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A Guide to the Houston Quilt Festival for Dummies

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    Thanks Robin - I appreciate the offer - I'll let you know if I need help!


      Back to Terrie's comment of Support Hose:
      Support shockings / socks / whatever are the greatest invention since wheels!
      they've kept me going at many exhibitions and fairs during my past fifteen years of organizing our company's exhibition booths.
      Also: when you have a chance for a lie down before/after dinner: lie flat on your back and rest your legs straight up against the wall for five minutes or so. Does wonders for getting the blood flow back to normal
      Also nr. 2: shove a rolled up pillow under the foot end of your mattress, so that your feet are elevated a few inches
      Any of the three work well, all three combined allow you to enjoy your second, third or even fourth day too!
      wish I could join you, until a week ago I was hoping to go to the patchwork Europe in STE. Marie this weekend, but as I was I'll all last week, and still patchy, not much chance for this year
      Enjoy Houston!
      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


        Okay, now I am really getting excited! I have not been on the Forum in ages because of getting stuff ready for, and working at, the Fair in August, and our guild's quilt show in a couple of weeks. But, you ladies are a hoot! You've been having fun without me!

        I will admit, I will be wearing my support hose; doctor's orders! (I'm just not sure where I will be able to 'elevate' periodically during the day, though! Does it count if my excitement it elevated?)

        I signed up for the TQS dinner on the other Forum site, and thank you so much Lena for taking this on! It will be so good to see many TQS friends again, there!

        I think the best advice that Margo gave is the one where you write things down! Everything is so overwhelming, that even if it is something you know you are going to remember, still write it down! Booth numbers you might want to come back to, the quilt isles that you have already viewed, which quilts you have already taken pictures of, the name of the TQS person you just met, exactly where you saw that great salad you wanted to buy for lunch (was it on the second floor or the third?) etc. Most of all, just have fun and enjoy. You do not have to see everything to have a great time!

        In beautiful Northwest Montana


          Lorchen, I may retire in 2015 and am also planning a trip to Houston. Here in Canada we have tax free accounts and I am saving into it monthly for this trip.

          Margo, great tips - I have noted them for when I go. Thanks

          Jeanine in very wet Nova Scotia


            So, Jeanine, if I go in 2014 I can then tell you afterwards if it's worth it.
            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


              Sounds like a plan Lorchen!
              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                Can anyone tell me about the TQS dinner at Houston?


                  Originally posted by quiltingmidwife
                  Can anyone tell me about the TQS dinner at Houston?
                  Contact Lena: http://forum/quilt-shows-vacations-a...val-tqs-dinner

                  You can send her an email by clicking on the little envelope icon below her profile photo in the first post of that forum topic. Then read through all 5 pages to see who else is coming!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Okay everyone, its getting down to actual prep time for the trip. I am trying to make a list of venders I want to visit. Where should I go to buy Tuseniko Inks? I hope I am spelling that right. I am arriving Tuesday afternoon in time to go to the Winner's Circle Celebration. My roomate will not arrive in time to go. It sure would be fun to attend with other TQS members. Is there a way to make that happen? What else should I be doing to be ready? I am sending my check for the dinner to Lena today. I am really getting excited!


                      For those of you who know the area round the convention centre or live nearby, can you recommend good places o have dinner. In the past we have found it quite difficult around the with mostly only the hotels to choose from. Travelling from the UK would value any input here. Thanks


                        What the usual style of dress? I am planning on casual all through. to match my comfortable shoes. Is this okay for the supper, too? Do Texans where white after Labour Day??


                          Originally posted by loise98
                          Okay everyone, its getting down to actual prep time for the trip. I am trying to make a list of venders I want to visit. Where should I go to buy Tuseniko Inks? I hope I am spelling that right. I am arriving Tuesday afternoon in time to go to the Winner's Circle Celebration. My roomate will not arrive in time to go. It sure would be fun to attend with other TQS members. Is there a way to make that happen? What else should I be doing to be ready? I am sending my check for the dinner to Lena today. I am really getting excited!
                          Lois, I bought my Inks from JukeboxQuilts.com: http://www.jukeboxquilts.com/hints/allPurposeInks.php
                          I don't know if they will have a booth at the show, but they do have some tips on their website for using the inks.

                          When you get to the show, be sure that you get a show booklet. There is a list of all the vendors in the booklet, and the first thing I do is go down the list and mark all of the vendors that I know I want to see, then mark the map of the show floor so I have an idea where to look for them! And this is a great way to figure out exactly where the TQS booth and Ricky's booth are located. The isles are numbered with great big signs hanging from the ceiling so you can tell at a glance which way you need to travel to get to your next vendor!

                          Last year a bunch of TQS members met at the entrance to the Celebration location about an hour before the event started and we all sat together. It was great fun to cheer for "friends" and TQS teachers when they got called up to the stage.

                          See you soon!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            Originally posted by quiltingmidwife
                            For those of you who know the area round the convention centre or live nearby, can you recommend good places o have dinner. In the past we have found it quite difficult around the with mostly only the hotels to choose from. Travelling from the UK would value any input here. Thanks
                            If you will do a Google search for Houston, Texas, then search for restaurants, you will see that there are lots to choose from. Zoom in close and you will have the names of the restaurants.

                            If you like Chinese, the Kim Son is good. And I'm looking forward to our TQS dinner on Thursday evening at Ninfa's.
                            Check here for info if you aren't already signed up for it! http://forum/quilt-shows-vacations-a...val-tqs-dinner

                            I hope others will chime in with some real recommendations!!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by crocus999
                              What the usual style of dress? I am planning on casual all through. to match my comfortable shoes. Is this okay for the supper, too? Do Texans where white after Labour Day??
                              LOL!! Terrie, until the last couple of years, the Quilt Festival has always been taking place on Halloween day and you would not believe some of the costumes that people came dressed up in!! Otherwise, you will see at least one of every type outfit you could possibly imagine. Everything from sweats and jeans to full out rhinestones and feathers! Don't worry about not fitting in!! And....you don't even have to match your comfortable shoes! :wink:

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Originally posted by crocus999
                                What the usual style of dress? I am planning on casual all through. to match my comfortable shoes. Is this okay for the supper, too? Do Texans where white after Labour Day??
                                I hope casual is okay! My dress clothes are my work clothes are my home clothes -- shorts and a T-shirt or longer pants as it get cooler. I think it's been about a decade since I put on a dress! I don't wear much white, so I should be okay on that score, at least.... :roll:



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