some sent in photo's of themselves and/or pets. I thought we were supposed to send pix of our quilting room/space? Also, there were multiples of some? I did find 2 worth voting for . Both were unfinished rooms, one in a basement and the other an unfinished room in the back of a house. I find it difficult to believe that Bernina is conducting a contest in this way. I'm so happy I never posted my picture. I don't have enough friends who would b willing to vote that often. You're right. It is nothing more than a popularity contest. What a shame.



                        Oh well - if any of our SoTTTs did enter - don't be afraid to post it (ignore all of our negative comments!) I'd love to vote for you!

                        (I probably would have been more willing to enter if the other 2500 was from a sewing cabinet maker - Home Depot means do it your self and since my room is awful the whole "doing it myself" thing didn't work!)


                          I wanted to participate I need a sewing space so bad my apt is just over 400 sq feet, but you had to belong to facebook TQS is all I have time for.


                            snowladyns, I just visited your profile and l wish to high heavens that you had a beautiful spacious sewing room In which to do your beautiful work. But since you don't I am hoping that you do what real quilters do and keep on, keepin' on doing beautiful work inspiring that beautiful Amanda to create beauty as well. Who needs a make over sewing room when they make quilts as beautiful as yours. Lois B


                              If any of you didn't enter the Bernina contest and would like to cast a vote for a fellow TQS member.....
                              Please vote for me, Cathy Blaylock Vancleave Ms. Go to Bernina USA and press like then go to gallery votes I am found under first names a-z page number 13 as C Blaylock.

                              Thank you,
                              Ms Gulf Coast


                                After reading lois' comment about your beautiful work (done in your 400 sf apt) I had to checkout your profile. Your work is beautiful and I especially like the peacock feather quilt - just awesome. Keep it up.


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