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Kool Kaleidoscope -- Ask Questions Here

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    I've followed Ricky's instructions for lining up my template on the strata (Drew a line across the seam line in 3-4 places and line that up each time I place the template. Template has 2 pieces of painter's tape on the back to keep it from shifting.) But the wedges don't match up. Does anyone have more tips for cutting the wedges to match?


    • Denise S. commented
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      Karen, I think you just need to back the left and right ones up to the two corners of the middle one. I can't tell if they do, but the seams between your mostly yellow one and mostly pinks one should line up.

    • Ricky T. commented
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      I feel confident that the two strata were not 100% aligned along the seams. As mentioned, if there is a divot, they must be skooched until the same lock - if there is a raised bump - a fingernail scratch along the seam should push the top off the bottom and the locking seams flattened. Having said that - I also know that this will still look okay in the quilt because so much is going on.

    Ricky, It takes me so long to do things especially something this detailed & big. Will I be able to show myine whenever I finish?


    • Ricky T. commented
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      The member gallery is always available for you to post your quilts. We love seeing them

    I have sewed two wedges together - each one is the same size, but when I put the freezer paper wedge template on each wedge, the wedge is narrow by about 1/8 inch on each side edge? Not sure what to do and where this error happened?


    • Ricky T. commented
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      If all of your wedges are about the same - with just 1/8" on all sides, you should be fine - it will all shrink down the same and you'll be okay. I'm guessing you didn't realize you took just a tad to big of a seam instead of that quilter's scant quarter-inch. No worries - onward.

    [QUOTE=needlepointernc;n886606]I have sewed two wedges together - each one is the same size, but when I put the freezer paper wedge template on each wedge, the wedge is narrow by about 1/8 inch on each side edge? Not sure what to do and where this error happened?[/QUOTE]

    It is most likely the seam allowance is a bit too big. Even being off a few threads on each seam will make the entire large Wedge incorrect. Double check all seam allowances for accuracy.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


    • Ruth-Ellen F. commented
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      Well, too late now to fix that. Will keep going I guess and see what happens. I did move my needle over like Ricky suggested.

    Barbara, obviously I can post on the computer, but I can't find a way to post when I open this forum on my iphone (where my photos are). I know, I could transfer them over to the computer and then post them, but hopefully there's a way to do it directly from the phone. thanks.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Denise, I just tried to post here with a photo from my Iphone--no luck. The photo was too big, I emailed it to myself as a Medium, that was fine. I thought I had attached it in my reply post but only got the string of words/characters. So, at the moment, not able to post a photo from my phone.
      I use my Ipad almost exclusively away from my studio and have no problems posting with photos from there.

    I don’t have a ruler with a 30° mark. I went to two shops and a big box store this weekend and didn’t see a single ruler with a 30° mark. Any suggestions on how to move forward drying my pattern?
    Minneapolis, Minnesota


    • Ricky T. commented
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      You can use a regular protractor, but most definitely you will need either a 30˚ or 60˚ option. I'm surprised the brands you saw didn't have those - most major brands of rulers (6" x 24") do. You might also consider purchasing a Quilter's Select ruler from our shop. [url]https://thequiltshow.com/shop/rulers-cutting/quilting-rulers[/url]

    • SueGee commented
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      YES! I had the same problem with my rulers. SOOOO, I found a 30 on my cutting mat, lined up my long ruler and used painters tape on the top side of my ruler to make a 30 deg line. TA DA, now I have a line to work with. I'll post a photo in a separate post.

    Where do we post pictures of our kaleidoscope work in progress? I’m loving this class


    • Ricky T. commented
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      Here - in the forum.

    [QUOTE=Cosmos284;n886639]I don’t have a ruler with a 30° mark. I went to two shops and a big box store this weekend and didn’t see a single ruler with a 30° mark. Any suggestions on how to move forward drying my pattern?[/QUOTE]

    Cosmos, All my quilting rulers have the 30 degree lines. Maybe if you have a quilting friend with a ruler that has the line
    you could borrow it, or better yet, buy a ruler with the lines. Most have 30, 60 and 45 lines. HelenW


      I posted a question with picture under fabric pull. Is it in the wrong place?


      • Barbara F. commented
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        No that was a good place to ask a question about your fabric. I just answered you.
        I am not able to get into my Admin account so am using this "test" account so I can respond this morning.

      [[email protected];n886642]Where do we post pictures of our kaleidoscope work in progress? I’m loving this class [/QUOTE]

      In the Topic Kool Kaleidoscope -- Show Your Progress Here
      Barbara Black
      Forum Wrangler


        I really like the idea of the wedgies in one colour and the butt in another colour, then continuing the line into the border. However, will you share the technique to match the line in the border on Friday? I’m stumped on that detail before going forward. Excited by the reveal of the wedges together. File size of pic too large to post, but will review Barbara’s Wednesday live about the Forum.


          I’m just cutting my first wedge sections. Instead of trying to get the seams of the strata butted together by feel, can I just cut each strata separately? I know, it’ll be much more work but I won’t have the anxiety of the fabrics not lining up at the reveal.


            I do not understand the “folding of the template”. What’s the purpose and how do you know where to fold?


            • Denise S. commented
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              For me, it was to remember which way I wanted the angle to go in the one step between the design wall and the cutting table. So easy to get confused!! As an alternative, you could pencil in the lines on the adjacent strata.

            Cosmos284, here is the photo of my "new ruler" with a 30 deg line.


              Is anyone else having this problem sewing their wedges together (see photo)? When it was placed on the mat ready to sew, everything lined up perfectly, but when sewn, well you can see what happened. And yes, I did double check my cutting and sewing. So what went wrong?


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