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How to Be Successful with COLOR MY WORLD

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    How to Be Successful with COLOR MY WORLD

    As there is SO MUCH information on the Forum and elsewhere to help you, I've been thinking about how to be successful.

    In order of importance:

    1. Watch Show #2801--it is the introduction to the entire project
    2. Print and READ the pattern instructions each month--before you begin
    3. Read my blog post for the first of each month--it is the PRIMARY PLACE I tell you all the things I think you need to know: https://bbquiltmaker.blogspot.com/2021/01/color-my-world-month-1.html
    4 Watch any Instructional Videos--there are 6 so far. They are posted on the BOM page--click on Instructional Videos
    5. If you watched a LIVE and remember something helpful there--they are easily found on The Quilt Show Playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2KgrcjsmR_ip2sdztQm0lH9M0_Dfd1jf
    6. The FORUM--so much good stuff here. I suggest you come to Recent Topics each time you come to the Forum--to see what is being discussed. Ask your questions here. Please don't send me personal messages with general questions. The SEARCH BOX is very helpful in finding things--remember, there are now thousands of posts so there is a LOT here.

    When the new site gets up, we will look at the new FORUM to see how it is different and how best to use it. That is coming soon.

    We all want you to be successful. And each month as you make more of your WORLD come to life, it will be fun to see how each quilt progresses.

    I hope this helps you navigate the process! It is a trip worth taking.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson

    Barbara, I think you have the patience of a saint.
    Remind the new quilters to just follow the steps for each month, ie don’t sew houses together until told to do so.
    I also look at the photo of the completed BOM and observe color of fabrics used, etc.
    It’s great to have so many new quilters join.
    Thanks for all your hard work, I too have learned a great deal from you and Helen. Janet


      I’ve been nervous about doing an entire quilt with a completely new technique, but Color My World is so stunning that I really wanted to try. I watched all of Barbara’s videos twice, followed her tips, and my small houses are turning out beautifully! I’m thrilled! Thank you, Barbara for being such a dedicated and encouraging teacher! I finally decided to take the plunge when I saw how clear your videos were. I’m feeling cautiously confident that I can complete this entire project now.


        Originally posted by "kmcclymond" post=153818
        I’ve been nervous about doing an entire quilt with a completely new technique, but Color My World is so stunning that I really wanted to try. I watched all of Barbara’s videos twice, followed her tips, and my small houses are turning out beautifully! I’m thrilled! Thank you, Barbara for being such a dedicated and encouraging teacher! I finally decided to take the plunge when I saw how clear your videos were. I’m feeling cautiously confident that I can complete this entire project now.
        Yes, I agree completely! Thank you Barbara and the Quilt Show for the fantastic videos showing us how to put this together. This is worth so much more then the membership price. I've never paper pieced and wouldn't have attempted this pattern without all the learning support offered.


          I agree as well. This has been a great start. Watching, reading and using the information you listed below has helped make this a good experience.



            I am so excited to create this beautiful quilt! Before cutting my fabric I decided to print 32 little house bases in order to ensure they all came together in a circle. I was so thankful I took the time to do this. Despite having measured the one inch square and I thought getting an accurate reading, my houses fell short of a circle by quite a bit. I ended up needing to up the print size for small house number two to 105%. Barbara gave me a helpful tip, the base for the small house number 1 should measure from top to bottom through the middle including seam allowances at 4 5/16ths of an inch. The base for the small house number 2 should measure from top to bottom through the middle including seam allowances at 3 3/8ths of an inch. Now my paper houses all fit together nicely! I am so thankful I did this step before cutting into my fabric. Thanks to all of you for your wonderful ideas and tips!


              Originally posted by "marysews7" post=153898
              I am so excited to create this beautiful quilt! Before cutting my fabric I decided to print 32 little house bases in order to ensure they all came together in a circle. I was so thankful I took the time to do this. Despite having measured the one inch square and I thought getting an accurate reading, my houses fell short of a circle by quite a bit. I ended up needing to up the print size for small house number two to 105%. Barbara gave me a helpful tip, the base for the small house number 1 should measure from top to bottom through the middle including seam allowances at 4 5/16ths of an inch. The base for the small house number 2 should measure from top to bottom through the middle including seam allowances at 3 3/8ths of an inch. Now my paper houses all fit together nicely! I am so thankful I did this step before cutting into my fabric. Thanks to all of you for your wonderful ideas and tips!
              Marysews7. Smart quilter!!! I too did this and came up short of a full circle. I ended up deciding to do a whole cloth raw edge applique quilt. I will draw circles on the fabric and then arrange the houses as desired before fusing down and edge stitching. There are a number of pictures where fillers will be needed to be inserted to get a full circle. It is too bad that the printers used to print the pattern are causing so much stress on this fabulous pattern. Doing a circular design in quilting is not the easiest thing to learn. So glad we have Barbara Black .
              I am not worried for the Quilter's that will need to adjust, there are lots of ways fix any problems that arise
              Just call it a learning experience. HelenW.


                Do we know the sizes of small house 3 and 4?


                  All Small Houses are the same size.

                  North Alabama, USA
                  "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                    Originally posted by "Dishoo" post=153905
                    Do we know the sizes of small house 3 and 4?
                    It looks like the windows & doors are different.


                      Wish I had heard the tip about increasing the print to 105% before I finished all 16 #1 and #2 houses. I hope there is a way for them to fit if mine are off.
                      Barbara is a wonderful teacher. I appreciate her very clear instruction.


                        [quote="carrolllee" post=153937]Wish I had heard the tip about increasing the print to 105% before I finished all 16 #1 and #2 houses. I hope there is a way for them to fit if mine are off.
                        Barbara is a wonderful teacher. I appreciate her very clear instruction.[/quot

                        If mine are off, I will prob make a larger house or 2 to fill the gap, or insert a spacer of some sort. In a comment someone mentioned the dimensions of the bases, but I was confused by the 16th measurement in the base and wasn't sure exactly where to measure.


                          I had already made 8 small house 1’s when I read the post about the sizes. Today, I re-measured my one inch square on my printed freezer paper. Then it occurred to me to measure the pattern piece for the base house. It measured 3 3/8 as long as I cut just outside the black line. Just thought I would share.


                            Including the background on houses #1 & #2. What should the length of these two blocks measure? Mine are 11".
                            Robin Hessefort


                              See this post:


                              North Alabama, USA
                              "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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