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A Guide to the Houston Quilt Festival for Dummies

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    This is funny! It's like we're preparing for battle. Good thing it's fun.
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio



      Oh---wow! I have a feeling seeing everything is going to take me several days.

      Thank you so much for the links!!!! I'm off to do some printing.

      Originally posted by Margo
      Originally posted by ladyquilter
      I have all my clothes picked out and class supplies in baggies. I'm only missing one fat quarter of fabric that I need. Still trying to decide on shoes though. After having surgery on both feet, I always think of my feet the most!

      Dawn, thanks for the hint about isle 8! I'll be spying that isle first when I get the floor plan next week.
      LOL!! JoJo, I think she means isles one through eight!! You aren't going to believe how big this place is!!

      Here is a link to this year's floor plan: http://www.quilts.com/fqf12/info/floorplan.pdf
      Be sure to print out all THREE pages!!

      And here is a list of vendors: http://www.quilts.com/home/shows/vie...nts/exhibitors
      12 pages!!

      aka ladyquilter

      Troutdale, OR
      <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


        Originally posted by ladyquilter
        Oh---wow! I have a feeling seeing everything is going to take me several days.
        Well....YEAH!!! :lol: Just remember to pace yourself and stay hydrated! You'll be fine! :wink:

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          All you ladies have me laughing! Yes Margo and JoJo, it is isles 1 through 8. In these isles I will see TQS, Superior Threads, Sharon Schamber (Purple Daisies), Fat Quarter Queen (Custom Creations), Pin Cushion Boutique, Bird Brain, Primitive Gatherings, Sue's Sparklers (a must for all Bling Queens!) Joy's Fabrics (all hand dyes, and gradations!), Sizzix, Rag Sky (REALLY cool jewelry made from fabric!), and others. Last year Shabby Fabrics was right across from TQS, but this year it is WAY over in isle 1300. I'll be saving that one for day 2!

          Margo, Thanks for posting the links for the vendors and the floor plan! I think it is such a help for everyone to map everything out ahead of time! Once you (me, they) get there we are in overload!

          In beautiful Northwest Montana


            It's not like I'm an enabler or anything! :lol:

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Originally posted by Margo
              It's not like I'm an enabler or anything! :lol:
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                Originally posted by Margo
                It's not like I'm an enabler or anything! :lol:
                Of course, I'm enabled by just about anything, so your job isn't very difficult! :twisted: :roll: :lol:



                  Did someone say there is a show and tell? ?!!! Say what? I' ll be glad just if I can show up at all and live
                  d to tell how. Seriously, what is there to show and tell?


                    Your know that cold front that Debbie mentioned, that is coming down from Alaska, and will be in Houston for the weekend? Well, I think we are in the middle of it here in Montana right now! It is snowing! And, we are in a weather alert! I sat out on the deck just last week in shorts and a tank top, soaking up some sun! I'll have to break out the winter blankets just to stay warm tonight! :shock:

                    In snowy Northwest Montana


                      Likewise, here in central Idaho !! Brrrrrr !


                        November weather usually only requires a light jacket. I love the winters here after growing up in Ohio!
                        Definitely do layers!
                        Places that are open for dinner within walking distance are restaurants in nearby hotels (Hilton/4 Seasons), Massas Seafood, the Park Shops (where Ninfas is has alot of inexpensive places (such as Subway, Chick Fil A, and several others) but most close at 6), the House of Blues and Mia Bella.
                        I just last week found a place that I had never seen before. I just checked the website and it appears to be open til 9 during the week and 8 on weekends - Phoenicia http://www.phoeniciafoods.com/locati...wntown-market/. I went in and looked - their salad bar looks wonderful!
                        I had already made arrangements for this year but will check with this place for possibilities for next year (if they have enough room for us)

                        There is a Benihana, McCormick &amp; Schmick Steak &amp; Seafood, Hard Rock Cafe, III Forks, a little further away. Also many places along the train route on Main Street - just check websites for times they are open.

                        If needed - there is a CVS Pharmacy and a Macy's on Main Street as well!

                        Taxis to anywhere in the downtown area is $6 each way. There are also shuttles running to/from the different host hotels and the convention center.

                        For the fashion questions - wear comfortable clothes and shoes that cover (protect) your feet! You would not believe how many people there are in this place!
                        Some may disagree, but I see people year-round in Houston wearing white!

                        If you park in a surface parking lot downtown - make sure you pay as instructed by the signs in the parking lot. Most of them you put money in a box or machine not give it to a person.

                        It is best not to walk alone - we do have alot of homeless people in the downtown area - and while most are harmless, you just never know.

                        OK time for me to stop now - have to get up in 5 hours..... See you all next week!


                          Thanks for all the tips from a native, Lena!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            This is what I woke up to this morning!

                            And, it seems to be sticking around! So, if you live east of Montana, you can probably expect the same. Are you ready, Sherry? :lol:

                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              YIKES!!! :shock:

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Dawn, that looks cold, I bet you are looking forward to Houston, it might be just a bit warmer there. See you next week.

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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