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A Guide to the Houston Quilt Festival for Dummies

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    Casual is absolutely OK! Well...maybe not halter tops and flip flops, but you never know!! :roll:

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I find flip flops very comfortable?!


        Originally posted by quiltingmidwife
        I find flip flops very comfortable?!
        Then by all means, wear them! It may be a little cool for a halter top though! :lol:

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I think I may have seen a halter top or two in the past (probably someone's daughter :!: ). As for weather, I just pulled this off the Weather Channel: Thu Nov 1 AVERAGES: Hi 77°F, Lo 58°F; RECORDS: Hi 88°F, Lo 34°F; Fri Nov 2 AVERAGES: Hi 77°F, Lo 58°F; RECORDS: Hi 88°F, Lo 34°F; Sat Nov 3 AVERAGES: Hi 76°F, Lo 58°F; RECORDS: Hi 90°F, Lo 28°F; Sun Nov 4 AVERAGES: Hi 76°F, Lo 58°F; RECORDS: Hi 88°F, Lo 34°F.


            I've been checking in our newspaper for Houston's weather lately and it seems like it's been in the 80's in the day and 70's at night. I might have to rethink my clothes to pack. Does this sound about right with you Houston folks?
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              FYI... I just saw the name of the restaurant. Last night I spoke with a dear friend of mine in California who was born and raised in Texas and he was filling me in on the do's and don'ts of Texas. I was in constant laughter because he had me wanting to travel all over Texas and I kept telling me that I would only be in Houston with the exception of going to the museum. He actually brought up the restaurant "Ninfa's" as a good restaurant. I thought it was an interesting name but he insisted that it was the place to go if you like Mexican food. He also said there are two locations and if travelling to the original one, to go with a buddy because it's not in that great of a part of town. I don't mean to frighten anyone but I do love it when friends offer up safety advice on places/areas.

              I can hardly wait. I won't be able to make the dinner but hope to catch all of you at the show and tell.

              Originally posted by Margo
              Originally posted by quiltingmidwife
              For those of you who know the area round the convention centre or live nearby, can you recommend good places o have dinner. In the past we have found it quite difficult around the with mostly only the hotels to choose from. Travelling from the UK would value any input here. Thanks
              If you will do a Google search for Houston, Texas, then search for restaurants, you will see that there are lots to choose from. Zoom in close and you will have the names of the restaurants.

              If you like Chinese, the Kim Son is good. And I'm looking forward to our TQS dinner on Thursday evening at Ninfa's.
              Check here for info if you aren't already signed up for it! http://forum/quilt-shows-vacations-a...val-tqs-dinner

              I hope others will chime in with some real recommendations!!

              aka ladyquilter

              Troutdale, OR
              <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                JoJo..this is off topic but who is the sweetie you have as an avatar ? That is just the Happiest Puppy !


                  Marilyn, that is my 6-year old baby dog, Dillan (half maltese/half poodle). He is my constant companion and personal assistant. And, yes, he is the happiest dog I have ever been owned by. Lol

                  aka ladyquilter

                  Troutdale, OR
                  <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                    Thank you, that is very helpful.


                      Originally posted by idaho
                      JoJo..this is off topic but who is the sweetie you have as an avatar ? That is just the Happiest Puppy !
                      Oh for Pete's sake! I did not even know that was you, JoJo! I saw the cute puppy, but never looked to see who it was! Duh!

                      In beautiful Northwest Montana


                        It looks like Houston is going to roll out a very nice weather mat for Festival. I was just listening to the weather here and the prediction is that a cold front will be moving down from Alaska and giving us some very cool weather on Saturday and Sunday (high of about 60 and a low of 49). However, the rest of the week should be beautiful and not as hot as usual. The highs should be around 75-77 and lows for 60-63...and sunny!

                        You will not need heavy coats, but a light jacket might be a good idea. The GRB can get pretty chilly, especially in the classrooms. And restaurants always seem to keep the A/C turned down pretty low.

                        I'll keep up with the weather and post if there are any changes.

                        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss



                          Although flip flops are quite comfortable for some to wear, I do not advice anyone wearing them on the vendor floor! Your little toes can get run over my a scooter in the crowded isles, or stepped on when someone backs up, while getting out of someone elses way! Been there done that!

                          Margo, I did not see Jukebox Quilts listed in Vendors.

                          TQS is pretty much where it was last year, and is booth #709. Superiour Threads is right around the corner. BUT, BUT, Ricky does not have a booth this year!

                          Also, although the weather in Houston will be very nice and warm, remember you will be in the convention center. Those of you who are in classes, remember to layer! The first day can be VERY cold in a classroom, people will complain, so they turn the heat up a little. Then the next day it is sweltering in the classroom. The vendor floor and quilt areas are usually quite comfortable.

                          I have my floor plan all marked up (saved a clean one from last year) and know where every vendor is that I want to visit. Almost all of them are in the first 8 isles. Yippee! My clothes are washed and ironed, and I just need to clean the house, and buy and fix quick and easy meals for DH.

                          In beautiful Northwest Montana


                            I have all my clothes picked out and class supplies in baggies. I'm only missing one fat quarter of fabric that I need. Still trying to decide on shoes though. After having surgery on both feet, I always think of my feet the most!

                            Dawn, thanks for the hint about isle 8! I'll be spying that isle first when I get the floor plan next week.

                            aka ladyquilter

                            Troutdale, OR
                            <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                              Originally posted by ladyquilter
                              I have all my clothes picked out and class supplies in baggies. I'm only missing one fat quarter of fabric that I need. Still trying to decide on shoes though. After having surgery on both feet, I always think of my feet the most!

                              Dawn, thanks for the hint about isle 8! I'll be spying that isle first when I get the floor plan next week.
                              LOL!! JoJo, I think she means isles one through eight!! You aren't going to believe how big this place is!!

                              Here is a link to this year's floor plan: http://www.quilts.com/fqf12/info/floorplan.pdf
                              Be sure to print out all THREE pages!!

                              And here is a list of vendors: http://www.quilts.com/home/shows/vie...nts/exhibitors
                              12 pages!!

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Dawn -

                                Thanks for the run down! I just looked at the Houston web site and they have the floor plans posted so I'll be printing those out tomorrow at work. Got to plan early since I signed up for too many classes!! So I probably won't make it to the daily meet-and-greets, but I'm all signed up for the dinner.

                                See you all there!!



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