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Kool Kaleidoscope -- Ask Questions Here

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    Kool Kaleidoscope -- Ask Questions Here

    Please use this Topic to ask questions about Ricky's Kool Kaleidoscope project.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    When is Ricky starting this class?

    in Vancouver, Canada


      Ricky's class will be [FONT=Calibri]Monday & Friday for 2 weeks. July 26, 30 August 2, 6[/FONT]
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


      • Jane D. commented
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        Trying to figure out how to post or add photo

      I know the kits are third yard cuts but wondered if you could use fat quarters? I realize you would need more to equal the yardage, but wasn’t sure if you needed the entire width of fabric for this technique.


      • Gayle L. commented
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        He said it’s not recommended

      I also wondered if it would be fat quarter friendly. I’m hoping to use a collection of Batiks.


        Paula and Lesew, That is a good question. If you watch show 403 the way Ricky lays the templates on the strip sets it looks like to get the 6 laid out you would need the the full width of the fabric, but I could be wrong. Maybe Ricky will see your post or maybe
        Barbara could let Ricky know he has a question if he does not monitor the forum often. HelenW


          [URL=filedata/fetch?id=886022&d=1626696422][ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\t Views:\t0 Size:\t26.6 KB ID:\t886022","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"886022","data-size":"medium"}[/ATTACH][/URL] This is how Ricky laid out his 6 templates to get them identical. The upload file made me cut it down so far you can only see a little of it, but the 6 templates are laid out on a long set strip of fabric. So I don't think you could get strip sets for 6 identical templates from fat quarters. HelenW
          If you click on the partial picture it will show the whole picture.
          Last edited by Helen W.; 07-19-2021, 07:13 AM.


            I let Ricky know about this question this morning.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              The answer from Ricky is "No--fat quarters will not work for this project."
              Barbara Black
              Huntsville AL
              "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              • Helen W. commented
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                Thanks Barbara, I had a feeling that would be the answer. HelenW

              • Paula R. commented
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                Thank you Barbara.

              Do we need to sign up for this class? I haven't seen any info on how to participate.


              • Barbara B. commented
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                No sign up needed. Class starts Monday July 26, 10 am Pacific time. After it airs live, it remains available online. Go to the LEARN section to get the 4 dates and fabric suggestions.

              The supply list includes masking tape but I just watched the first lesson and didn't hear anything about masking tape...did I miss it?


              • Barbara B. commented
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                That will come when we start working with the templates.

              • Maureen R. commented
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                Is the width of the 5 pairs of strata the same

              • Ricky T. commented
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                The strata will be WOF wide - and 7"-9" - so no, they don't have to be the same. They fall within that range

              Could I tear the fabric strips? It would ensure the strips were straight of grain and would not accidentally have that dreaded 'v' at the fold if the ruler wasn't completely straight. Thank you :)


              • Helen W. commented
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                Michele, Just an idea. If you have trouble with the V at the folds, you could rip the two edges of the cross grain. That would give you a good straight of grain. Then fold as Ricky said. Trim the distortion
                that Barbara mentioned you get from ripping.Then make your cuts. I do that all the time, but it does waste a little fabric.

              • Ricky T. commented
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                Tearing fabric will not yield perfect-size cuts. I would not. If the fold is perfectly aligned along a line on the mat, and you cut straight, using the lines as a cutting guide, you will not have a "dreaded V"

              • michele commented
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                Thank you Helen and Ricky. I will have to be extra careful in my cuts - ha ha :).
                Helen, I do always tear the edges before cutting these days since quilt stores rotary cut yardage and it is often a crooked cut - I miss the days when the stores tore the yardage!!! The waste does aggravate me though :(.

              [QUOTE=Msureen;n886141]Is the width of the 5 pairs of strata the same[/QUOTE]

              Not necessarily. They all just have to be between 7" and 9"
              Barbara Black
              Huntsville AL
              "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                [QUOTE=micheleinla;n886142]Could I tear the fabric strips? It would ensure the strips were straight of grain and would not accidentally have that dreaded 'v' at the fold if the ruler wasn't completely straight. Thank you :)[/QUOTE]

                I would not tear the strips. The tiny ones, 1" cut" would most likely be distorted. The strips need to be cut straight. I have written about cutting on my blog several times and there are lots of other sources on how to cut strips accurately. My blog is My Joyful Journey and can be easily found with a Search. Look in the Tutorials--one is How to Make a Quilt in 5 Easy Lessons--Part 2 shows cutting--and Perfect Piecing Like a Pro.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                • michele commented
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                  Thank you Barbara - I have found your blog and will look for your tips :). After all these years, me and long rotary cutter cuts are still not friends - ha ha!

                • michele commented
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                  Oh Barbara.... I've always trimmed the rough edge with the ruler on the other side of where I am cutting (on the fabric) but this makes so much more sense because the fabric won't wiggle as you are cutting.

                  Rotary cutters had just come out when I started quilting and we were all trying to figure them out...never really took a proper class in how to rotary cut!

                  Thank you so much :)

                are there fabrics that are too busy to use in Ricky's kool kaleidoscope. i know he mentioned stripes but what about small polka dots


                • Barbara B. commented
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                  Look at Google as Ricky suggested to see the wide variety of fabrics in use. Google for Kool Kaleidoscope Ricky Tims, then select images. Small polka dots are fine.

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