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Kool Kaleidoscope -- Ask Questions Here

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    I am having trouble with this project. Even though the wedges match up before sewing, I'm getting buckling in the center once it's sewn. Ive taken all the wedges apart, made a new template and cut new Butts & wedgies but still seem to be having a problem. What am I doing wrong?


    • Chantal H. commented
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      I have the same problem. It looked beautiful before I sewed it and now it has a big bubble in the middle. I wish Ricky had talked more about sewing the wedges together and what to do in case of a problem. It was a wonderful class, I had fun, and now I am really upset it is not going to work.

    [[email protected];n887416]I am having trouble with this project. Even though the wedges match up before sewing, I'm getting buckling in the center once it's sewn. Ive taken all the wedges apart, made a new template and cut new Butts & wedgies but still seem to be having a problem. What am I doing wrong?

    stampinggenie, Lay your extra 30 degree wedge on each piece. When you have 3 sewn together they should make a 90 corner
    in the middle. If your wedge angle is off even a little it really adds up. Check your seam allowance and see if the are accurate.
    Too big or too mall will not let it lay flat. Can you post a picture??? HelenW


      [[email protected];n887432]I have a problem. My quadrants are not square and I don't know what to do. I tried to post a question and couldn't so I reply to you! Thank you.[/QUOTE]

      Chantel H, Use your freezer paper 30 degree extra wedge pieces to see if you can spot the problem areas. They are without seam allowance, lay it on each of the 3 wedges in a quadrant. Tackle them one at a time. It you can not see the sewing line for the wedge right at the edge of the freezer paper, the actual wedge may be smaller than it should be. So your seam may be too big,
      taking up some of the fabric that should show on the top. If the seam is visible beyond the freezer paper, the wedge is too big. You
      need a bigger seam allowance. If you did not cut accurately to start with, it might be hard to fix. If you stretched the bias seam of
      the 30 degree wedges you get wavy, wonky pieces that don't lay flat. It is easier to trouble shoot if you could up load a picture.
      Maybe I can see exactly what needs to be done. HelenW

      If you have trouble making accurate seams that are consistent you might try using a frixion pen to draw the quarter inch seam allowance on both of the wrong sides. Take pins and put them in from the top, thru the line on the bottom and back up thru both lines. Check your match points.
      The pins run on the line, not perpendicular like most quilters pin. Put them every couple inches. It might take you 8 to 10 pins.
      Stitch on the line, removing the pin as you get to it. Because they are keeping the both lines exactly in place over each other,
      it is usually very accurate. Takes longer, but has always worked when I have a trouble piece. HelenW


      • Chantal H. commented
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        Thank you so much for your help. I think I have to start over. My wedges didn't always have the 1/4 inch on the side and the bottom was wonky.. I don't know what I did wrong. I was so careful. Thank you for the suggestions.

      I did not see her answer. It is really hard to navigate the forum. From what you say there is nothing I can do save it. It was going really well until it was sewn.
      Thank you


        [[email protected];n887454]Thank you so much for your help. I think I have to start over. My wedges didn't always have the 1/4 inch on the side and the bottom was wonky.. I don't know what I did wrong. I was so careful. Thank you for the suggestions.[/QUOTE]

        Chantel, Did you learn to walk, the first time you tried when you were a baby? Learning is a process, often takes many tries.
        Take a few minutes to review the process. Watch Ricky's video's again. Take a few notes. I never have good luck when I try
        to save time by cutting a bunch of pieces at one time. I usually cut one a time. If you have trouble with your fabric shifting,
        use clear scotch tape and tape it to the cutting mat. It is easy to remove from the fabric and the mat. Draw frixion stitching lines
        and just stitch on the line if you have trouble doing a consistent straight seam. Stop with needle down, and reposition when
        necessary. Some people stitch and try to reposition the fabric as they go and do it fine. Others get really wavy seams.
        I would add the seam allowance with paper around your wedge templates, before you cut out the fabric pieces. I used hot pink paper to show my seam allowances. it helps not to forget and leave
        off the seam on maybe one side. Check for accuracy as you go. Take the time to look at your seams, are they accurate.
        Take the time to check with the freezer paper big 30 degree templates each time you add another one. Check each quadrant
        for the 90 degree corner in the center of the kaleidoscope. Bet you would be surprised by how many of us had redo sections
        in our kaleidoscopes. Maybe you can use some the current kaleidoscope in the outer border of your next one. You can do it.
        It you need to walk away for a week, do so. If you can post pictures, both the good and bad it helps helpers to give you suggestions that might help you. HelenW


          Barbara Black, I have 10 fabrics cut & ready to cut the strips but in order to get the 7" - 9" can I cut strips some wider like 3" or 2 1/2" & still use the 1" or 1 1/2,, ect. in order to get my width? I had a lot of material but some of it was 40" or 38". Do all the pieces work on 7" if that is what you have?


            [QUOTE=2star;n887490]Barbara Black, I have 10 fabrics cut & ready to cut the strips but in order to get the 7" - 9" can I cut strips some wider like 3" or 2 1/2" & still use the 1" or 1 1/2,, ect. in order to get my width? I had a lot of material but some of it was 40" or 38". Do all the pieces work on 7" if that is what you have?[/QUOTE]

            Yes, cut strips in various widths. Most templates will fit on 7” though the last two templates are the largest so when you get to them simply add another strip should you need it wider.

            Look in the Topic Kool Kaleidoscope Show Your Progress Here— on July 27 I showed my strata all sewn.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              Barbara Black, How is it that some photos, like KarenK209, you can zoom the photo and most others you can not. Most are the
              same size as posted, even if you click on them. HelenW


                [QUOTE=HelenW;n887513]Barbara Black, How is it that some photos, like KarenK209, you can zoom the photo and most others you can not. Most are the
                same size as posted, even if you click on them. HelenW[/QUOTE]

                Great question. I have no idea. Probably has to do with the size of the photo uploaded. I am just so happy that my Iphone photos--my only camera--no longer have to be resized AND they post correct side up, not sideways or upside down.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  I would like to know if the seams are pressed to the side or pressed open when sewing the sections together to make the four quadrants? I've pressed open, but I think it makes it more difficult to match the center points. Any thoughts by anyone? Thanks.


                  • Barbara B. commented
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                    I pressed the seams open. I use basting stitches at the center to be sure it is good before sewing the center seam.

                  I'm having a problem with the center laying flat. Any suggestions? I can only think of cutting it out and putting a circle in there.


                  • Jan H. commented
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                    Thanks Barbara. The basting is a good idea.

                  • Chantal H. commented
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                    mine is not flat. I gave up and am very sad about it. I loved the way the wedges came out and now it is not right.

                  [QUOTE=spilutti;n887543]I'm having a problem with the center laying flat. Any suggestions? I can only think of cutting it out and putting a circle in there.[/QUOTE]

                  That might work, depending on how large of an area is not laying flat. I ended up putting a hexagon flower in my center. HelenW


                  • pestane commented
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                  Did anyone have a little hole in the center of their quilt? I did, then I tried to hand stitch the hole closed. I still did not look good. I finally machined stitched the last seam, joining top and bottoms together. It closed the hole, but still doesn't look too good. I would like to see pictures of the back of other quilts to compare.


                    It was great until I sewed it together. Bubble in the center.


                      [[email protected];n887659]It was great until I sewed it together. Bubble in the center.

                      Chantel, The picture you posted is not sewn together. Can you post one with the bubble in the center. Maybe I can come up
                      with a work around for you so it can be saved. HelenW


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