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Kool Kaleidoscope -- Show Your Progress Here

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    Top half all done. Bottom will have to wait a few days

    NOTE--first photo shows bottom half laid out completely WRONG!

    The second photo is the corrected version--found the problem as I started to sew the bottom half together.

    It takes way longer to FIX the wrong layout than to do it right the first time--BUT it is easy to get confused.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


    • Jean L. commented
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      I feel your pain. I didn't look at the layout on my design wall long enough and my focus fabrics were not balanced as planed (Paula Nedelstern fabrics). I think it will be worth the pain in the long run. Loving the process and I appreciate all you do to support us in this journey.

    This is a great technique! I pulled fabrics from the quilting closet. I ended up editing out some pinks and purples, and I'm really happy with my result so far. Next, sewing pieces into wedges. Thank you, Ricky!
    Sue Thorson Hecker


    • Patti Jo commented
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      Nice combination! Pretty!!!

    • Joan M. commented
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      This is beautiful! It has a fall/autumnal feel to it.

    Was fun to do! Some fudging here and there, but figure the quilting will even it out! Great class and look forward to adding the borders. Thanks Ricky!!!
    Last edited by Patti Jo; 08-04-2021, 05:40 PM.
    Patti Jo


      Here’s my progress so far, I made an extra strata so cut 2 different #3s. I’ve decided to use the one on the right. It’s so fun to see how each section changes it ~ thank you Ricky


        I finished the Kaleidoscope this morning. I will use it as a table topper. I love how the center came together. Thanks Ricky for the FUN class!!!


          My kaleidoscope turned out great, just need to add borders


          • Jill M. commented
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            Love the “rounded” tips of the outer green star!



            I'm trying to decide on my wedgies color.
            Dotti F
            North Port FL/West Warwick RI


              This is a completely new concept to me. Really enjoying the process. Now to put it under the needle!


              • candygarrido commented
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                This one is beautiful! It looks like a gem!

              So far so good! I cannot believe how well this all went together!! The seams just seemed to fall into place, for the most part, and I'm very pleased with the results so far.


                Since my original didn’t scream “I love it” due to choice of fabrics…I started another but only using a template of 15 inches. I’m using mostly black/yellow/and a pop of red on this one and most fabrics read solid unless close up and I’m repeating the same fabrics…So we shall see how this turns out…It’s fun knowing each one won’t turn out the same.
                The pink is original using 5 rows of fabric…the other is smaller so I only did 4 rows of fabric.


                • SueGee commented
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                  I think I like the first one better, but maybe that's because I really don't like red.

                Cut out my butts and wedgies... used extra strata to make the butts and used one of the fabrics from that strata...


                • SueGee commented
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                  Very interesting. I may copy your idea if I have enough contrast. Yours looks great!

                I decided to cut my last pieces almost parallel to the edge and the strata is too short for that. But I knew that would happen so no surprice there :p

                However, my piece is almost 10" and of course I cannot get more than four pairs from one WOF.
                My seam ripper and I have had a productive evening to salvage some fabric...
                I tried to upload a picture from my phone, my computer and another computer but it doesn't work.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Louise G.; 08-04-2021, 06:25 PM.
                Si vis pacem, para pacem.


                • Barbara B. commented
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                  Louise there is helpful info on how to upload photos on the Forum. Use the Search the Forum button is you don't want to scroll down the list of topics. It's called How to Upload Photos Step by Step and I posted it several places, including in Ricky Tims' Classroom.

                I decided to use my batiks, but this weekend, I'm going to do one with more solid, textured fabrics, just to see the difference. I'm very happy with my progress although it's a bit sloppy to my liking. It's my fault for not being as precise as I should have been, but once it's quilted up, it shouldn't be too noticeable. I'm happy, and that's what counts, right?
                From Montreal, Canada



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