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A Guide to the Houston Quilt Festival for Dummies

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    Uggg! TOO SOON!
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Lets hope that early snow does not stick...
      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


        Dawn, That looks pretty and refreshing to me right now. How'd that be for a Chinese Whispers image to practice on?

        One week to go - seven more sleeps! I so look forward to meeting you all ( or is it Y'all?)
        Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


          Oh my Dawn, it's just too early for snow. You will enjoy Houston - that's if you don't get snowed in. :twisted: :lol: Seriously though, hope you all have a wonderful time.

          (I don't think I could let you all go off to Houston without saying "you all go off and have a great time... don't worry about me.... I'll be fine here by myself in Ireland." )


            I am sure Flat Rita will be making an appearance in Houston, knowing these crazy TQS members. Not mentioning any names, lol.


              :shock: West of Montana, too ! Not as much as Dawn...but a mess to drive in ! We had to go south 90 mi.s in it at 7am .
              DH had a load of scrap metal to dispose of and the we had to pick up our winter supply of freshly butchered
              chickens. Home now without incident....tho there were those not so lucky...or skillful !



                It's supposed to get here Wed night, but is supposed by leave Fri night/Sat morning. They're expecting around 2 inches in Denver, not sure how much up in the mountains where I live. I just picked up the wood pellets so I can heat my house when it gets here! But Flat Rita and I will head out to Houston on Sunday, so the snow can come back and do whatever it wants next week!

                See y'all in Houston...



                  Oh, I just live that powdering of icing sugar. I know it's not so great to drive in, especially as its only October, but I must admit I love the look of the stuff!

                  Today we had the opening day of our biannual medical exhibition in Zurich. Two years ago it was in the same week and I remember we had a freak snow the night before, it took us three hours to get from our office to the exhibition hall which shouldn't take longer than 45 minutes. All but one road out of Zug were closed due to accidents and trees having come down through the weight of the snow. Not something that generally occurs here. And today we complained because the fog never lifted
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    Nancy ! :P I wish !! :P


                      Marilyn, I guess that's the end of your garden for the season, huh? I'm glad the trip you had to take today was a safe trip for you!
                      Lottie, yeah, that's the problem with early snows! The trees haven't yet shed their leaves, so snap off and fall under the weight of the snow. A lot of ours has already melted, though. They are predicting more snow tonight, but I don't think the weather people have ever gotten it right twice in a row, so I doubt we will get any! :twisted: :lol: And, Nancy, aren't you a lot higher than Denver? So, like maybe you'll get LOTS of snow? I know, I am evil! I hope you are able to get to the airport just fine! I still have a picture in my mind of the massive snow you had to shovel through last winter!

                      In beautiful Northwest Montana


                        Sure is hard to rake those leaves up...they weigh a ton ! :evil:


                          Luckily no raking where I live! Denver is at about 5000 ft. My house is at about 8500 ft. So we generally get more snow, especially with systems coming from the northwest. I just checked the NWS local forecast and it looks like 3-7 inches total at my house. But then it warms up again and the snow on the roads will melt quickly because of how warm it's been up to now. So it's not enough to keep me from Houston!!



                            We're still short a bit short staffed at the AAQI booth. Please consider signing up for a time slot or the text brigade! It's a fun spot to be!


                            On this page, you can sign up for a definite time slot AND/OR to be a member of the Text Brigade. The Text Brigade is kinda fun. You can give us a broader range of time you might (or might not be) available and if Ami looks around and sees people climbing all over wanting to purchase quilts, she texts me and says HELP! I have a list of all the brigadiers and I look up those that might be available and text them to go save Ami and crew as soon as they can. If you are strolling through the quilts and can get back to that later, you text me back with an ETA. If you are in the middle of a class or just bought a queen size batt and need to go back to your hotel, you text me "sorry".

                            If you sign up for a time slot (and that makes life way easier for Ami), you have a definite commitment and can plan it into your day. But the Text Brigade is an option you might want to think about too - there are always times when the booth gets over-run with excited quilt buyers and we don't want any of them to leave because they couldn't see the quilts they wanted to see.

                            We have sent over 2,000 quilts to Houston this year and have twice the booth space we had last year. We will need your help more than ever!


                              Like your new picture Dawn!

                              I tried posting a newer one of me, but got bungled up, :evil: so here's my new granddaughter for now . Much nicer, anyway. Notice how big my son's thumb is next to her head! Maybe Margo can give me some computer lessons on a coffee break while in Houston!


                                WOW!! Terrie, that's a teeny-tiny baby!

                                Here is a link to some general tips about uploading your profile photo. Maybe this will help: http://daily-blog/103-good-advice/11...-profile-photo

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
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                                  Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
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                                  Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
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