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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
    Home from the Maine Quilts show where my Color my World quilt, rename ‘Home,’ received 3 ribbons. I’m overwhelmed...
  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
  • Late at this but having difficulty
    Hi There,

    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
    I'm quite behind on my BOM, but now have all the tall buildings of the outer ring done. I would like to add some house...
  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
    Hi all.. I am behind in my Color My World and just starting the skyscrapers... Does anyone have the finished size (with...
  • My Colorful World With Parks by Duffy
    My quilt is finish
  • Printing for paper piecing question
    For anyone paper piecing, is your quarter inch a tiny bit larger? When I’m trimming up the finished building, I line...
  • Paper piecing color my world…anyone else?
    I decided early to do paper piecing instead of the wax…I’m more comfortable . However, I have a few questions…anyone...
  • Video Access
    Will we have access to the Color My World videos after December 31st? I can't seem to find info on this.
  • New to The Quilt Show
    I am BRAND NEW to the Quilt Show and fell in love with this pattern. I downloaded all of the instructions. My concern is......
  • How to download pattern?
    I'm a new-ish star member and would like to download the "Color My World" pattern...but I can't find where to...
  • Quilting color my world
    See how I quilted Color My World and the added surprise quilting in Wendy’s border:

  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
    Hello - I know someone has solved this problem...I seem to remember a question arising when we put the inner circle together...
  • Great new way to see all the photos!
    Cap'n John showed me a new feature--you can see all the photos posted on any particular topic--at once.

  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
    I know Barbara has reminded us to download all files prior to the end of the year. I finished my downloads today and decided...
  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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    Merry Christmas to all
    I just finished it
    Thanks Alex form getting me into embroidery again
    Susan Skeel
    Des Moines Iowa


      I am new to embroidery and so thankful to have this opportunity to meditate with thread. I selected a plain tonal cotton so I could practice stitches. I’m kind of going with a “crazy quilt” approach. This is so addicting!!!


        Thanks Linda. I’m really enjoying this project.


          I am really enjoying this project. I would appreciate Alex talking about different ways to finish the project i.e. ways to mount; make into a pillow, etc. She had mentioned previously something about putting on stretched canvess. Could she give more details about that possibility. Alex, thanks for all your help. Nancy, Star member..


            Have any of you found video tutorials that you really like? Right handed please. I saw reference to a particularly good left hander but didn’t find others on my quick search here. Thanks and Happy New Year. I’m torn between stitching or watching the BOM videos while all the football on tv!


              Does anyone know how long Alex will continue with this project? I started late and as my norm, going my own way, but having a blast! Happy New Year everyone! Happy stitching!
              Carole Berry


                Originally posted by nhbaskets View Post
                Does anyone know how long Alex will continue with this project? I started late and as my norm, going my own way, but having a blast! Happy New Year everyone! Happy stitching!
                Carole B, There is a class this morning (Monday) Jan 3. You can ask her in the live by posting your question. I love how you
                Go Your Own Way. We are very similar in that respect. Keep posting your progress. It is so inspirational. HelenW


                  Originally posted by HelenW View Post

                  Carole B, There is a class this morning (Monday) Jan 3. You can ask her in the live by posting your question. I love how you
                  Go Your Own Way. We are very similar in that respect. Keep posting your progress. It is so inspirational. HelenW
                  Hi Helen—Saw that in newsletter this morning. I’ve posted more work done over the weekend on the Show Your Work thread. Happy New Year!
                  Carole Berry


                    How do you post the pictures on this forum?


                      Originally posted by littlestitches View Post
                      How do you post the pictures on this forum?

                      Use the box Search the Forum—type Uploading Photos. The first post will take you to step-by-step instructions. Most photos taken on my iPhone are too large so must be resized smaller. That is included in that post.
                      Barbara Black
                      Huntsville AL
                      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                        Ahh I finally found how to make a comment. Yesterday it was the first time in months that I have had a chance to watch these classes. I am intrigued as I watch Alex demonstrate different stitches that the majority are sewn away from the body. I have always sewn towards myself with the majority of embroidery stitches. Is this unique to me or do others sew that way.


                          Do I post pictures from my camera or my phone?

                          I cant seem to post them.. I have to gmail Alex..
                          Thank you yolanda


                            I’m looking for some way to mark the dark blue silk. Any suggestions?


                            • Rhonda B. commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Have you tried iron of chalk? I get the charco pen empty it and fill it with Hancy’s chalk

                            • Helen W. commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Judy W. I do a lot of work on black backgrounds. I also would recommend the iron off chalk. You can get it in pencil form
                              and it works well. Another idea that might work would be to draw you circles or design on freezer paper, do your first line
                              of stitches around it, then pull it off and fill in the area with stitches. HelenW

                            I have been a bit absent due to watching the Australian Open Tennis Tournament (the only sport I watch). I am back to watching Alex and so much fun seeing everyone’s work although I have too much on to join the sew along but I am very interested about the neutrals quilt. I will have to source my own fabrics as I am in Australia.


                              What is the name of the fusible that Alex had us put behind the silk fabric?


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