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Month 3 of my green quilt done. I have never used this method and really liked it....
I like your floral fabric!
The Autumn and Spring versions are different. HelenW used the Autumn version....
Month 3 blocks done for both the Grandmother and Granddaughter quilt. Got started last month using Lynn's instructions on...
I believe that the blocks you put in the corner are supposed to be next to the other like it, so one block up. I think...
I love blue, so I really like the fabrics that you have chosen. I am going to try arranging my blocks like this for the...
I have finished my month 3 blocks. They were fast and easy, but I am still proud of myself for getting these done so early...
What is the name of the glue pen Lynn Wilder is demoing with the Laurel Ridge BOM2?...
The Parchment Blue is a cream Background with very small blue motifs. Use the sketches of the blocks to see what the fabrics...
To the person with EQ7, It took me several days to make my layout in EQ8. I used the Layout Custom and set the size for...
Thank you. That makes sense. Glad I asked....
Marti, I would use the picture of the block provided in the print out and pick solid colors from
that. The column... -
Marti O, If I were you I would not use the descriptive word in the monthly printout, I would look at the blocks and the...
I have EQ7, do you have any tips on putting the quilt outline into the program? I’m using mostly my own fabrics.
Helen, on Page 5 of the Fabric requirements the fabrics are listed along with the information about it - the name, # and...
Marti O, I am having a problem understanding your question. Are you using the kit, or your your own
fabrics? Any chance... -
Gwyneth K - forgot the photo. Month 1, take 2...
Gwyneth K - Bit behind but here are my month 1 blocks finished....
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Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
Hi There,
I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing... -
I'm quite behind on my BOM, but now have all the tall buildings of the outer ring done. I would like to add some house...
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https://bbquiltmaker.b... -
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Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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Heather, I agree with Luann. For a queen size quilt, just the fabric, batting and backing would be close to $200. That does not include thread and all the work involved. If you are just doing the quilting for someone you have to take into consideration what type of quilting you are doing: machine vs hand, pantograph or custom, etc. and are you doing the binding also; are you supplying the batting, thread, backing? It is all a lot of work and we need to charge accordingly.
Yes, what was the name of your class and the teacher? Your work is great and looks like fun to do!
- IP
Kathy & Cathy -- The class was at Houston Quilt Festival, and was called Liberation from the Ditch, taught by Helen Godden.
She is a multiple award winner at Houston, and is the Ambassador from Australie for the sit-down HQ Sweet 16, which is what we used in class. She was hilarious and talented and had us breezing along in no time!
We started with stipples -- draw an S. Repeat. turn it any which way you need to, but it is still basically an S.
Then we did wavy lines she calls zebra flames (they look like zebra stripes), which were by far the easiest for me. Then assorted teardrop shapes, loops, write our name, things like that. She did a fun thing with the zebra stripe pattern, if you space them well, they look like pairs of legs, and if you connect/move from one to the next with a straight line up at the top, you get a row of legs that have arms connected. If you cross back over with a straight line, but with a loop/circle above each pair of legs -- little men! Very cool. I managed to do that a few times, which was fun.
Then she taught varying spirals (regular, flattened, leaves, hearts, etc.), and then some other doodles I can't remember, and then we had a drawing of a zebra to trace onto Golden Threads paper and sew that onto our practice sandwich. So we sewed the outline of the zebra, then removed the paper and then did whatever fill-in we wanted -- so the grass around his feet, the stripes, the little twig in his mouth, and the tree shading him, those are what I did on my own.
Then the fish was the final "challenge" (no winner, no prize, just to practice), and we drew our own, sewed it, filled in. Oh, one of the things was "build a bridge" which was sort of a half circle thing where you go in a curve from point A to point be, then a straight line up, then back down the curve, etc.
We got a multi-page handout with all the things we did, and she of course had DVDs for sale, etc. I bought a just-released coloring/doodle book of hers and then a DVD on 50 quilting ideas (she goes through how to do them).
the demo from class were the things she showed in the last 10 to 15 mins, we were done, it wasn't 5 yet, so anyone who wanted to stay, she let us look at her quilts (she had brought several for show & tell) and ask her to demo whatever we wanted. So she demoed the puzzle pieces, and some daisies, and some other stuff. Gears....a sort of cathedral window thing...stuff like that. Spider webs...
She (and others) were surprised I have done quarter-spider webs and cathedral windows quilting with my walking foot. (on small enough projects).But it was very fun, and truly the highlight of the whole weekend for me. I could ramble a bunch on this (ha! like I haven't already!), as it was just amazing. I have tried FMQing a tiny bit on my own, but having the whole day to just really get the feel of how fast to have the needle, how slow or fast to have my hands moving the quilt, just to get the rhythm sorted out....that was fantastic and just what I needed. It was a class from 9 to 5, with a 2 hr break for lunch. I didn't worry too much about getting it "right", just about getting the feel of the rhythm.
Other than the zebra and the fish outlines, nothing else was marked or traced at all, it was just completely free (she did once or twice have us draw a sort of border to stay within, and keep the design in that space, to practice that aspect). I went all.over. my practice sandwiches, with no regard to going "properly" along, because I just wanted to practice as many things as possible. That's why the first 2 are so full/busy. Then I was running out of space faster than running out of time, so purposely kept the last one orderly to make sure I had enough space left.
- IP
re: pricing my work, thank you all! I have had a few people ask, so have sat down and figured out what fabric costs, what my time is worth, etc. I rather doubt anyone, once hearing the price, will actually decide they want me to do this (especially as I have not been quilting even 10 years, not even 5 I don't think...!, yet...) and yet I would want to be realistic and not give away my time, either. Any quilt I do for someone else takes me away from my (very long) list of projects I want to do for me! LOL!
But, for ex, an in-law wants a sister in law has asked for me to make her a patchwork (a 4-patch or 9-patch type thing) for her guest bed; queen sized. As we were beginning to discuss it, her husband piped up that it could be her Christmas gift. She said, "Oh! yes, that would be okay, you wouldn't have to get me a present...." I said nothing, but spoke to my husband in private later (it's his sister) and let him know he had to clear this up with her....she would need to buy the fabric, etc, *at a minimum*. We normally swap $30 gift cards with this sister/in law, she is not getting a several-hundred-dollar quilt as a gift! yikes!!
She never brought it up again (even before DH spoke to her, which he never has, he said he would next time she brings it up; she's not mentioned it, so it's fallen through the cracks), but I am quite curious if she'll remember this Christmas and ask again. At which point, I will need to be ready with an answer explaining the fabric costs, thread, batting, etc. (one site I saw even suggested including a small amount for needles, rotary cutting blades, etc), let alone time.
But, any time I post a photo of a quilt on Facebook, one or two people ask me if I sell them, how much, etc. I've figured out a fair hourly rate and can give a reasonable answer (and logging the hours on this one I'm doing, I can have an estimate of how many hours it takes me for a very simple quilt....).
I promise not to under charge, if I ever begin actually doing this.
And THANK YOU!!! all for the kind wordsMy quilting is not at all flawless or perfect, but I enjoy it and have fun, and I am definitely learning a lot and growing/improving, which is fun
You all are such fabulous encouragers!
- IP
and what I've done since the halloween table runner --- this is Layer Cake Lemonade (a free Fat Quarter Shop pattern), in purple batiks, for my MIL. She asked a while back for a 'couch throw, in purple, if it isn't too much..." (as a gift, not to pay me, which is totally fine, she does so.very.much. for us; I delight in being able to give people quilts...). Since my FMQ class, I decided a simple layout so I can practice FMQing on a quilt for a person who won't notice mistakes or care about them anyway
It's 70" wide by.....not sure how long. Maybe only 60" wide..? I don't remember....anyway, bigger than "throw sized" but smaller than twin sized.
I have so far done letters in those 5 prints that stick out in the rows, to spell her name (but they don't really show up.....), and did one row. I realized after I completed it, maybe starting in a purple row would have been better, but I knew what I wanted to do in the green rows, so started there (and they are more in the middle). Hopefully the very imperfectness of it will just look cute and more natural, ha!
Used one full bobbin, plus a smidge, and took 45 it normal to use a whole bobbin?? One 70" x 5" row......
The quilt-- (draped over my table)
Close up of the row --
Off to run youngest to class, grocery shop, etc, and let my arms rest!
- IP
It looks great, Heather! I'm really glad that you are confident enough to use the contrasting thread. I think it looks great! And I believe that it's easier to quilt in contrasting thread since you can see what you're doing and you also get better quicker with contrasting thread because you can, again, see what you're doing and you can correct yourself as you go along. Your MIL will be thrilled!
The more quilting you do, the more bobbins you go through. And some machines don't fill the bobbins as full. With my older Berninas, I could hold the sensor in place and fill the bobbin fuller than the machine would on its own, but you can also run into more problems if you fill the bobbin too full so you have to be careful with that. I generally use the time between bobbins to clean and oil the machine, so it's good for me to have my bobbins less full.
- IP
Over the past week I got my mystery BOM blocks done for November
Then I finished 15 star blocks for my Craftsy BOM Summer quilt. Here are 12 of them,
I then moved on to the November work. It's a center medallion with more angles than I like!
This is no longer sewn together! It wouldn't lay flat, and I was 1/8" off on measurement. Since all the other work has to fit around this, I decided to review how it was to go together,,, I put triangle 'b' on first, then 'a' ! What was I thinking??? No wonder everything was off kilter. I took them apart, put them in my scrap pile, and pulled all the fabrics back out to recut these pieces tomorrow. Then I'll sew it together, in correct sequence, and it will work, it will, it will, it will!!
This Craftsy BOM is a FREEBIE on their site. Kimberly Einmo does a great job of explaining just what to do, I just need to listen better!
- IP
Think I have managed to finish all my units for my (ahem) leader & ender Celtic Solstice - except that I got too keen on it for it to stay as a leader & ender and also I redesigned several of the units to change it up a bit. Made using bits of shirts that were off cuts from shortening shirt sleeves, an old skirt that didn't fit anymore, a bundle of floral fqs that were given to me when I left Brownies and some butterflies 'cos I liked them.
Now to trim them up and build the larger blocks.Deborah W
- IP
Love it, Rosemary!
I have that pattern printed and saved in a "to do at some point" file.....we'll see if I ever do.
I have been FMQ'ing a quilt for my MIL. I posted the start of that, now I'm nearly done but she comes over today so I had to stop and pack it up (won't have time today to finish it up anyway, and nearly out of thread......). I loosened up the quilting at the suggestion of my good friend, and may or may not go in and undo the beginning parts, as now they stand out quite a lot as "different' from the rest of it, but maybe I will leave it in and call it a feature of the quilt. That is what my friend suggests, "don't go undo!!" but we'll see. I'll likely end up asking DH, see what a non-quilter will see when they look, ya know?
In a funny, though -- while I was still quilting really dense, I was going through thread at an alarming rate, so quickly ordered a cone of the thread so I'd have enough (I had only bought 2 spools to start, was through one and onto the 2nd and only barely started on the quilting at that time).
Then I loosened up the quilting quite a bit and am now nearly done and may possibly finish w/o running out of thread. LOL!!! Well, I'll need it for the binding too, and I do also have to undo two smallish parts where I forgot to put the presser foot down (ugh) so the back is horrible there. But just find it funny; luckily the thread was on sale when I ordered
Here's the "so far"'s truly not fantastic, but it's for a complete non-quilter and I think she'll love it regardless. It's also not terrible, considering first thing I've FMQed. We won't tell her I used her piece as a practice.....
- IP
Month 3 of my green quilt done. I have never used this method and really liked it....
I like your floral fabric!
The Autumn and Spring versions are different. HelenW used the Autumn version....
Month 3 blocks done for both the Grandmother and Granddaughter quilt. Got started last month using Lynn's instructions on...
I believe that the blocks you put in the corner are supposed to be next to the other like it, so one block up. I think...
I love blue, so I really like the fabrics that you have chosen. I am going to try arranging my blocks like this for the...
I have finished my month 3 blocks. They were fast and easy, but I am still proud of myself for getting these done so early...
What is the name of the glue pen Lynn Wilder is demoing with the Laurel Ridge BOM2?...
The Parchment Blue is a cream Background with very small blue motifs. Use the sketches of the blocks to see what the fabrics...
To the person with EQ7, It took me several days to make my layout in EQ8. I used the Layout Custom and set the size for...
Thank you. That makes sense. Glad I asked....
Marti, I would use the picture of the block provided in the print out and pick solid colors from
that. The column... -
Marti O, If I were you I would not use the descriptive word in the monthly printout, I would look at the blocks and the...
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