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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
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  • How to download pattern?
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Congratulations on the populations explosions here at TQS, very cute.
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Congrats on the new grandbaby, Karen! What a cutie he is, and so darling his big sister wanted to share!

      Dawn & Nancy, again, apologies for not connecting! My very best friend comes in for this, from Illinois (we only see each other this once/year in person) and then we met up with other friends, and time just zapped right by me with me completely forgetting to call either of you. Ack! Can't believe I did that.

      I had a blast in my class on Thursday -- I was relieved and thrilled that I got into it, as the teacher (Helen Godden) said it sold out "three times over" with people trying to get in; I had signed up first day, early in the morning. Whew! It was a perfect class for me -- free motion quilting, but pretty modern/contemporary, much more my style than the traditional feather wreaths and things. And she was *funny!!* and it was on a sit-down machine so I can translate to my little machine at home. I think I bored my friends to pieces with my "that class was so amazing!!" chatter.....

      The rain is just as Dawn described; we were in a hotel about 8 blocks (about a mile) down on Saturday morning, and had an umbrella in the car but left it as it was just barely sprinkling when we stepped out of the hotel......that lasted a minute or so and then it was pouring like you would not believe. We were all completely and utterly soaked by the time we arrived to Festival; my feet never dried completely all day, even though I took off my wet socks (shoes were still wet....). Very low attendance on Saturday, but I took advantage of it and got to visit with a 1st place winner in the traditional pieced category -- it was her first quilt, ever! Very inspiring.

      Anyway, now home I've dumped all my goodies onto my table, finished quilting my Halloween table runner --- did the remaining lines via FMQ and you can barely tell which side is which -- and will clear up, take pictures, and start the next project today or tomorrow (today we have school pictures & family picture scheduled, including senior portraits for my oldest....).

      Happy to be back in the sewing room and with renewed confidence and energy and plans.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        This week at the virtual retreat,,,
        Sunday, did a little Stitchin on my jacket

        Monday, stayed out of the Hubs way as he anchored my design walls in a more permanent fashion. Command strips worked in Wisconsin, but with 95% humidity for over a week, things are just letting go!
        Tuesday, Bible Study was cancelled due to more rain and flooding. So, because I haven't been able to do laundry for almost two weeks, we went (in the rain) to the washateria.
        Wednesday, the repair people can't get to me for at least another week, due to the rain and more serious needs. I do understand, but I'll be glad when my laundry room and guest bathroom have new floor joists and floor boards. So, I went shopping! Yes, in the rain! I just pretended it was a very wet snowfall. Got some supplies for the sewing room.
        Thursday, I cleaned my art area before my DH returned from an overnight stay with his brother.
        Friday, went for lunch with the hubs. And when I got home I got busy on a client's quilt.

        And today I finished up three other quilts for another client

        So, even though I did very little of my projects, I did get quite a bit done!

        The repairs are due to start on Monday, but it's raining again! I'm beginning to think this is a rain forest not low country coastal. I plan to work on my Mystery BOM and another BOM I've started. We'll see how this week's plans go.

        Hope everyone is staying dry, or at least dryer than me!
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Sorry about the pictures being out of order. I think I need to just go take a nap!
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            You have 'clients'? Oh boy, I'm a post-beginner amateur here sending rows out to a pro. Should be fun. I will not let myself become intimidated. I will not let myself get intimidated, I will not etc....

            I like your picture of the pocket best.
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              It's not that I'm a pro, I just found some people that like my prices!! LOL

              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                You appear to have hit the ground running with quilting for others - and getting in great practise at the same time.
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Rememberance Sunday

                  The Eleventh Hour
                  The Eleventh Day(sic)
                  The Eleventh Month

                  We will remember them.
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Tried to respond to this on your blog but couldn't find the spot to do it. Hope things soon return to relative normal for you. Your progress despite obstacles is encouraging. "Tommorrow is always a new day".


                      To leave a comment on a blog, you sometimes have to scroll way down and click the tiny word 'comment'. I know it's sometimes hard to see, as I have the same issue on other people's blogs myself. I wish it was more visible For everyone's sake. Oh, maybe I'll figure it out and find out "I" could have fixed it years ago. That would be something to get a laugh from,,, :whistle:
                      Thanks for dropping by the blog,


                        Thanks, Rosemary ! Always a special day !


                          Luann, lovely work!!

                          I've just begun calculating what I would need to charge, should people want me to make quilts for them. I've had people ask, and have always answered "ummm, I've never done it, so I've no idea...." I'd like to figure that out (and think I've come up with an answer that works for me, whether I ever get a customer or not....).

                          I finally took pictures *and* sent them over to my computer, so here's what else I"ve been up to....
                          My practice pieces from the class I took at Houston...

                          Mine are the white background (top L is #1, top R is #2, bottom L is #3; the black one bottom R is one of the class demos which the teacher game me )

                          My Halloween Table Runner (before I put the binding on, but after I quilted it)...

                          Close-up of the quilting (again, before binding). One side had the straight line quilting done with the walking foot, the other with the free motion foot (the spider webs between the star points were with the walking foot); you can tell if you look closely, but not too bad!

                          Now I'm working on a very simple quilt (but detailed quilting) for my MIL for Christmas. Pics of that to come later....


                            Heather - well done! I like the bottom left quilted drawings of the fish and zebra.
                            Who taught the class?



                              Wonderful, Heather! Your quilting is improving by leaps and bounds!!


                                Heather, great work!

                                When it comes to pricing your making a quilt for someone, don't sell yourself low! I was asked recently about making baby quilts for some new grand babies due after the first of the year. It was a general question, but I decided to take the time to set some perameters. I quoted cost of fabric by the yard at 'quilt store' prices. I gave them some ideas of sizes and yardage for everything from a very simple crib size to a twin with 4 inch blocks. No hexies or HSTs, just some disappearing nine patch yardage needs. I also explained that there's a pieced top, a backing of perhaps two pieces, and a batting. Then it needs to be quilted, trimmed and binding added. Now I was only quoting cost of goods, not anything for the actual work. This grandma could well afford it if she chose. At the end of my email I made a simple comment about depending on how involved in fabric choices and purchasing of them she would want to be could have a significant impact on the final cost. I figured that if I had to go shopping with someone, or worse, try to find the fabric they saw ten years ago, I was going to be compensated. And I'm sure you've guessed the results,, no further communication about wanting this done! I think she figured that because I have a stash, a quilting machine, and I love to make things, she was going to get a hand made quilt at a 'bed in a bag' price. If I'm going to do that, I don't want to try to accommodate a nonquilter, as most of them don't have a clue as to the time we put into our work.
                                So, that's why I'm saying, don't sell yourself short! Your time is very valuable and so is the work you do.


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