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A Guide to the Houston Quilt Festival for Dummies

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    Actually, Margo, she was about average sized ( 7 lbs.+)- it's just my son has very ex-large hands! He's about 6', 2" or +

    My four sons are all over 6 ft tall. I call them my bodyguards!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      LOL! I hear ya! My son's are 6'-2" tall too, but I never saw them as tiny as Clara! They were both over 10 pounds when they were born! :shock:

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Wish I was going. I have a friend moving to Houston. I vote for visiting her and seeing Lorchen in 2015, and I'm thinking I will have to start saving more in my rainy day fund. My good friend is moving from Delaware to Houston this December. She likes quilt shows but I'd really have to twist her arm I think. Thanks for the mental pictures of the fun to be had.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Oh Terrie! How very precious! Congrats! We have a son who is 6' 5." He stands almost a full head above the rest of us in family photos!

          Thanks all, for the comments on my short hair. It is easier for me. Don't know why; it just is!

          In beautiful Northwest Montana


            Just watched the evening news and the weather prediction is terrible. I am seriously doubting my ability to get out of PA on Tuesday on that plane to Houston. Heavy rain ( 3"-10") and winds at 50 mph is the local forecast. The govenor of PA is telling all residents of the state to have 3 days of food on hand because they are anticipating wide spread power outages. In the mean time, I am packing for my trip to Houston and at the same time preparing for the "Mother of all Storms". Problem is this thing is big with the outer edge of the storm, winds & rain to arrive Sunday with the center arriving 2 days later. Rain is predicted to be around until Friday. I am hoping for the best but I am also being realistic. This may not be the year I get to IQF.


              Rent a car and start driving tomorrow??? :cry:

              I hate that for you Lois, but I still have family in Norfolk Virginia and totally understand preparing for this kind of weather.

              Hope you can make it........

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Oh, Lois! I'm so sorry! I'm still hoping for a reprieve for you....



                  Oh no, Lois! I hope it ends up not being as bad as they are predicting.


                    Lois, I agree with Margo! Rent a car and start driving! Or change your plane reservations! I know it costs money to change reservations, but not as much as you would lose by cancelling out on everything you signed up for! I pray you are able to come, one way or another! Take care and be safe!

                    In beautiful Northwest Montana


                      Just read your post, Lois. So sorry that you even have to think about this possible worst-case scenario. Oh, I do hope you can make it!

                      Let's all be positive for Lois, and pray that she make it! For that matter, I'm sure others will be in the path of this monster.


                        Originally posted by Scoopie
                        Lois, I agree with Margo! Rent a car and start driving! Or change your plane reservations! I know it costs money to change reservations, but not as much as you would lose by cancelling out on everything you signed up for! I pray you are able to come, one way or another! Take care and be safe!

                        In beautiful Northwest Montana
                        Scoopie, Believe me that thought has occurred to me. I checked mapquest and it would be a 1,600 mile road trip. It would take 24 hrs driving time, not considering stops. I don't mind driving. I don't mind driving alone. But I am not up for that. I must admit that I am pouting a bit. But then when I think of the suffering many will incur - loss of life, limb, homes and livelihood I feel a bit guilty. But we don't know for sure what will happen so I am still getting ready for the trip and I am battening down the hatches getting ready for the storm.


                          Originally posted by loise98
                          Originally posted by Scoopie
                          Lois, I agree with Margo! Rent a car and start driving! Or change your plane reservations! I know it costs money to change reservations, but not as much as you would lose by cancelling out on everything you signed up for! I pray you are able to come, one way or another! Take care and be safe!

                          In beautiful Northwest Montana
                          Scoopie, Believe me that thought has occurred to me. I checked mapquest and it would be a 1,600 mile road trip. It would take 24 hrs driving time, not considering stops. I don't mind driving. I don't mind driving alone. But I am not up for that. I must admit that I am pouting a bit. But then when I think of the suffering many will incur - loss of life, limb, homes and livelihood I feel a bit guilty. But we don't know for sure what will happen so I am still getting ready for the trip and I am battening down the hatches getting ready for the storm.
                          Being in Texas and having hurricanes be a regular thing her. Please make smart choices for your safety and wellbeing for you and the ones you love. You never know how these things can turn, even at the last minute. I hate to say this, but there will always be another quilt show. There won't be another Lois. If it were me, I would delay the trip by one day and then decide to cancel. That way if you need to stay, do so. If not, we will see you. Good luck and you are in our prayers. We also have loved ones in PA. Clara


                            Lois what a terrible dilemma. I do hope you are yours stay safe. Maybe it won't be as bad as they are predicting? Does that ever happen?


                              hope everything works out all right for you Lois, and all that are having the same/similar problems.

                              it's snowing here - brrrrrrrrrrrrr - when i look at rita's new picture i'm chilled to the bones
                              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                                Lois, I'm saying prayers for you and everyone in harm's way of this nasty storm! And I'm still hoping it will work out that you can get to Houston this year. Hugs, Robin


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